Bumming Around

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
Theodore strode into the Great Hall with his bag still hung on his shoulder. He just came from class and instead of heading back to the common room he decided to head to the great hall.

He was unsure why he feet dragged him all the way in here. But soom he found himself lazily sitting himself at a random table. There was food sitting on the Table but he was unsure if he really wanted to eat any of it. Theodore sighed and took the bag off his shoulders and let it drop off somewhere next to him.

"I hate school." He muttered.
Abbey was sitting at the Slytherin table when a boy about her age sat right across from her and she muttered back, "Join the club." Abbey felt her eyes roll, school wasn't so bad, actually she sort of liked it, it was much better then anything else going on in her life, much better.

Abbey took a sip of her pumpkin juice and then gave the boy a frail smile and said simply, "Abbey Lurken." She couldn't help but realize that he looked a lot like Alyssa, perhaps the two were related? They did act similar. Abbey glanced over at her bare arms, glad that the many bruises were gone, but she could still feel the fear and hurt from the man, she really hoped that this boy were cheer up if he stayed near her, she still found it very difficult to talk to boys that had bad attitudes, they scared her.
Theodore looked up in slight shock and almost dropped the glass he had picked up a moment before the girl spoke. His dark green eyes stared at her curiously before he placed his glass down.

When the girl gave Theodore a small smile and introdouced herself Theodore immediantly felt a little less tense then he was. He didn't know her very well, but he knew that she was a Slytherin and that made him a little more comfortable as well. She was a pretty girl, and Theodore hadn't really done well with good looking girls ever since he started fighting with Bella.

"I'm Theodore Snow." Theodore muttered carefully. He had just met her, so he was still somewhat uneasy.

"Hm, I think it is. It's a lot easier and faster just teaching myself." Theodore knew countless curses and hexes that he had taught himself. But he wasn't going to tell her that. "Are you a transfer or something?" He asked her.
Abbey's violet eyes danced with relief when he calmed down a little and she said with a smile, "Oh you're related to Alyssa." Abbey looked into the boys green eyes, they were sort of enchanting, she quite liked them, they were a different shade of green then she had ever seen in someone's eyes before, and she was almost certain the boy was surprised by her own violet ones.

She then nodded her head twice, once in agreeance and the other because she was a transfer. "I agree, I taught myself a lot of magic in my first year, I got into a fair bit of trouble though," Abbey rolled her eyes slightly as she pretended to be calm when she felt like she should be shaking with nerves then she said, "Hogwarts Scotland, and I can assume you are a native?" Abbey gave the boy a grin as she looked over him, he was quite good looking, different, she enjoyed different.
Theodore blinked and blinked, he suddenly just noticed that her eyes were a very pretty of violet. He had never seen anyone with that eye color before. He had to admit that it was somewhat entrancing to look at. When the girl said that he was related to Alyssa he blinked again and shook his head to try and get the entracing state her eyes had put him in.

"Mmhmm. I'm assuming you know her then. I hope she didn't cause a scene." Theodore muttered and rubbed his head shyly. Sometimes Alyssa could be a bit over the top. This girl seemed quite shy too, so he was sure Alyssa's attitude would've shocked the girl.

"Yep. It was either that or Beauxbatons. I thought that school was way to girly, and I like speaking English more then French anyways." Theodore said with a small smile.

"Hey...are your eyes...supposed to be that color?" Theodore hoped it didn't sound like he was trying to be mean. He just wanted to know why her eyes were violet.
Abbey nodded her head with a smile and said, "She's my dorm mate." Abbey smiled at Theodore and she said, "French? That's neat, I don't speak a lick of it though." Abbey shrugged her shoulders inwardly at this she wished that she had the opportunity to learn it but with the way she was brought up it was too hard.

Abbey beamed at the boy, and her eyes danced joyfully and she said proudly, "Yeah, my mom had violet eyes as well, so does my sister." Abbey gave the boy a light smile and said simply, the boy seemed like he was trying to be nice about it, "Don't worry I get that a lot."
"Wow. I wish I had cool eyes." Theodore muttered before he took a quick sip of his pumkin juice. What was even cooler was that her mother and sister had it too, Theodore knew nothing that cool was in his family like that.

