Closed Busking Tunes

Eloi Kristiansen

eldest brother; homeschooled
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eloi had a lot on his plate, though he always did. But the kids had got to be pretty restless, and he had just needed to get them out the house. He had the twins holding the pram, with the youngest in it. the elder ones walking ahead. he was tired, the littlest had been up half the night. It didn't help that today was Eloi's birthday and no one had remembered. Though he hadn't really expected them to. He was getting them to moving to the park where they'd be able to have fun. Eloi was stopped though as he heard someone singing and noticed the boy about his age, who appeared to be busking. He was really good.
Zerrin had struck out with the family so that he could try his hand at busking for the first time. The girls were dancing and he was singing their favorite songs. He had drawn a little bit of a crowd, but he was trying not to focus on that- especially when a cute guy with lots of kids popped up. Zerrin ignored it- ignored him, and just kept playing, smiling at his sisters dancing with Fraser and the triplets in their prams. He gave his mom a playful wink, shifting to one of her favorite songs and smiling just a little more when she started to try and drag Graeme into dancing with her. If nothing else, this was fun. It was a good experience.
Eloi was trying to wrangle his siblings, but they seemed enamoured with the music, especially as it switched from one song to another. Eloi was the oldest of eight, and oldest by a margin. His next sibling after him was all of 8 where he was just 17. But he helped out, he always had. He crouched by the pram, where the youngest was, and as all the others danced to the music Eloi remained at the side of the baby, dancing with him from the pram. "He's really good isn't he, Tyr?" Eloi said quietly to his baby brother.
Zerrin watched as his siblings started to really intermingle, the girls starting to dance with some kids around their own age. They seemed to be in the company of the cute boy around his age. Zerrin flashed him a smile, but kept playing, until he'd finished a few sets and he could see that his sisters were starting to get tired. "Alright, last song," He called out. "Any requests?"
Eloi watched as the kids seemed to dancing with other kids. He assumed the boy who was playing's family. Eloi smiled as the song ended, and had been about to coral his siblings when the boy said he was doing one last song. Before he could stop them, Hilde, all of eight years old, clutching her twins hand shouted out Eloi's favourite song before pointing to him to tell the boy as much. Eloi blushed and gave a half wave to the boy. "Only if you know it,"
Zerrin chuckled, finding the kids adorable. He nodded, and started strumming. "Of course!" He threw a playful wink towards the group. He shifted a little more to face the boy in question. He actually liked the song a fair bit himself. He'd sung it often himself. He kept stealing peeks at the boy, giving him a smile between verses. As the song ended, the kids were still dancing. He hopped up, sneaking around all the kids. "Hi!" He greeted a little shyly. "I'm Zerrin! These rascals with you?"
Eloi was pretty surprised that the boy seemed to know it, but was glad, it was nice. he was good. He stayed with Tyr, dancing with him a little and just enjoying watching the rest of the kids. The song ended and he summoned the eldest twins. He reached into the pram and took out some money. "Put this in his bucket," he told them, just as the boy approached. "Eloi," he replied, holding out his hand to him. "Yeah,"
Zerrin pretended not to notice the kid going to give him a tip and instead just focused on Eloi, giving him what he hoped was a charming smile and was nowhere near as awkward as he felt. He shook Eloi's hand, nodding to his own motley crew. "This lot is mine- though honestly I'm always expecting more, those two can't behave," He raised his voice to call to his parents, who'd just stolen a kiss. He shook his head, half smiling at Eloi. "We're done here, but the kids look like they're having fun. I could see if we could transfer the whole lot to that park nearby?" He offered, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb in a general direction of said park.
Eloi glanced at the adults that Zerrin motioned to and gave a sympathetic nod, knowing exactly what that was like, given the current amount he was watching over. Tyr was a little over six months and Eloi felt hopeful that he would be the last, though with their mother that was never certain. "Oh yeah, that's where we were heading anyway," Eloi replied. He wasn't sure why this boy would want to come spend the time at the park with so many kids when the parents were there, but he knew even if his mother could that he would still be offering to help out.
Zerrin smiled. "Cool! Let me just- oh, thanks," he had turned, meaning to put his guitar back in the case, but one of his sisters had already brought it over. He kissed her forehead, she took off, and he strapped the case to his back. "Need me to grab any of yours?" He asked, looking about to see how well situated everyone was.
Eloi gave a little blush at how nice he was with his siblings. He shook his head, and then called his siblings towards him. They all somewhat choatically approached. He was able to put Tyr back into the pram, the second youngest was in his arms, with the older ones holding the pram. "We're a well oiled machine," He said with a smile. He knew it wasn't always like that but he was glad they behaved. "When did you learn to play?"
Zerrin tilted his head, and offered out his hands. "I could hold the little one for you?" He suggested. "Give you a free hand, at least," He smiled as the child was given, readjusting them on his hip as he considered the question. "I started taking lessons at about twelve, I think," He settled on with a nod, letting Eloi lead the way. "What about you? What do you do for fun?"
Eloi didn't want to make Zerrin do anything he didn't want to, or force him to deal with his hoarde of kids. But he did offer the child up, given that it did free him to move a little easier and move the pram. "Wow, so a natural at it then?" he said, given that with those skills he had figured that Zerrin had been playing since birth. He opened his mouth to reply to the question, but had nothing good to say. He had no hobbies really. Thankfully he was saved as another of the kids moved closer to him, asking to be picked up. "How many siblings do you have?" he asked Zerrin, given that he wasn't sure if all the kids he'd seen who weren't his siblings were this boy's siblings.
Zerrin chuckled, before pausing to do the mental math. "Oh, um... Fraser, Floraidh, Holly, Arron, Barra, Coll, annnd," He glanced to his mom. "One more on the way." He laughed, shaking his head. "So... seven?" He gave Eloi an impish grin. "What about you?" He questioned, trying to count the kids that Eloi had with him.

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