Broken Hearted But Coping

Ana Dreamer

OOC First Name
Call me Elphie
A magical one
Ana wandered along the street. She hadn't any idea why she had left home today, but she hadn't wanted to stay cooped up indoors another second. Her head hurt. Had she slept last night? She couldn't remember. It didn't matter. She watched people go by, wondering how people could stand to wake up every morning. Ana couldn't remember if she had even gone home last night. Then she realized that she must have, otherwise she wouldn't have been wanting to get out of the house. If only Damien hadn't left her. He'd gone, taking her heart with him. Ana hated him. Or did she? She wasn't sure if she could hate him. Because, the fact was: Ana couldn't hate. She wasn't too nice to really hate anyone. She didn't hate Damien. She was just upset that he had left her.

Ana sat down on a bench, slipping her feet out of her killer heels. Why she wore them was a mystery. She ran her hands through her curly hair. If Ana had been a normal person, she probably would have screamed and cried over Damien, but she knew she wouldn't feel any better. Ana chewed on a piece of hair, feeling lonely. She desperately wanted someone to talk to.
Bray walked around the Harbour with nothing to do. He was bored and it was his day off from the shop and as usual he was bored and his calender was free of any events. Usually he would go out and get drunk with some friends but apparently not today. It was a warm day and Brayden was in some quarter length jeans and a baggy T-shirt. He didnt care what he looked like to other people, he didnt need their approval besides he didnt know them so they didnt matter.

With a sigh Brayden walked over to a near by bench and sat down regardless of the fact that there was someone already sat down there. He looked at her and took in her beauty. Bray smiled. He had to talk to this girl. "Oh you didnt mind me sitting down here did you." He said with his soft voice
Ana sat still, quietly thinking about her novel. She was stuck at one point, where she couldn't think of what the character could do. She had thought of many 'escapes' already, but nothing that her character would actually do. It was a bit annoying for Ana when she couldn't write. Ana continued to chew of her hair as she thought. She hadn't been writing much since the divorce, and she didn't have many good ideas for the rest of the plot.

She was deep in thought, when a man sat down next to her. "Oh, hello!" she greeted him, startled. "Uh, no..." she said slowly. He was sitting there already, plus Ana didn't own the bench. "I mean, I don't mind." she added, in case her last answer had confused him. "I'm Ana, by the way." she said. In her family, it was custom to introduce yourself as soon as you met a person.
Brayden smiled when he noted that the girl didnt seem displeased to see him. He didnt like people who judged others before they had even really met. Bray was the more open minded type and it took a lot for him to actually hate a person. This could be a gift sometimes but other time people would just take it for granted. It did mean that he had a lot of friends around here and he had had a few girl friends but he was really the relationship sort and they would always do the breaking up. He never let it get to him though as he was young and attractive he could get plenty more if he wanted.

Brayden couldnt help but give a slight chuckle at the woman's response to his question. He had understood the first time around but she gave another he guessed to make sure that he would get it. He wasnt dumb or anything in fact he was very sharp and well educated so a lot of things were not lost on him like they may have been on others. When Ana introduced herself Brayden gave her a warm smile before holding out his hand for her to shake. "Im Brayden. Nice to meet you Ana." Brayden said warmly as he took away his hand again. He never minded about giving his name out really it was only polite after all and she had given hers first so there wasnt much he could do. Well he could have ignored her and walked off but then again he was the one who had spoken to her in the first place.

Smiling at her again as he noticed once again her beauty he wanted to get to know her more but he didnt want to look needy by asking her all sort of questions so he would just start with a simple normal every day question. "So are you from around here?" He asked leaning back on the darkly painted planks of wood held together by nails and metal bars that made the bench. Bray turned his attention to his front so it wouldny look like he was staring. He didnt want to put her off with such a rookie mistake. He liked it around this area. The water not far away from him and all the shops that were scattered around the place. It was a fun place to be and the crowds of people all gave off the same feel. Enjoyment. This was what Bray was soaking up and it was making him feel the same. " Tell you what i just love coming here. I think i would have to say that it is one of my favourite places. The sea air mixed with a few food shops and the way that the crowd makes you feel. I think it is impossible for someone to not like this place." Bray commented as he made more conversation with the pretty girl next to him.

Glancing over at her he noticed that she looked older than him. Not that much older but there had a to a gap between the two of them. He wasnt good with age guessing so he put her somewhere in her early twenties. Then again Brayden was never really good at age so he had probably gotten it wrong but he wouldnt ask her as he knew it was rude to ask a woman her age. Not that he saw anything wrong with it but someone about the female mind didnt like it so he didnt risk asking
Ana shook Brayden's hand. "That's a Gaelic name, isn't it?" she asked. It was one of Ana's mini-obsessions to find out name origins and meanings. "Or it could be the English version, in which case..." she murmured. "Sorry, I like names. Every name has a meaning, and sometimes they can say a lot about a person. Or sometimes they are completely pointless and mean nothing relevant about the person." Ana stopped. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

Ana nodded. "Yeah, well sort of, I live about half and hour's drive away. I come to Obsidian a lot though. It's peaceful, but at the same time it's not." That last sentence probably no sense at all, but Ana didn't really feel like explaining. "Improbable, not impossible. Nothing's impossible. My little sister hates it here. She hates the beach, no clue why. I love the beach, especially the water." Ana laughed. "Y'know, I've never really met anyone else who actually liked crowds. They're just so exciting!" she grinned.

Watching the water, Ana smiled. "Perfect surfing weather." she commented. "I come here a lot to surf. Do you surf?" She asked.

((OOC : Sorry for the replied after long time .... :r ))

Brayden looked at the girl. Gaelic eh ? What's that. Brayden didn't know Gaelic yet. So, Brayden asked to the girl. "What is Gaelic ?"

Brayden made himslef comfort with staring at the beach. It's very lovely and warm out there because it is summer time. Ana asked Brayden about surfing. "Surfing ? I enjoyed it but it doesn't my favorite sport at least. Do you like it ?" Brayden asked back.

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