Open Bundled Up, Guitar Out

Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio was due to go to Italy really soon, it just turned out that his mother wasn’t feeling good and she wanted to wait until she felt a little better. Lumio had been rather angry at the time, blowing up a little unjustly at his mother but had eventually stopped, knowing it wasn’t helpful. This happened, he knew that this happened, and there was little he could do but wait it out. He had just been so looking forward to seeing his cousins and everything that he was just a little disappointed. But he’d come to the park, looking to get out the house and cool off a little and knowing that he could play his guitar here without anyone complaining that it was too loud. He sat down on a bench in the park, not interested in the stuff there, overly bundled up for how not cold it was and just was casually playing. If he was even better then his cousin would be so impressed.
Jarica always liked this park. She was walked here and looked around where find place to sit and read the book. Jarica her interesting music and she walked there. "Hey, you realy nice playing! Are you from Gryffindor house?" She asked and remember him from gryffindor house.
Lumio glanced up when someone spoke to him, he was a little surprised to note it was a girl a little older than him, but he knew she was in Gryffindor with him, if only because he was sure he had seen her face around the common room, but also because she asked if he was a gryffindor. ”I am!” he said both loudly and proudly. ”Thanks! You’re in Gryffindor too right?” he asked though he was already sure of his answer. He shifted the guitar lightly in his hands and stretched one out to her, ”I’m Lumio,”
She was glad to her that that he was from Gryffindor house. Her memory was good and she remember the people to. "Ur welcome!Yes, i this year be 5 year. Jarica told him with a proud voice. She was happy be Gryffindor house. "Nice to meet you! My name is Jarica". He was a nice name. Jarica sit a little bit and later will be go for walk.
Lumio smiled at her, still a little mindlessly playing the guitar in front of him and nodding, ”I’m going into third year!” he told her proudly. He was so excited for his third year, for the new classes he would be taking and all the other fun that he was going to have. ”Nice to meet you Jarica,” he said in response, his early bad mood was fading away as he spoke to this new person. ”What brought you to the park today?” he asked.
"I wish you good luck!" Jarica remember her self third year and she was happy be back to shcool and thanks needed sy Solomon. He helped her came back to Hogwarts. "I like somtimes walked here and look amaizing place. How about you? What bring you here?" Jarica asked hom and wanted know a little more.
Lumio smiled gratefully, he was sure it wouldn’t be good luck, he didn’t need that sort of thing really. It was school and it would be more exciting. He nodded as she said that she walked here, it was clear she liked it. He gave a little shrug, ”I had a little argument with my mum and came here to blow off some steam,” he told her. ”I’m not usually in New Zealand long enough to make the most of the park and stuff,” he told her, ”It seems like a good place to play!” he said, touching his guitar as he said it.
"Oh, no! I'm so sorry for that. But don't be mad at your mom. She loves you not matter what. I know, becouse, i don't have a mother." Jarica told him and take deep breath. She know that her mother was a azkaban and she killed people with criciutos course. "But somtimes what you need is spend time outside and think about it. That always realy helps" Jarica smiled.
Lumio looked at Jarica and felt a little bad about it. He knew his mother loved him, they had a deep bond it was just they were both a little hot headed and times and though he understood, he couldn’t always be in the best control with certain things. ”Oh, I’m sorry. Why did she pass?” he asked, ”I know my mum loves me, we just fight sometimes and it’s always good to get a little space to cool down. " so he did agree with her. ”It does, I find it helps a lot, I don’t like the outdoors much but it is good,” He didn’t tend to go that far when he was annoyed, but he’d come a bit further and bundled up as if it was true siberian winter.
"It's okey, thanky Lumio!" Jarica didn't wanted tell Lumio what happened her mom and mayby he will be scared with her talk." My mom get azkaban but i not like my mom then you don't need voried about" Gryffindor girl smiled to him and hoped that he will not run away. "That realy help and where you alone you can came down and later apologize" She smiled him.
Lumio smiled at Jarica, he was a little surprised that she hadn’t lost her mother via death but her mother had been arrested and placed in jail. That was so much wilder than he would’ve thought but he could also understand why she might saw what she had to him in response to what he had said. He nodded in agreement, ”Yeah, exactly,” the boy said. ”Thanks Jarica, you’ve helped me feel a bit better. are you doing anything for the holiday?”
"I'm glad, i can help you and feel better" Jarica smiled the younger boy and she feel good helping the people. "I spend time Bringstone Vilage with my grandmother and try get new job. How about you?" She wanted find her self job and get some money.
Lumio smiled at her and nodded, ”Yeah? What sort of job are you looking to get?” he asked her, he wasn’t sure where was hiring, but it would be something. He didn’t want a job, he wouldn’t be able to go back to Italy during the holidays. He knew he’d eventually have to get a job but he’d wait until he was done with school before he did anything like that, ”Mama and I are heading to Italy, we’ve got family there,” he told her. ”Can’t wait to get out of this winter season and get some good summer,”

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