But passion's grip, I fear.

Astoria Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Dragon Blood
Astoria Snow silently emerged from the warm comforts of her bedroom and peered about the room carefully. Her amber eyes lingered to the clock to see it was still fairly early in the morning. Early enough to where she knew Jarrett would still probably be asleep. Which was good. The last thing she wanted to do right now was have to face Jarrett while she was packing up her things. Tristane had asked her to move in with him some time ago. Finally Astoria accepted his offer, especially since their wedding was only a couple of months away. But Astoria hadn't told Jarrett yet. She didn't think she could. It took a passionate kissing session for her to realize that she had a lot of feelings for Jarrett. The thought of having to reveal to him that she was moving away was actually heartbreaking. She also knew that if he tried hard enough, she wouldn't be able to leave. So Astoria had no other choice but to try and get this done while Jarrett was asleep. Before Astoria got started she popped a piece of bread into the toaster so she could have something to eat. It popped up not even a moment later and Astoria smothered a helping of butter onto it. Astoria bit into it and emerged from the kitchen. She also had some of her things packed last night, but now she was going for other things, smaller things that she hadn't gotten to. Astoria glanced at the clock again. It was still early, but she wanted to work quickly. Before she figured Jarrett would wake up. She stepped into her room and grabbed a couple of empty boxes and pulled them out into the living room. Carefully she picked up things like her books, Quidditch supplies, and anything else that was small and belonged to her into the box. She made sure to wrap up the things that were breakable more carefully than she did everything else.

Astoria glanced towards Jarrett door, she noticed that it was still closed and breathed a sigh of relief. She continued to pack away things she needed to bring with her to Tristane's. After a bit Astoria pulled off the sweater she had on herself and tossed it onto the couch, so that now she was just in her tank too and pajama pants. It got a little too hot inside during the summer for her at times. Astoria went to grab a couple of her books off the shelf, but didn't realize other books were in front of it, so she was unable to stop a pile of books from falling onto the floor and creating a semi-loud noise. Astoria cursed under her breath. Hopefully Jarrett was a deep sleeper. Astoria quickly put the fallen books back and put the remainder into her box to be packed away. The box was already full so Astoria figured she should move it, but her fingers weren't ready to do the heavy lifting and let the box slip from her fingers. Another loud noise ensued. "F*ck!" Astoria didn't understand why it was so hard for her to stay quiet. What made it even worse was the fact that she she also now heard movement. Oh crap. Has she woken up Jarrett? Astoria was so shocked and frazzled she didn't think to move any of the boxes either.
The last thing that one would ever expect Jarrett waking up to was the toaster working. Something that could scare everyone into a mini heart attack managed to wake him up from a deep slumber. He moaned a bit, before he tossed the covers off of his bed. He put on his sunglasses and he got dressed in his normal clothing. He put on some socks and then some boots. He figured that he better start moving around. He did not drink last night, so he was free of the hangover, which was a miracle. Even though he had hoped that with the kissing that Jarrett and Astoria shared, she would have dumped Tristane but she didn't. She was still marrying him. After she said that if she would have known, she would have chosen him. She knew now. And yet she still did not. Jarrett was definitely thinking that he literally lost her. There was nothing between them since she was leading him on. How else could he explain it? Those words and actions just seemed genuine but if they were, then she wouldn't be marrying him. Sighing, he started to wonder if he should continue feeling sorry for himself. Perhaps not. He had his sisters in his life, and a brother that he kicked out. Maybe he should go get Freya. She was a girl that he liked and all, but she was not his type. So he couldn't seek after her. As a friend, she was a great person to talk to. He thought about calling her up. Then decided on doing that. It might be early and all, but she ought to answer the phone for him. They were pretty good friends, and he hooked up before with her, but he ended that. So they were just good friends. He walked out of his room, and then closed it behind him silently. He did not want to wake up Astoria. Then again, she must be awake because of the toaster.

