🌹 Rose Giving ...But Red Would Suit You More

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Louis Alcott

Dahlia felt a little embarrassed about her angel wings and toy bow. After all, the next rose on her list was to Louis Alcott. And he was one of the cutest boys in the entire school. More than cute, he was gorgeous. But she was committed to playing cupid, even without a real costume, as she was committed to her rose giving gimmick. "Hi, Louis?" She had the rose held behind her back. "Guess which colour rose I've got for you!"
Louis had just started his own deliveries, but so far he hadn't found any of his recipients yet. He looked up when he heard his name, grinning at the sight of a girl dressed as cupid. He smiled at her question. "Hmm... perhaps pink?" He asked hopefully.
Dahlia kind of wished she had a pink rose to give, but she'd been mostly assigned yellow. At least yellow roses were still good, though pink and red were far more classic. "Aw, sorry, it's yellow." She held out the rose and the note, and then offered out the box of heart shaped chocolates. "But you can have a chocolate anyway!"

Happy Valentine's Day

Louis was a little disappointed when the girl said he'd gotten a yellow rose, but at least he got a chocolate out of it. "That's nice of you." He told her with a smile. "Excellent service." He took both the rose and a chocolate. He smiled as he read the note, but did feel a little guilty. He hadn't sent René a rose. He'd planned to, but the limit had stopped him. He knew the apology rose to Celia was likely a waste, but he'd still wanted to send it. He'd make it up to him sometime.

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