Bumming Around

Abbey couldn't hold back a blush at Theodore's comment about her being pretty. As her cheeks and nose flushed a delicate pinkish hue she smiled at Theodore and said, "I don't get caught, so really you wouldn't have to worry about getting me out of trouble." She smirked slyly at this then giggled.
"Heh, then why do I always get caught?" Theodore wished he could make trouble and not get caught. "Maybe I need to take lessons!" Theodore said to himself as he scratched his head.
Abbey shrugged slightly as she said, "Maybe because you stand out from all of the students at this school? I mean look at you, you aren't exactly a typical 12 year old now are you? Then again, neither am I.. though it's in my blood to be sneaky and do bad things, my Dad was a trouble maker at school." Abbey smiled proudly as she mentioned her father, she knew for a fact that she looked more like him then her mother, the only common trait she had with her mother was her brown hair and violet eyes. Asher looked so much like their mother it was uncanny.
Theodore scratched his head as he thought about Abbey's response. He actually wasn't a typical kid. He came from a bad family image and that of course branded both he and Alyssa for life. Theodore suddenly smiled.

"Nope. I guess I'm not a normal thirteen year old." Theodore muttered and he discreetly corrected Abbey about his age. Although he just turned Thirteen last month, people seemed to still often deem him as twelve.

Theodore continued to grin. "Wow...what a small world. My dad was a trouble maker too....did your father go to this school?" Theodore vaguely wondered if Abbey's father had gone to school with his father.
Abbey playfully rolled her eyes and said with sarcasm in her tone, "Oh my, such a big difference." Abbey shook her head at Theodore's next question and said, "No both my mom and dad went to school at Hogwarts Scotland." She smiled then asked curiously, "Let me guess, Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?"
Theodore shrugged his shoulders at Abbey's comment before he decided to throw in another comment.

"Well it makes a big difference to me. It makes me feel more manly when you say Thirteen!" Theodore pretended to flex a muscle. Then he playfully stuck his tongue out before he let his arm drop.

"Well...my mom went to Beauxbatons. My dad went to school at Hogwarts in England though." Theodore wondered if he had any family members that went to school in Scotland.
Abbey laughed into her hand at Theodore's words then teased, "Oh yes, you're such a manly man." Abbey giggled once more then admitted shyly, "I didn't know that there was a Hogwarts in England." She smiled at Theodore then asked shyly, "Are you going to the Halloween feast?" Abbey didn't want to be there alone, sure Isabella was there but she seemed a little boring for her liking.
Theodore immediantly shook his head. Big crowds still made him extremely nervous. Plus Isabella and Aiden would be there at the same time. And anywhere those two were at the same time always put him on the edge. Plus Alyssa wasn't planning on going because she hadn't been feeling well. So he would feel rally out of place.

"I'm not so good in big crowds, plus I wouldn't even really known what to go as." Theodore wasn't very creative. So that's why he didn't even bother to come up with a costume.
Abbey frowned slightly then said, "Well that's a shame, but the offer is still open, if you want to go and be an awkward loner with me, give me a ring." Abbey grinned at Theodore then shrugged her shoulders, it didn't make much of a difference, the only reason she was going was because she needed to make friends that were around her age.
"I'll go with you. I'm just not planning on dressing up." Theodore wouldn't mind going with Abbey. She might keep him some company. Although Theodore wondered if she even planned on going.

"They have candy there right?"
Abbey grinned slightly at Theodore and said, "If you don't want to go it's fine, but I'm going anyways." Abbey nodded her head and said, "I can only assume so." Abbey smiled at Theo then said, "I think I'm going as Abigail Williams, one of the Salem Witches." Abbey shrugged her shoulders once at this, it wasn't very imaginative, but it was the most Halloween-like thing she had or could sew.
"To be honest...I have no clue who Abigail Williams is. But hey..at least your wearing a costume. Maybe I should just go as myself....that's pretty scary." Theodore laughed as the thought of candy filled his mind.

"Mmmm....candy rocks! I always take enough and manage to save it to snack of whenever I'm in the mood." Theodore smiled.
Abbey laughed slightly and said, "Clearly you don't pay enough attention in History of Magic, Abigail Williams was a big part of the Salem Witch Trails." Abbey grinned at Theodore and said in a monotone, clearly being sarcastic, "Oh yes, you're just terrifying."

Abbey grinned at Theo then said, "Between you and I, I'm not much of a candy or junk food person." She shrugged her shoulders slightly, it wasn't a big deal or anything, so she didn't care what he did with that information, if you could call it that, though she had a reason for not liking candy, a very good one, but she didn't think it was appropriate to share now, at least not with a stranger, Blake didn't even know and he was like her brother.
"I never really pay much attention to anything." Theodore shrugged. He especially barely paid attention is History of Magic. He felt he learned better on his own then listening to someone else teach him how to do everything.

When Abbey said that she didn't really like Sugar Theodore smiled. He totally understood and wasn;t bothered by it either. "Hey..it means you'll have to worry about less cavity's." Theodore joked.
Abbey shrugged her shoulders slightly and said, "Neither do I but after having Professor Binns Professor Glasson is a god send." Abbey chuckled slightly at this it was quite true though. Abbey smiled at Theodore's commented showing her teeth as if she was on a tooth paste commercial, the lights in the Great Hall made her teeth glisten as well. She chortled once, though she wasn't sure if Theodore would get her little joke.
Theodore cocked his head to the side lightly and gace Abbey a confused look. She was smiling as if she wanted him to get something. Which is truely wasn't.
Abbey rolled her eyes at herself when she saw Theodore's confused expression then said, "Never mind, bad joke, you probably don't watch television anyways." Abbey of course assumed that many wizards didn't know anything about muggle things.
Theodore smiled sadly.

"Nope. My parents never let me do anything that related to muggles." Theodore vaguely wondered what everyone thought about tv anyways. "Is tv fun?"
Abbey shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know, we didn't have one at the orphanage, I just heard about it through some of the Hufflepuffs." Abbey furrowed her brow at Theo's words and asked curiously, "So you're a pureblood as well?"
Theodore sadly nodded his head before he sighed and placed his hands lazily behind his head. He wondered why everyone was either so shocked or surprised to hear he was pureblood. He was surprised they couldn't just tell by his attitude or last night.

"Yep, I'm a pureblood. I'm actually form one of the richest, biggest, and meanest pureblood families out there." Theodore shrugged as he gazed at Abbey lazily. He felt immensly saddend when Abbey mention she ha dlive din an orphanage. That seemed like such a lonely live...for anyone to live.

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