His eyes drifted up as he made his way toward the kitchen when he heard something crashing to the floor. He went to the kitchen and he got out a bottle of coke. He popped the lid off of it, before he walked to where Astoria was. He took a drink, and in the middle of it, he noticed that there were boxes around. So she really was moving out. She looked good, but it did not take away from what he was feeling right now. He finished his drink and he held the bottle while he wondered, 'Is she planning on wrecking my house too? As if my heart wasn't wrecked enough after this crap?' He rolled his eyes and he wondered if she was even bothered by all of this. Maybe she was just not smart enough to see what was really going on. One way or another, one of the guys that loved Astoria was going to get hurt with the actions she was currently doing. "So," began Jarrett with a tired voice, "you really are leaving. Guess that little speech at the lake, and what followed after must not have meant much." Jarrett shook his head and walked back toward his bedroom, hoping whatever he had to say would either hurt her, or get through to her. He was not wanting to be led around just to get into even worse pain. He was tired of hurting, period.
Astoria froze the moment she noticed that Jarrett was now watching her. She had hoped to have everything packed and out the door by the time he woke up. Apparently fate had a better plan in store for her. Astoria sighed. He just had to delve right into the unpleasant truth didn’t he? Astoria already felt bad, why make it worse? Astoria got up from her spot on the floor and followed after Jarrett. She had every intention of explaining something to him. "It’s because of what you said that I’m leaving, Jarrett. There are feelings there, so I know I can’t trust myself around you." Astoria paused. Her amber eyes staring into Jarrett’s sunglasses, hoping that he would see that she wasn’t messing around. She was more than serious about this. It wasn’t fair to him, Tristane, and herself. Astoria bit her lip before she decided to continue explaining herself and her reasoning’s for moving out. "I remember better than anything what you said to me by the lake, and I agree with you. It’s not fair to you or to Tristane. Leaving is the only way I can keep this from happening again." Astoria finished, her eyes dropping down to the floor. For some reason they decided to find the floor more interesting than anything else she could have looked at in the room. The issue really was that she didn’t want to look at Jarrett now that she had finished telling him why she wanted to leave right now. Especially because she knew that if he reacted badly, she would only begin to feel worse. What else could be done? Astoria made a commitment to Tristane the day he put that ring onto her finger. Whether she had feelings for Jarrett or not shouldn’t matter. Especially when she knew that she and him would never last in anything deep and romantic. They could barely manage being in the same house together sometimes. Yes she would have chosen him if she had known. But she meant if she had known earlier. It was too late now. Astoria felt as if she were about to cry, because of everything that was happening.

Astoria was about to turn and leave, but then she remembered something. Why was Jarrett lecturing her about having feelings for her, when she remembered that just the other day, he had been sleeping with some girl? Was this another one of his ploys to get her riled up? "I don’t know why you’re acting as if me leaving is really going to bother you. You make me feel as if I’m a nuisance to you, and if my memory serves me well, you were in bed with another girl just the other day!" Astoria remembered how mad she had gotten. Mostly because she had been under the assumption that Jarrett was in love with her. People in love didn’t hook up with other people. Astoria vaguely wondered if that was why she hadn’t tried to do anything besides kissing with Tristane. Was it because she was always thinking of Jarrett in the back of her mind when she was with him? Astoria shook her head. "So clearly, you can’t care for me as much as everyone seems to think you do." It hurt her to have to say these things to Jarrett, but in her mind it was true. How could he and everyone else around her go around and say that Jarrett liked her, but then he goes and sleeps with another girl. What if Astoria had been considering leaving Tristane for him? That situation right there would make her back off quicker than anything. Did he love the other girl too? "I hate that I like you. You’re a pain in the ass Jarrett. Half the time I was to kiss you, and the other half I just want to…well to put it bluntly, kick you in the head. We are like two dangerous chemicals mixing together, and-I need to go pack." Astoria silenced herself before she said something she regretted. With a frustrated sigh, Astoria wheeled herself around and stomped her way back into the living room. Why was Jarrett always able to get her so riled up like this? With strong force, she began to toss her belongings into the box. Not caring if they were breakable or not. At least it helped her relieve some frustration.
