Busted, So Soon

Lucas Chase

Disowned / Werewolf / Magical Creatures Regulation
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Unyielding Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Someone might have thought that going swimming in the lake would have been a bad idea, but for Lucas Xavier Chase, it was thrilling. Since the accident, he had yet to change into a werewolf, and the full moon was in a couple of days. He had been taking the wolfsbane as ordered, and he had someone making it for him. Professor Snow or Professor Zhefarovich. Whichever one was free. Lucas had a lot of pent up energy, so swimming was the best option. So far, no one was around the lake, which was good. He had this hideous scar on his back which would not go away. He hated looking in the mirror at it, and avoided the dorm room shirtless if and at all possible. Lucas wanted to be free from this curse, and he had yet to even change. Was he still pure-blood? Surely, he was. He had to be. His stature was not erased just because he was one of the infected. He loved these creatures because they were so fascinating, and now, he had to become one. The thought of turning made his stomach turn, and he surfaced in the water once more. He had yet to see a mermaid, but right now, he really did not want to.

The Ravenclaw swam over to the surface, before crawling onto the sand. He reached for a towel that he left for himself, and wiped off his face. Oh, the water was everywhere. He felt the familiar sense of burning in his eyes from opening his eyes under water too much. He groaned as he thought over what he needed to do today. He had some homework to do, but he did not want to do any of it. He was too mixed up. He did not know what he needed to do to get rid of the feeling of dread. He counted the days until the full moon, and he was not feeling up to par. He groaned as he dried off his hair to some extent. Because of the towel, he had no idea that someone was around him at all. Instead, he just made sure that he was not dripping water everywhere as he held out hishand for his shirt. He could not reach it, due to it being on the other side of his body.
Helen Mowry had been absent during her time at Hogwarts. She was there physically, but mentally, she was far, far way. She'd go to different places. They were places that did not involve learning magic or competing with her peers. She felt outside of herself. Helen had no idea what she did anymore. She felt like a ghost floating around in the space around her. She would get up, make it through the day, eat some, and go to sleep. That was her schedule. The Slytherin decided to go to the lake. She thought about taking some samples. She liked looking at the specimen that were in the lake. She liked collecting them. It was very odd of her to just collect things from the lake. Why would students want to do what she did. Helen dressed in a one piece and shorts. She finished it off with a jacket. She could not just go walking around in a swim suit! She would definitely lose a ton of points from Slytherin then. Anyways, it was not like they were in the lead. Hufflepuff was ahead of them, and Ravenclaw was slaying everyone. Helen strolled through the corridors, and she made her way to the Lakefront. She walked calmly with a tote bag slung over her shoulder. She had forgotten to put on some shoes. Oh well. She'd deal with it later.

Helen reached the grounds and began to walk closer to the Lake. The girl was looking down at her feet. She had the had habit of walking with her head down. Her would cover her face, and she would look as if she wanted to be invisible. Helen had talents that weren't noticed. It was relaxing to feel the sand between her toes. She could feel every mineral it contained. But then she stepped on something. A shirt. She slowly picked it up and looked around her. She was standing next to a boy. His back. Oh dear. Her eyes widened in surprise. She saw scars like that before. Her brother had them. She bent down to get a look at his face. She smiled slightly. He did not have any scars on his face. He was a lucky one. "You're very clumsy." she stated and offered the boy his shirt. No student would have scars like that unless they were from a an extremely abusive family. "Cover up before anyone else sees you." she said gently and took a seat. She loved the sand. "I am Helen." she introduced herself softly. She went back in her head to see when the next full moon was. She had a habit of tracking it too, for her brother. It was soon, so she needed to be gentle. She did not want to set him off.

If he does have scars on his face, let me know. I will change it. This turned out a bit better than I thought. xD
Lucas heard some words, but he could barely make them out. Something about someone being clumsy. He dumped the towel from his head, and looked up to see some Slytherin girl. Why in the world was she down here? Wanting to go swimming or something? However, she told him to cover up before someone sees. Oh crap. His scars on his back from the attack! Lucas scrambled to find the shirt, before shaking it off and slipping it back on after it was handed to him. As soon as he made sure that his shirt was on, and he looked over at the girl. She introduced herself, before he wondered how in the world would she even know that he had scars. Lucas did not want to really know someone right now, not with the state of mind he was in. He narrowed his eyes and he said, "How did you know that I needed to cover up? I could have had a childhood accident for all you know." He didn't know that the werewolf scars looked differently from the other ones. He just had them on his back, which was good because he could not handle having the scars on his face. It would be like wearing his disgusting aspect every day for everyone to see.

The young werewolf looked down before he figured that she might have known someone with similar scars. Maybe he needed to hear her out. He wasn't a Ravenclaw because he was fond of the color blue. No, he was smart. Perhaps that was not his only quality that suited him for Ravenclaw, but that didn't discredit his intelligence. Lucas looked toward the slightly younger girl, "Perhaps, you have seen these sort of scars before, no?" Lucas wrapped the towel around his shoulders. Lucas was suspicious. She had to know a werewolf from knowing the scars. If the one she knew was the one that attacked him, which was unlikely, he would hate her forever. But it definitely was not the case. The probability would be very slim. "I'm Lucas Chase." He was about to add in that he was a proud pure-blood, but he stopped himself immediately. Why would he need to say that right now? Especially with what he was. He hated it, and he hated himself. Nothing could ease the feeling he was going through. Who in their right minds would understand him?
Helen rolled her eyes. Childhood accident? What could he have done to cause such horrible scars to form? She sighed and realized that she probably would not be able to collect any specimens today. There was a much bigger and more important problem in front of her. "Because you shouldn't be proud of showing those off." she told him. Her words were harsh, but her tone was gentle. She could only imagine what the boy could be going through right now. He had came up some lame excuse. She would think a person would be smarter than that. Her brother managed to hide his condition for years. She wondered how long it had been since this boy had been turned. Helen nodded her head.

"My brother. He wasn't so lucky, and he has a scar on his face." she told him. She pulled her knees to her chest, and rested her chin on them. The boy introduced himself as Lucas. He was the first werewolf he had met, other than her brother. "How long has it been for you?" she asked. She just wanted to know. She was not really curious, but she needed to know how to act around Lucas. Ther way she acted changed for every person. It was fickle of her, but she needed to do what she had to in order to reach her goals.
Lucas heard her words, and as though harsh as she perhaps intended, maybe she did not understand that he was definitely not showing them off. He rolled his eyes as he shook some of the water from his hair. Lucas needed to figure out how he can enjoy stuff without being found out like he had. "I was definitely not showing them off. I was swimming and thought that I was alone." Lucas explained, his tone much harsher than hers was. Lucas was irritated that someone would even consider that he was showing off such ugliness. Lucas could be vain if he wanted to be, and he would gladly show that much. But scars, any sort of them, were hideous. Even this girl had to know that, surely. However, there were cases where Lucas had been wrong before. Her next words, however, really took him off guard.

Her brother had this happen to him, and he bore the scar on his face. "I do not know what to really say. Magic cannot cover it up." He would have said that he was sorry, but it was not his fault that this girl’s brother was a werewolf. How could it be? So, he avoided phrases like that a lot. She asked out long has it been for him, and he looked down at the ground. "I have not even transformed yet." That alone should tell her the information that she wanted. Lucas did not know what he could do once he did transform. He would be alone. That would be okay, but he did not know anything else.

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