Bruin and the Brotherhood

Bruin Dumbledez

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" - Dragon's Heartstring Core
Bruin had struggled with many things during the past year and he still had no idea what he wished to do upon graduation. He had certainly had an eventful first six years at HNZ and had likely left his mark not only on his hardware in the Trophy Room, but also a few of the younger students that would follow him. However, he wished to leave something more permanent of himself here and he could think of nothing better than a strong fraternity for the boys that would enter the hallowed halls long after he had left the building. This was the year that he wished to make the Brotherhood of MAGIC and its unique philosophy a more permanent fixture of the Hogwarts New Zealand experience.

For that reason, Bruin had set up a booth in the Entrance Hall with an immense banner over it. The message on the banner was clear and he only hoped that those strolling through the vast hall on their way to their meals would read it.
Ever wished you had a place to get away from all things girly?

Ever wondered why girl's dorms are private, but you have no such sanctuary?

Ever simply wished that there was a place to just hang out with other guys?

If the answer to any of the above is yes, then you need to know about the Brotherhood!

Bruin looked up at the banner and smiled, hoping that some of the boys around school would have the courage to come and speak with him. They wouldn't regret it.
Aries walked down the stairs only to be greeted with a massive banner . He read it before proceeding on to the great hall, then did a U-turn and came back again to the booth manned by the head boy.
"So such a place actually exists here?" he smiled, extending his hand, "I'm Aries."

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