Jarrett definitely knew that she was frozen when he was watching her pack. He knew that this was going to end badly, mainly because he was the one that always messed it up. Jarrett was used to it, but he was starting to get sick of being the end of the stick, the one that was always getting what he never wanted. He wanted something, and he never got it. The things that he did get, he never wanted it. Like losing his parents, having to sacrifice so much to raise his sisters and his one brother. Jarrett snorted at her words, with how she could not trust herself around him because of what happened at the lake. "Wow, nothing sadder than a girl that cannot trust herself to choose which one she really wants," spat Jarrett bitterly. He then added, "Oh who am I kidding? You chose that insolent little pretty boy." He was sneering by that point, aiming to strike her with every single word that he threw at her, just as he was struck with every single moment that she had been with that little insect. Jarrett would not have hated him so much if he had just not dated Astoria, but that seemed to be inevitable because Astoria attracted every single d**k in town that needed a good comfort zone to go into, even though she withheld from that, so she says. Jarrett wanted to hurt Astoria as much as he himself was hurt. The funny thing was, this was all anger. His anger was controlling his wants, his feelings and his desires. Normally he would not want someone to get hurt just because he was. However it was just recently that he allowed his anger to control everything, and that increased his drinking as well. He was needing the alcohol in order to feel numb, in order to feel somewhat like he did before he was so messed up. Jarrett just wanted to be able to numb the fact that Astoria was marrying someone else. He knew that she would probably be happier with him anyway, since he was like, the knight in bloody shining armor on a white horse.

He rolled his eyes on how she said that he made her feel like a nuisance and how he slept with another girl. He was the one that offered her a place to live when she had nowhere to go, and she called him everything under the sun. From a bad Quidditch player to an idiot for offering her the place. He never called her anything offensive unless she was the one that started it. Then she changed to like, this nice girl or something when she was around Tristane. And he was accused of not caring for her too. He stepped closer to her, his voice raising as he said, "Excuse me? I make you feel like a nuisance? I offered you a place to live, I have asked you to hang out with me and you insulted me every f*cking time! Idiot, bad Quidditch player, whatever you had! And I make you feel bad? Give me a f*cking break! Half the time, I don't even know you! Around him you are this nice person, but around me most of the time, it was like you went out of your way to terrorize me. So don't even dare bring my desperate attempt to find comfort in after I get rejected in another girl into this. Besides, if you loved Tristane so much, why did you bother to respond to my kiss? Hmm? Works both ways." At the end of his rant, he was actually sounding cocky. It was true. If she loved Tristane, she never would have cheated on him with Jarrett with that kiss. It would have gone further too, if Lucius had not stopped them. So she had better stop being a hypocrite before it bit her in the ass. He of course followed her into the living room and he saw that she was throwing things around. She was mad, and he knew it. Jarrett reached out and grabbed her shoulders with both of his hands, and he said, "You honestly do not know how insane you drive me. You are always in my head. And I can't let you just leave." He did not want to let her just finish packing and leave. She could not leave him. Jarrett had little grains of hope that if she remained here, she would actually own up and leave the pretty boy. But in the back of his mind and the bottom of his heart, he knew better.
Astoria wished that Jarrett could spend a day in her shoes. If she had the chance, she would try to spend a day in this. Maybe then they would get an understanding of what it was like. Astoria wondered if Jarrett would still treat her the same way if he knew what she had been through. Astoria knew she would't treat him the same way if the situation was reversed. "Don't mock me Jarrett." Astoria bit back, she absolutely hated the idea of Jarrett mocking her for not trusting herself to choose the the right guy. How was he so sure that he wouldn't go through the same thing if he was in her shoes? Jarrett and Tristane were tugging her in so many directions, it was just cruel. Yet she was the one that got crap for it. Astoria sighed and looked away. Looking at Jarrett was just something that she couldn't do right now. Even if he made easier for her to avoid direct eye contact with his sunglasses. "I never said that you made me feel like that intentionally! Do you even realize how mean you can be sometimes?! Ugh, and what about all the times I asked you to hang out?" Astoria threw back. Hell to anyone else this argument would probably little to no sense. But to Jarrett and Astoria, this was an every day sort of thing. When Jarrett brought up the names she called him, Astoria rolled her eyes softly. "Ever heard of flirting?" Did he really not understand that she was merely flirting with him and trying to get him going? He needed to pay more attention! Astoria was kind of concerned that he had slept with another girl. What if he liked her more than Astoria? What if he-ugh what if he wound of falling in love with her?