"Sharing a dorm with Alyssa....you must have quite the tolerance then." Theodore laughed. He thought This girl had a really pretty smile.
"What are you talking about? You have the most amazing green eyes I think I've ever seen," Abbey said truthfully. Abbey gave Theodore a smile at his joke, but she didn't really get it, she seemed nice enough, then again he was her relative, she didn't have any so she of course didn't know how they acted around each other, how would she? She only met Asher last year but she left about a month or two into the year and they only spoke through letter, and now... now they had lost all contact. "What do you mean? She seems nice.. a bit... hyper for my liking but it's not much," Abbey said with a curious expression wiped on her fragile face.
Theodore began to laugh when Abbey said that Alyssa was nice. Sure Alyssa could be nice as long as you stayed out of her way. But her attitude was highly scary. However Theodore really didn't stay with her inside the dorms. Maybe she was nicer to girls then she was to him when they were home during the summer.

"Eh...just don't make her angry and you guys will get along great." Theodore smiled and flipped some of his blonde hair away from his face as he fiddled with his lip piercing.

"Do you have any family members in this school too?" Theodore asked.
"Is that because she has Veela blood?" Abbey asked curiously, she wasn't all that sure if Alyssa did have veela descendants but it was a possibility, she had the same look about to that Isabella did, and it seemed that the boys went gaga over her when they saw her, so it seemed likely.

Abbey shook her head and said, "Nope, my sister went here last year for the TriWizard Tournament, but.. uhm.. " Abbey trailed off, she had forgotten her lie, then she looked up at Theodore and said, "Don't your parents think you're too young to have a lip ring?" Once more Abbey wasn't sure if parents would allow lip rings normally, but it really didn't seem likely to her. Even Mrs. Cajou was against her getting ear rings.. and she had just been the lady that ran the orphanage.
Theodore was slightly shocked that Abbey knew that Alyssa was part-veela. He thought Alyssa would try and hide it. But knowing her she could never keep things inside for too long. She loved to spill anything she could open her mouth and get out.

"It might be. I'm shocked you know she that was part-veela at all." Theodore muttered. When the girl talked about her sister being there for the TriWizard Tournament he gave her a weird look. Some gut feeling told him that she was lying. But he was going to press her because he just met her and could be seriously wrong.

"Heh, I could care less what my parents think. I never see my dad and my mom never really pays attention to me anyways." Theodore crossed his arms over his chest and sniffled.
Abbey smirked slightly when Theo confirmed it then said, "I didn't know for sure until now, someone I knew from HS was a part-Veela, she reminds me of her, except Alyssa didn't insult my parents." Abbey mumbled the last bit so it was pretty well inaudible. "What's that look for? Asher came here last year, she just didn't come back with me," Abbey said honestly, then thought critically, Way to put your foot in your mouth Abbey, good job! Now he is going to ask you why you moved up here!

Abbey frowned softly at Theodore's words and said with empathy, "I'm sorry Theodore." Abbey knew what it was like not to have parents around as both of hers were dead, sure there was a difference but it was still similar, very similar. "I never knew my parents, I understand what it's like," Abbey said giving him a trying smile, she didn't really care that she had just shared that her parents were dead, but it didn't matter much, they were dead, it wasn't going to change anything, now she just had to make sure Asher didn't die as well.

[occ: who do you use for Theo's character.. im curious]
//I use Dave Williams? Why?//

Theodore frowned. It shocled him that her parents were both dead. He didn't really realize what it was like to lose any family that was really close to him. Abbey also mentioned something about someone named Asher not coming back with her.

"I'm sorry. I could never imagine what it'd be like to lose my parents. Even if I hate them strongly." Theodore frowned.

"What do you mean that Asher didn't come back with you?" Theodore asked quietly.

Abbey shook her head gently and said as if she was trying to convince herself more then Theodore, "No it's fine, really." Abbey gave him a weak smile then said, "Oh Asher is my sister.. she uhm, uhhh..." Abbey looked down, trying to remember her lie. What did I tell Isabella? Lord, now it's obvious! I'm an idiot, I can't even remember a simple lie! "She didn't like it here when she broke up with someone," Abbey lied weakly then forced a sheepish smile and said sheepishly, "I'm sorry that was awful. I can't lie at all can I?" Abbey forced a sad chuckle then frowned weakly.
Theodore shrugged his shoulders. A lot of girls were bad at lying. So it didn't really shock him to found out that she wasn't much better.

