Open Burden of Missing Home

Thomas Fitzgerald

introverted 🪴 plant & animal enthusiast 🐈‍⬛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Veela Hair Core
11 (02/2050)

It had only been a couple of weeks since Thomas had started Hogwarts, and while he was somewhat enjoying school, he was missing home terribly. His older siblings were at the Hogwarts school in Scotland, while his dad and younger sister were back up in Auckland. He missed home terribly, and sort of wanted to go back home, but the boy knew he couldn't. While Thomas was missing home he had been writing to his dad as much as he could. Today had been one of those days where he was writing back to his dad, it had been nice. Thomas stood in the owlery, placing and tying his letter to one of the owls. He struggled to do this for a few minutes until he felt the owl peck his hand and he immediately pulled away. "Ow" Thomas said softly, as he shook his hand as if somehow it would ease the pain
Ambrose was doing more than okay at Hogwarts and yet he somehow had this urge to write home. Something that felt silly to him, because he hardly doubted his parents missed him. It always felt like they were far too preoccupied with their own lives, although perhaps that wasn't fair of him to think. It wasn't like they didn't pay him any attention, they just had a habit of making everything revolve around them. He still felt obliged to write though and part of him was curious to see if they would respond, how they would respond. "Yeah, you've got to be careful some of them are way less friendly than others." Ambrose said easily when he noticed one of his classmates getting pecked by an owl as he walked in. He took a second to observe the owls himself, before eventually picking one that seemed calm enough. "You good?" He asked the other boy while he waited for the owl to take his note, internally trying his best to come up with his name. He liked to believe he was good with names and faces but sometimes he just needed a sec.
Thomas jumped a little, as he hadn't heard the other person come into the owlery. The Hufflepuff noticed the boy in a few of his classes, thought to be honest, Thomas wasn't that great with names and felt bad that he didn't know the boy's name. He nodded as he listened to what the boy had said, though his face became red from embarrassment. Thomas felt embarrassed from being pecked by an owl. "Y-yeah, I'm good" Thomas said softly yet shyly to the other boy, as he continued to shake his hand, hoping that it would somewhat make the pain feel better, but it was no use, he then inspected the pecked finger, hoping it was nothing too bad.

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