"Do you like her a lot?" Astoria asked. Almost hoping he wouldn't answer her on this. Luckily, Jarrett just kept going, and eventually landed on a topic that she hoped he wouldn't have asked. How could she even begin to explain what she was feeling right now? A soft sigh escaped Astoria's lips as she struggled to find a response. "I-I..." Astoria quietly left the room. There was no way she could answer that. The sooner she got her things packed, the sooner she could leave and stop all the fighting. But it would seem as if Jarrett had other plans. Astoria tensed up when Jarrett grabbed her shoulders with his hands. "Jarrett Don't-" Astoria pushed Jarrett's hands off of her shoulders, but only to have him put them back on. Something sparked within Astoria after that, possibly her inner snow reaching out. In one swift moment, Astoria had Jarrett roughly pinned against the wall closest to them. Despite him being larger, Astoria wasn't as weak as she looked. Hopefully it didn't hurt his back too much or something. Astoria didn't want to hurt him. Astoria barely gave Jarrett a second to recover from being pinned up against the wall before her hands grabbed his face and pulled his lips to hers in a deep kiss. She knew he was probably pissed at her already for the whole deal with them kissing before. But right now, she couldn't help it. Right now, everything in her was just telling her to kiss him. Maybe he would forgive her for being such a rotten person if she did.
Jarrett was so angry, he could barely contain it. How dare she tug him all over God's green Earth, him believing that there was something between them when there actually was not. He had never felt more stupid in his life. She was getting married to Tristane Matthias, the perfect man, the one he had no hope to compete against, one that made him feel awful. Astoria told him not to mock her. To which he responded by rolling his eyes, not that she could see. She really could not trust herself with the right man! He knew that this arguing was going to wake the neighbors with how loud they were shouting. It was a good thing that Valera was out right now, and Taralynn moved off or else they would be stuck in the middle of this arguing once more. Jarrett retorted with, after she threw some comments back at him, "I know I am an ass! I don't try to cover it up, but it loves to come out when someone happens to piss me off, which you do a whole hell of a lot with all of your little games! You asked me to hang out with you and fairy boy! You know the answer to that!" He stopped short for a breather when she said if he had ever heard of flirting. She was flirting with him? He rolled his eyes and he uttered, "Oh yeah, flirting. You do a world of a job with that. If you want to flirt with me, try not pushing the buttons of a guy that needs anger management!" Jarrett paused for that, and he thought, 'Did I just say I needed anger management after denying it to my sisters and brother for so long?' He really could not believe that he was saying that. He shook his head and wiped the thought from his mind.

"We stopped hooking up. I couldn't do it," muttered the angry Beater. Of course, when Astoria left the room, he followed. She did not even know what to say to the last bit. He could not just let her leave. She couldn't. She would have left long ago if it wasn't for his sisters sort of scamming her. Jarrett figured it out ages ago. And did nothing. Why would he want to? Astoria told Jarrett not to, but he just did not let her go, with his hands clinching his shoulders. However he was royally surprised when he felt Astoria shove him against the wall. It didn't hurt him, but boy was it hot. She wasn't about to fight him, was she? He did not have long to process it before her hands went to his face and then her lips claimed his. She was kissing him this time? Not caring, he eagerly kissed her back, before he led her straight into the bedroom, not bothering to take a breath. Collapsing onto the bed, the only thing that fueled him was anger. He hated that Astoria could make him do something like this, but he was. He was probably awful for making the moves on Tristane's fiancee, but Jarrett thought that he had Astoria first. He broke apart for a moment, before going to remove her shirt. That was, until his cellphone rang from the side of the bed. Jarrett groaned and he reached out from hovering over Astoria, answering it, "What? I am kind of in the middle of something." It was Lucius on the other line, "Dude I am with my girlfriend right now! You would not believe what is happening!" Jarrett could not believe that Lucius was about to ruin this. Again. "Yeah, whatever I don't care. Have fun, and if you ruined this, I'm killing you." That nurse every time. Jarrett shut off his phone, tossed it to the side, and turned his attention back to Astoria, before heatedly kissing her some more. Lucius was not ruining this. Jarrett was going to finally have his girl, well, for the time being.
