Calling All Durmstrangs and First Years at HNZ!

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Zachary Parkes

New Member
OOC First Name
This character, Zachary Parkes is a gay Durmstrang student, and needs someone to talk to about it. I wish he could meet someone that understands his issues, or maybe Zach could like another boy that doesn't like him back? So basically any relations with Zach from a Durmstrang student would be good. Any ideas?

Also, I have 3 HNZ first years that need relationships with some others at HNZ.
I have Beatrice Starr, a nice Hufflepuff with short-term memory loss problems. She needs someone (preferably another Hufflepuff girl) who can remind her what happened the last few weeks? :r So basically a good friend or a few good friends.
I also have Andy Parkes, a Slytherin student (Zach's brother) that needs male friends from any of the other houses. He is also a little bit of a perv, so he needs some girls to like or maybe hang out with?
Finally, I have Kitty Fisher, a Gryffindor who is bossy and wants things her way. She needs female friends and maybe an older student to talk to?

Thanks for reading my totally undetailed development thread and I hope I can get some roleplays started with you!
Hello leo
I have someone to offer for Beatrice.
This is rhiannon McGowan she is also a hufflepuff first year. She is muggle born. She comes from Scotland though has been living in Australia (Hobart Tasmania) for the last five years. She is fairly kind though not overly so. And she is a good student as she has always wanted to be a doctor.
She can not lie and i am thinking she may have a couple of OCD tendencies though I haven't decided yet (not strong ones, more like she will always sit in the same spot in class, she likes her things to be organised a certain way etc).
Let me know what you think.
Hello Mia!
Thank you for offering your character for Bea! I think she sounds like the perfect friend for her! Would you like to start something up or should I? :)
I don't mind either way. You can start a topic if you want to or I have an open topic in the hufflepuff first year dorm if you would like set on the first night in the castle. Or I don't mind starting something new
Is it the thread called "Unpacking"? I don't want to be wrong haha. I think it would be fine if we do it in that thread, just so it goes to use.
That sounds about right for the title.
I have Zara here for any of your HNZ firsties.
She's more of an introvert, but she likes talking to people that seem friendly. She tries to be kind to everyone, as long as they're not unkind to her. She loves to write and read and she's just an overall logophile. So, uh, yeah. She could use any human contact at all.
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