Calixa Anee Rider

Calixa Rider

Well-Known Member
-Full Name: Calixa Anne Rider (Facstate, she is divorced from a rider.)

-Birth Date: February 29th

-Current Age: 32

-Area of education: sOme Beuxbatons, then during fourth year she transferred to Hogwarts Scotland

-Basic Appearance: see pictures and siggy's (i know, original). Also she's only 5'1" and i point this out, because she looks taller.

She doesn't know either of her parents, and all she has left are two photographs. One of her mom, and one of her dad.
She was adopted by two women, who had nine other children, when she was only 8.

Mom 1 - Ariella Simone Facstate
Occupation - Singer/ songwriter

Mom 2 - Ludichris Kitten Facstate
Occupation - Guitarist

-Siblings, if any: She was adopted into a family of 6, and had a sibling of each ethnicity.
1 - Ash, age 42 now, she was the first to be adopted, along with her twin. She was one of Calixa's favorite sisters.
2 - Amethyst, age 42 now, she was the first to be adopted along with Ash, her twin. She was a bit meaner to Calixa, but she still loves her dearly.
3 - Grimoire, age 35 now, she was adopted along with Calixa and two others from the orphanage. Calixa and Grimoire always had a very competitive relationship, but they eventually got along.
4 - Twilite, died two years ago at the age of 34, she was also adopted with Calixa and the other girls. She was two years younger then Calixa, but they were very close. She was heartbroken when Twilite died.
5 - Damian, age 40 now, he was also adopted out with Calixa and the other two. He and Calixa had been best friends, and being adopted did have a bit of a relationship, but they gave up after DAmian got sent away to boot camp. They no longer speak.
6 - Lamia, age 27 now, she was the youngest of the group, and Calixa had always been protective of her.

-Pets, if any: She used to have a pet fox, but after a while she had to let it free.

-Area of Residence: Originally from sydney Australia

-Blood status: Unknown

-What would their Patronus be? A chihuahua, because they are small and loyal.

-What would their Boggart be? Her loved ones all dying in a fire or other disaster.

-What would their Animagus form be? Sadly also a chihuahua. They may be weak, but have their own usefulness.

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would find herself with her real parents getting along with her foster family, and her and her husband back together.

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When she got married.

interests: She enjoys singing and dancing. But she also loves to write her own peotry and things like that. She used to ride and keep horses, but after getting divorced, her husband got those.
So now that we have gotten the mandatory things out of the way, how bout a bit of what she owns and where she lives. :)

her house is a nice one in my opinion. It's big and Victorian. It was recently bought out of the money she got from selling her old house to her husband. it was cheep and she had to fix it up a bit, which cost a bit of money, but she earned it back with preforming in small places, and singing in the streets. Her favorite picture has been stamped into a book:

After buying the house, she needed new furniture. She got a hold of Ash and Amethyst, whom she was always close to, and got some furniture from them. The only things she kept from her old house were the pictures, and the crib from her miscarried baby. though it hurts her to keep it, she does for whenever she finally does have a baby.

She got an old bed and made a few quits for it. The metal frame was forged by her other sister, Grimoire. Those went into the guest room, along with a picture and a small brown dresser, which acts as a nightstand too.


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