Open Calling all the monster

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Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 24
A holiday had arrived, which was from Thomas' favorite. That's why they decided to visit them this year, but didn't think it would be so difficult to choose a costume and it was until the very last moment. He finally decided to dress up as a rock-musician skeleton and went downstairs to meet Allison, who had been invited to go to Halloween Feast, at the door of the great hall. Thomas was never as worried as he is now. Many students passed, but looked up the stairs and waited for Allison to come.

@Allison Beckett
Allison was nervous. This wasn't a date, was it? No, it was just two friends, Thomas just asked her as friends. Right? She tried to quiet her nerves, checking to make sure her costume looked alright before rushing from her dorm down to the the Great Hall. Her eyes lit up as she spotted Thomas. She almost tripped running down the stairs but she caught herself. She was laughing breathlessly as she came to a stop in front of him. "Hi! " She giggled, brushing her hair back. "I love your costume!"
Thomas worried that the girl would not come at all. He could hang out as a friend because they weren't close enough to date. Maybe in time he will invite him on a date. Then Thomas see Allison. "Hello," he said with a smile. ''Thank you. I like yours. Let's go.'' He refused, then wanted to reach out to her, but did not to confuse she.
Allison smiled, blushing a little at his compliment. "Thanks," she smiled, turning and starting into the Great Hall. Her smile grew wider as she saw the decorations and all the costumes. "I forget sometimes how fun this feast is," she commented, smiling at Thomas. "What do you wanna do?"
Thomas followed the girl to the Great Hall. Here you could see all the different costumes. He smiled at her words. "That's why I like these feast." He said, then looked at the snack table. ''Maybe we go snack.'' Thomas offered to then invented something else quite fun.
Allison nodded, laughing. "Yes, a lovely snack, I shall snack on your blood!" She teased him in her best vampire voice, jumping forward a bit like she meant to go for his neck. She watched for his reaction though, ready to stop if he wasn't feeling playful.
Thomas smiled. "If I weren't a good snack, you can try." He encouraged and a smile appeared on his face, encouraging Allison even more. When she jumped in front of him, he took a step forward, because such a play went well to his heart. Thomas watched the girl to see what she would do next.
Allison laughed lightly, pleased he was playing along. She closed the distance, putting her hands on his shoulders and leaning in and pretending to bite his neck a few times. "Nom nom nom," she exaggerated, before falling away again dramatically, gasping loudly. "You've eaten garlic!" She put a hand over her heart and another to her forehead, twirling a bit and stopping when she was turned more to the side. "Oh, the tragedy! I'm dyinggg," she started to fall backwards, trusting he would keep playing along and catch her.

-godmod approved-
Thomas played with because he liked the game in which she was involved. He tilted his head slightly to the left to make it easier for her to bite. A little drama that a smile appeared on her lips. "I haven't eaten garlic because they didn't taste good to me at all." He laughed. Then came the real drama that Thomas was having fun and following the words of death. He grabbed before she fell to the ground. "Allie, don't die." he said, holding him tightly in his arms, then stood up and kissed her on the lips.
Allison giggled as he caught her, following easily as he stood them back up. She was about to make another playful comment, but was cut off when he kissed her. She gasped softly, her heart fluttering madly in her chest. She was surprised a moment, but it passed quickly. She relaxed in his arms, kissing him back slowly, placing her hands gently on his shoulders. After a moment, she pulled back just enough to peek up at him from under her lashes, her cheek burning. "Thomas? " She breathed.
Thomas had wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, a kiss a little hasty, that he didn't regret it. He felt his heart pound like crazy in his chest, although there was a bit of anxiety that things could change now as he made events. His hands were relaxed, but after a moment the girl nodded and called his name. "Yes?" He said, trying to get Allison's hand.
Allison let him take her hand, making no effort to move away. She blushed, feeling shy, but also very happy. "Why... Why did you kiss me?" She asked, peeking up at him from under her lashes. Had he just been caught up in the moment or... Was it possible he liked her?
Thomas got the girl's hand when he saw she wasn't going to run away. His anxiety began to fade a little, so that his heart continued to grow like a crazy chest. "Because I like you." He replied quite honestly. Did she like him? And if not? Then Thomas will be able to feel like a complete fool that was told.
Allisons eyes widened in surprise at his words. "You... What?" She studied him, almost expecting that he was lying. "But... You're... You're cool. And talented, and smart, and cute, and funny, and older, and I'm just..." Allison bit her lip and looked away. "I'm just me... " She added softly.
Thomas became serious when Allison considered the qualities she thought he had. Some of them could be said to have answered him, but some did not. True he was older. Was that something crazy? He looked at the girl. ''But you're cool too. No one has made me smile as much as you. Does the fact that I'm older matter? '' Thomas also received her second hand. ''What just you?'' He asked.
Allison blushed as he spoke, glancing back up at him. Her heart raced as he took her other hand, too. "I just... Think you could like anyone. Older girls, prettier girls. I don't... Think I'm very special. And you're special, so... You deserve someone special," she explained softly, looking away again. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and hoped it wasn't so obvious.
Thomas was beginning to feel like a fool and started thinking that should not be said about liking. Before saying anything, he took a deep breath. ''Older girls are probably the prettiest and even smarter than me. Why do I need something more special than you? If you don't like me, just tell.'' He said, because it felt silly and seemed like everyone was watching them both. Thomas looked at the girl, then released one of her hands.
Allison bit her lip when he said older girls were prettier. She looked up quickly when he spoke again. "What? No, I- I do like you, Thomas. I like you a lot." She swallowed nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I just- I've never liked anyone before, and no one has liked me, I don't know what to do," she admitted with a shy smile.
Thomas looked at the girl as she said words that made her heart linger for joy and he smiled at Allison. He saw that he was nervous because he had felt it before she used to curl her hair behind her ear when she started to get nervous. ''Now it is, so don't worry everything will be fine. Now you will have the opportunity to learn everything, the main thing is not to think that you are not special. You are special. Well come let's eat sweets to relieve your nervousness. '' He said, got her hand and was ready to go to the table.
Allison swallowed nervously, biting her lip. She laced her fingers through his and let him lead her towards the snacks. She thought a bit as they moved, unthinkingly moving her free hand to press her fingers lightly to her lips. "So, does this mean there's more kissing later?" She teased him, peeking up at him with a playful grin.
Thomas walked slowly to get the girl along and the excitement was gone because now the heart was completely calm its rhythm had subsided. The hand that held Allison's hand lightly squeezed her fingers. Then he heard a question that made his face smile. "Exactly. If you want to." He said, looked at the girl with a sly smile on his lips.
Allison giggled lightly, bringing a hand up and tucking her hair back. "Maybe. If you play nice," she teased, looking over the snack and picking up a small cupcake. She offered it to him. She liked the bite sized cupcakes, they were easier to eat.
"I can do that if you say what you want to hear." he also started teasing the girl. Thomas took her cake. "What do you want to do next?" he asked before biting into the cake.
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Allie shook her head, squeezing his hand in hers and picking up another cupcake. She munched away happily, looking around. "I'm not sure. Dancing could be fun. There's a maze, we could try that," She offered, looking back up and smiling at him.
Thomas tasted the cake, which had a rather strange taste. He released the girl's hand so that both hands might be free to eat. "We can go dancing, although I haven't danced in a long time. Let's try the labyrinth." he said, although he could forget about the duties of the prefect.
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