Astoria had plenty in her life to be guilty about. She drank religiously, she lied to people to keep her brother and his criminal ways safe, and now she was a cheater too. Kissing Jarrett was wrong because he wasn't her fiance. Tristane Matthias was. But for some reason, kissing Jarrett felt more right than anything else in her life did right now, so she refused to let any guilt stop her from enjoying the moment. Astoria knew that this time it was going to possibly progress a lot further than kissing this time too. Especially when she and Jarrett magically wound up in his bedroom somehow. Astoria's back hit the coolness of the sheets and Astoria's guilt was screaming for her to stop before she did something she regretted for the rest of her life. But her guilt was silenced by the feeling of Jarrett's lips against hers once more after they took a moment to breath. Astoria's stomach starting doing flip flops as she felt Jarrett starting to remove her shirt, it was scary how much she actually wanted this. Their moment of passion was quickly interrupted by the phone ringing shrilly. "Who the he-" Astoria paused when she heard the familiar voice of Lucius on the other end. He really knew how to kill a good moment didn't he? The moment Jarrett hung up, Astoria frowned. "Seriously dude, you'd answer a phone when you have a girl in your bed more than wil-mmph!" Astoria was more than eager to lecture him on bedroom etiquette, further proving that they could argue just about anywhere. But Jarrett passionately kissing her once more wiped every single angry thought away as quickly as they had come. It was then that Astoria starting to let go of every single thing that was holding her back from being happy for just a little while, and starting to work on un-doing Jarrett's belt.
Astoria woke up to the feeling of someone shifting abruptly from below her. The body of flesh below Astoria was currently being used a source of warmth and a pillow for Astoria, so the fact that it was trying to move away from her, was very alarming. Amber eyes peeked out from behind a thick bed of lashes and Astoria slowly began to take in her surroundings. "I'm still in Jarrett's room..." That didn't surprise the brunette one bit, because last night the only thing she wanted to do was be near Jarrett. The last thing she remembered was whispering something to Jarrett and then snuggling up against him as she tried to catch her breath. Now, here she was the next morning. Naked as the day she was born, and still cuddled up to him. Finally, a yawn escaped Astoria and she stretched herself out. As comfortable as Jarrett was to sleep on, Astoria needed to move around a little, even if she was very sore. The moment Astoria tried to move herself away from Jarrett she groaned in pain. "Ow." This wasn't at all like the books and movies made it seem. Especially because she felt amazing, but like she had been hit by a truck. Astoria decided against moving for the time being and stayed cuddled up next to Jarrett, it felt nicer having someone to cuddle with anyways. This was the last thing she had expected her and Jarrett to ever wind up doing, but it kind of felt right. Astoria wasn't sure what had possessed her, but for some reason she found herself learning up, as if to give him a good morning kiss. But it would seem as if she had startled him for something, because next thing she knew, their heads collided painfully. "Sh*t. Ow. Seriously, Jarrett?!" Astoria cursed as she held her head. She sat up, forgetting how sore she was and glared at him. This was what she got for being sweet. A bump on her head. How typical of him.

Jarrett was not exactly one of those bodies that loved to cuddle while sleeping. Mostly when he was asleep, he often remained next to the wall since his bed is against one of the walls, in the corner no less. Soon enough, he was waking up but his eyes remained closed. His body was a little sore, but soon his mind was reeling with ideas. Could it be possible that he finally had Astoria? She was engaged, and then she cheated on Tristane, with him. Was that not a victory onto itself? He absently reached over to his side and put on his sunglasses before he opened his eyes. He was used to this routine, when he was with a girl. This was not any girl though, this was Astoria Snow. What surprised him was the fact that she was a virgin. Well, that was going to be hard to explain to her fiancé. He was really quite proud of himself for doing what he did. That might be a step forward to have them try out their relationship again. He did hear her groan and then mutter one word that indicated that she was sore. Jarrett smirked a bit to himself, as he was awake. However he did not know that she was leaning up, since he was about to sit up himself when their heads collided together, and he groaned in protest. He didn’t know that she was going to do that! His hand went to his head and he moaned, “Wow, Astoria, you know how to wake a guy up.” He was joking at that point, but he sat up too. He rubbed his forehead a bit, and wondered what she was doing before they decided to bump heads. She was not about to kiss him, was she? If so, he could actually change that and make it worthwhile. Could he really be bold enough?

