Brotherhood Soccer Tournament Spectator Topic

Matthew Harper

📷 Honest | Photographer | 2046 Graduate | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Jason)
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2028 (34)
OOCOut of Character:
This is the spectator topic for the Brotherhood Soccer Tournament. Feel free to RP your characters watching the two matches going on right now. They are on two small fields next to each other, so feel free to react to events on both.
Match 1: link
Match 2: link
Soccer wasn't one of Odette's hobbies, and as a kid she had never been allowed to play it, but she felt like she had to watch this game. After all, her boyfriend was playing. She stood at the sideline, watching silently as a boy in her own year started off quite badly. She snorted. Quidditch was amazing, but she didn't know much about other sports. But she thought she would do better than that. She hoped Hayden would too.
Above anything else, Geo wanted to morph herself into one of the boys and be down on the pitch herself. Knowing how well that would go down, she'd hesitantly made her way to the side, observing as the matches began. She was so confused, not entirely sure who to route for. For the first time everyone seemed to be split up from their usual house colours into their teams, and so instead she decided to just pick out a couple of her favourite people that she could spot playing. Cheering on Oswald, Flavio and Ares, she watched in delight as the games progressed, while arguing with her mind that one day maybe she would be able to get under the radar to play herself.

Glancing to her side, she spotted another blonde that had come to watch. "Who are you here for?" She asked excitedly, unable to contain her curiosity. It wasn't for the house points, so there must have been someone instead.

Odette was focused on the field and the brotherhood members playing this silly game, not on any other people watching the matches. She didn't notice the younger girl until she started talking to her, and turned to her with a cold look. "Not you, that's for sure." She said shortly before returning her attention to the game. What business was it of this stranger?
Geo was taken aback at the girls response to her question, and it took her a moment to think of what she'd say next. Most people in the castle were at least open to the idea of talking to one another, and it wasn't usual for the Hufflepuff to find someone so hostile. "Well, obviously. I'm not playing." She added, as though anyone would actually have come to see her if she was. "Fine. Don't talk to me. Keep your sourness to yourself" she added with a smile, before turning her attention back to the game to begin cheering on her friends again.

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