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Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
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Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene loved halloween. she always enjoyed making a costume and coordinating it with her friends. this year she had managed to convince her twin to dress up with her. over the break she had been introduced to a muggle story and from the descriptions of the main charictors she had thought it would make a great costume for her and heli. the costume had actually been easier to craft than she had expected. hell's was easy. black leggings and long sleeved top which she had decorated with a purple motif, and a utility belt to hide the join and make it look like a body suit. hers had been harder, also all black but instead of the purple motifs she had made armour to cover her upper body and attached insects to the suit taking beetles and spiders out of her potions kit. she had made a mask too but carried it as she entered the great hall. she looked around and couldn't see her sister anywhere. so she made her way to the house of mirrors.
Halloween was probably Lars' least favorite celebration here at Hogwarts. The idea of dressing up and standing out in that way always terrified him a bit, and in his early years at school he had definitely avoided the fest more often than not. But as a sixth year, Lars was becoming more and more aware of how little time he had left at Hogwarts. So like last year, he'd actually put on a costume, though admittedly a lazy one, and gone to the feast. A partof him had hoped to run into Blake, but he spotted the boy talking to Cyzarine Haden and steered clear. He knew Blake had a reputation to uphold, but it still hurt to see him talking to a pretty girl. Lars sighed, looking around for anyone familiar. Nell was around, but she was hanging out with Jasper Night and Lars didn't really know him that well. He then spotted Selene, and almost automatically drifted over to her. "Hello." He said, giving her an awkward wave. "I don't know what you're supposed to be, but it looks nice."
Selene saw someone in an orange outfit approaching her but with the distortion of the mirrors, it wasn't until lars spoke that she realised who it was she looked around. "Hello lars" she said glad to have a friend around. "thank you. I am skitter, a superhuman who controls insects. it's a character from a muggle story. Helia is around somewhere as my teammate tattletale but I have no idea where she is" she said. your costume looks cute and so much more comfortable. what animal are you?" she asked. she could tell that he was an animal but wasn't sure what, was it a tiger, some kind of cat or dog she wasn't sure.
Lars listened as Selene explained her costume, looking around at the different mirrors. One was making him look even more tall and gangly than he was, and it was a rather ridiculous sight. He nodded as Selene explained her costume was from a muggle story, as was her sister's. "I'm not familiar with that, but you look cool." He said with a slight shrug. He smiled when she complimented him in turn. "I'm a fox." He said with another small shrug. "But honestly, it looks a little ambiguous."
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