He stroked her back with one of his hands, and he smiled a bit. He then used that hand to travel up to her chin to turn her face toward him just a bit. “Were you trying to kiss me good morning? Because I do think you missed.” He then planted a tender kiss upon her lips and lingered there for a moment before pulling away. He also tried to fix her hair a bit too. It looked a little messed up from the night and the bed. Then again his own hair was in every direction and really messed up too. He had the worst bed head in the world, and he never noticed it. He was more worried over his eyes than anything else. He wondered what Astoria was going to do now. She slept with Jarrett, while she still wore that ring. He looked down at her left hand briefly, and hoped that this would bring about the end of the whole Tristane and Astoria thing. He was dying for it to no longer become a reminder to him that he would never be as good as Tristane was. He was always angry about it, and he wanted to be with Astoria. He was willing to learn how to be a proper boyfriend if that was what it took.
Astoria had never seen Jarrett so calm and caring, ever. It was actually very precious to see in her eyes. It was like seeing a very different side of Jarrett. One that she didn't feel like she needed to be as guarded around. He began to fix her slovenly hair and Astoria smiled. She didn't even want to know how bad her hair looked right now. It had to be better than Jarrett's though, his hair was definitely not bed proof. Astoria noticed him staring down at her engagement ring and decided to distract him. It was a good morning and she wanted it to stay that way until she figured out what to do. "Your hair looks so spongy right now." Astoria laughed at the look he gave her as soon as he said that. Astoria just wanted to get him laughing and smiling for a little while. Like best friends would. "Awh c'mon, it's okay to laugh. Come onnnnnnn!" Astoria jabbed Jarrett in the side, hoping to get a grin from him or something. "Oh I kind of saw a smile there. Ah so you are capable of smiling!" Astoria continued to pick on him and prod at his sides and arms in hopes to get him smiling and laughing. Astoria went to go poke him one more time but squeaked in surprise when suddenly she was pinned down and her hands being pinned too. At least Jarrett seemed to be having a good time, because now he apparently wanted to wrestle. "Hey, that's cheating! Cheat-ahh!" Astoria was quite ticklish, so the minute she felt Jarrett's fingers graze her side, she immediately recoiled. Which only seemed to successfully amuse him more. The next few minutes consisted of Astoria being pinned down and trying to break free while Jarrett kept her pinned and seemed to enjoy watching her try to wiggle free.

In the end it was decided that a kiss would settle the wrestling match that Astoria was at a serious disadvantage during. The moment Astoria's hands were finally released, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he was still hovering above her and met her lips with his in a softened kiss. It was very sweet. The shrill sound of her phone ringing brought Astoria to turn her head away from Jarrett and glance in it's direction. Although she was a witch, muggle technology was quite useful in some areas, and telephones were one of them. "Sorry." Astoria pulled herself away from Jarrett and reached over to look at it. Her heart dropped when she saw that it was Tristane. Astoria flipped open her phone and answered the call. "Tristane! Hey!" She paused and looked at Jarrett briefly. "Oh really? No I haven't finished packing yet. To be honest I....I-oh? No that's okay..." Her face fell. "No it's fine. I'll be home soon. Promise. Love you too...bye." As soon as she closed the phone she sprung from the bed, swears flying out of her mouth left and right. It had finally sunk in what she had done. Not just to Tristane, but to Jarrett as well, and it made her a bad person. "I have to go. I am the worst person ever, I can't believe I even-I-I just need to go." Astoria found her clothes and threw them back on and attempt to throw her messy hair up and out of her face. What the hell was she going to do? Astoria had cheated on Tristane with the last person she ever expected to. Astoria was happy with Jarrett, but she was happy with Tristane too. What the hell had she just done?!