"Yeah...your kind of bad. But if you don't wanna tell me you don't have to." Theodore always felt really bad when girls felt pressured to do things. He could sense that this girl had a bad past or somthing along the lines.

"I must admit that I had never met this Asher person. Thought I was quiet the hermit in my first year so that might be why." Theodore shrugged his shoulders.
Abbey smiled at Theodore and said, "Thanks." Abbey wasn't exactly planning on telling this perfect stranger what she was going through right now, only a select few knew and she wanted to keep it that way. "Apparently she was the same way, only spent time with Nina and her boyfriend," Abbey said with a slight shrug.
"Ah, so she wasn't TriWizard Champion." Theodore thought she wasn't a champion. But he couldn't really remember. He really only remembered the name of Hogwart's New Zealand's champion.

"So she was shy?" Theodore asked lightly. She did seem a little shy and a bit gentle. Or maybe she was just nervous around Theodore. She was in Slytherin, so there had to be some darkness inside her.

"Cause you seem really shy."
Abbey shook her head with a frown and said, "No, Nina was." Abbey would have much preferred if a Slytherin was champion but of course a Hufflepuff had to be champion. She rolled her eyes at this then she looked back up at Theodore.

She bit her lip at his words then said, "Believe it or not, over the summer I changed a lot, I used to be smug and cold, now.. I'm a different, people like that well.. I just can't be around them with out remembering something painful." Abbey shuddered and winced as she spoke, her memories hitting her like a ton of bricks and she blinked away her tears quickly.
Theodore frowned and uncrosse dhis arms when he sensed something was wrong. Abbey seemed really sensitive and hurt about something. It seemed to change her and me her into a different person.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly hoping he wasn't invading by asking her anything.
Abbey bit her lip and said, "I'm not so sure if you'd like to know." Abbey probably would end up telling Theodore, she felt comfortable around him, she wasn't sure why, but she felt like she could be 100 % honest about herself when she was with him, which was more then she could say about anyone else. She just didn't want to make him awkward or make a mistake in telling him the truth about why she moved here. She didn't want him to think that she was unable to deal with something like abuse, though she knew that it was something no one should ever have to deal with.
Theodore smiled knowingly. He didn't want Abbey to feel like she had to tell him anything. They just met after all. Theodore knew there were many thing he didn't want her to know about himself.

"It's alright. We just met, don't worry about it?" Theodore gave her a toothy smile.

"So...how do you like Hogwarts so far?" Theodore asked quickly changing the subject.r]
Abbey smiled at Theodore then said, "This Hogwarts isn't much different then back in Scotland, but there doesn't seem to be much interesting things happening around, it's getting a little dull, unless... you know of something interesting we could do?" Abbey gave Theodore a gentle smile as she waited for his response.
Theodore shrugged his shoulders with a small smile on his face. To be honest Theodore rarely did much. In fact he barely talked to anyone ib his first year. So there was not much for him to do.

"To be honest I rarely do anything. I don't have many friends, and I tey to stay out of trouble as much as possible." Theodore frowned.
Abbey sighed gently then said, "Well now you have a friend, sorry it's decided." She flashed him a playful smile then said, "I'm sure we could figure something fun to do without getting in trouble, I'm new here and I don't want to get into trouble either so not to worry." She flashed Theodore a pretty smile, her eyes dancing brightly, for some reason she was feeling quite comfortable around him, it was a little odd.
Theodore smiled and chuckled lightly. He hoesntly didn't think making friends was ever going to be this easy for him. It was usually Alyssa that made friends so easily. None the less he was still glad to have actually made a friend since Henri left school last year.

"Haha, I didn't know making friends was going to be that easy!" Theodore returned her smile. Except his was more boyish then pretty. "I don't know what I'm going to do now that I have such a pretty friend to hang around with!" Theodore teased lightly.

Theodore flipped his hair away from his face. "It's good that you plan on staying out of trouble though. Then I won't have to worry about getting your butt out of touble all the time!"

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