Her hair did not seem that bad now, since he had attempted to fix it without a brush. Sometimes it worked, sometimes, not so much. However it looked a lot better now. Jarrett did notice that she had distracted him from looking at her engagement ring. She spoke about his hair and he rolled his purple eyes, not that she could see that. He did shake his head and how she laughed at his head. It probably did look rather spongy, but he did not really mind. His hair was rather unique. He knew it too, and he often found things stuck in it, like pins and balls of paper. It irritated him but he never said anything. He reached over to rub her hair a bit and he responded, "At least my hair doesn't look as bad as yours right now." Only then did he start laughing a bit, actually having a bit of fun. That had never happened after sex before. Then she started poking him in the sides, which he did not really know were slightly ticklish until now. He fought the laughter and the smile for a bit, but he was going to have to do something about it. Jarrett ended that with him pinning her down on the bed, and how she thought that was cheating. However he did notice that she was ticklish, and unable to fight it like he could. So he decided to have some fun with that. However Astoria did not appreciate that, and Jarrett did. He loved watching her try to fight him and in the end, he released her hands so that they could kiss softly. Jarrett had never felt happier, and hoped that it would never end. This time that he was spending with Astoria was amazing, and there was nothing more he wanted than to remain here for the rest of his miserable life.

All that ended with the sound of a phone ringing. It was definitely not his. When Astoria looked at it, and answered, the one name caused his temporary feeling of happiness just crumble. It was Tristane. Jarrett hoped that she would tell him that the wedding was off, she had found someone better. Jarrett reached over and grabbed a shirt, but once he put it on, he heard her tell Tristane that she loved him. Wait, so things were not over now? She bloody cheated on Tristane! She called herself the worst person ever, and that she had to leave. Jarrett threw on a pair of jeans and he got off of his bed, "Wait a second, you aren't going anywhere! Are you seriously going back to him, after what we just did?!" Jarrett could not believe this. He thought for sure that he was going to get the girl, but she was running back to him. He had never felt more used in his life. What the hell was he, just some hot action on the side? Was he really being strung along with Tristane too, by Astoria? "You cheated on him, with me! I thought that we were really going to have something, but you run back to him? Do you honestly think that he would take you back once he finds out what we did? Just like, oh, all the other guys that did the same thing to you and you wouldn't dare give them the time of day!" Jarrett had to say something, but he gestured while he was continuing, like there was no stop on his mouth, "I'm actually here, now. But I hate being led on by this. We were happy not five seconds ago, can't you just leave him and we can continue that? Please?" Jarrett was basically asking her to leave Tristane, for him. He would be open to try it again with her, whatever it took.
Astoria was actually surprised that Jarrett was stopping her from leaving once more. Did he really not want her to leave, or was he just that angry that he refused to let her leave until she felt just that much more upset with herself? When Jarrett got angry he seemed to forget that his words could really hurt sometimes. Jarrett asked her if she was really going to go back to Tristane after what they had done. The brunette glanced at the disheveled bed behind Jarrett and frowned. "Yes." Astoria was about to add on more, but Jarrett continued. The more he said, the more upset Astoria became. Astoria was under the impression that Jarrett had slept with her on purpose. He hated Tristane so much that he would do anything to hurt him, even this. Astoria knew what she did was wrong, but now she felt hurt herself. "You only did this because you wanted to hurt Tristane." Astoria muttered as she turned to face him. "Jarrett I'm sorry, I-" Astoria honestly couldn't just sit there and list out all of the reasons they would never work out well. How Astoria clearly had problems with it came to relationships, or how Jarrett was so angry, it was no wonder that he was alone. He scared away any chance he might have had at true love, Astoria included. A part of her was afraid of Jarrett. What if she did decide to be with him and he woke up one day and decided he wanted nothing to do with her. Astoria didn't want to leave a guy that she knew would care for her, for someone who she couldn't even count on a day without him getting upset with her. What if they did get involved with one another, and he got so mad that he hurt her? "I can't. I have to go." Astoria turned away from Jarrett so she didn't have to see his face before she grabbed the last few things belonging to her and leaving the room. Knowing fully well that she would be back for her things at one point or another.


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