Brittany Clarke ♥

Brittany Clarke

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OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
Brittany Elizabeth Clarke
I know not everything can be perfect, but i have to believe it that it can be.
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Full Name:
Brittany Elizabeth Clarke

Date of birth:
June 20th, 2023.

Current Age:
Twelve years old.

Brittany is a part-veela and is a half blood, she likes to keep that secret.

Hogwarts house:
She is a Slytherin student. Brittany was very happy to be in Slytherin. Here parents were also sorted into Slyterin. So it would be a shame if Brittany would not. She loves Slytherin and does not want to be in one of the other houses.

- Clarke, Brittany! ' Brittany looks proud and smiles when she heard her name. She walks very exited to the sorting head, and sit's slowly on the stool. Slytherin that's my house. Other houses sucks! Brittany was thinking that. The sorting head takes a deep breath and was talking about beautiful Brittany. What would it be??

"You're intelligent, but not wise. You're far more interested in your wellbeing than others' - you're well suited for SLYTHERIN!"

Basic Appearance:

- Hair: Brittany has long blonde shining hair. Brittany her hair is very long, over the shoulders back. She is very proud of her hair, and makes use of it. For the most part, Brittany leaves her hair down. So when she walks it moves after her. She has some curls in her hair, but sometimes it is very straight.
- Eyes: Brittany has big blue eyes, eyes you never have seen before. When you look into her eyes you melt. She looks always around her, keep people in the eye and requires a judgment on them. Her look is very arrogant and full of herself.
- Skin: Brittany has a pale skin. She wears not very much make-up on her skin, because she has a beautiful skin and a great color. She wears a soft pink blush, that makes her face even more beautiful.
- Smile: Brittany smiles much, but if the smile is always real is not known. When she smiles you see the perfect white color. Brittany is very interested in her looks. She often laugh mean to people, when they are not that pretty as she is.
- Build: Brittany is very skinny, she has got a model figure. She is very long for her age. She has got early a woman body, it is not fully mature. But she has got quite a cleavage.
- Clothes: Brittany has got a lot of clothes. She also imposes a large wardrobe just for her. She wears a lot of dresses and from major brands. Most of the time she wears the schooluniform, if it is necessary.

Brittany is a smart girl with a big mouth. She has an opinion about everything, and most of the time she said it out loud. Her parents has given her not much love, they are divorced and it is been very hard for Brittany. Because she is only a child, but sometimes she looks more older and have seen things that a eleven year old girl never has to see. Brittany knows how to play people, and can be cruel if she wants. Brittany has got a arrogant look, but behind that she is a sad girl. She doesn't want to show her emotions and if people come to close she pushes them away. Brittany gets from her parents much money and stuff, but it is a neglect of her upbringing. Brittany handle things on her own, but likes to hang out with people that she picks. Brittany is a part-veela and likes that, because she has confident about it and her looks. But Part-Veela's are victim's of bullies, so she likes to keep it as a secret. That is her weakness, and so she is not saying it out loud. But if anyone try's to bully her about it, she care much. She does not bully part-veela's because she know how it is to be one.


Judy Van der Woodsen - Clarke: Mother.

Judy Van der Woodsen is the mother of Brittany, she is a very beautiful woman. She is a part-veela. She was married with John Clarke. When they divorced she changed Clarke, back to Van der Woodsen. Brittany looks like her mother and they are the same. Her mother is a rich woman, and has a job on the ministry. She is a business woman, and is very fashionable. She is always buzy with working. The break-up with her ex husband was very hard for her, because he cheated with another woman from his work, and it was her best friend. She was a time very emotional, and then Brittany had pity with her mother. Brittany was to young to understand, but she was so smart. She saw things and saw another woman with her dad. It is very confusing for a child. But Brittany was alone when her mother came back to her old self.

Elijah James Clarke: Father.


John Clarke is the father of Brittany. He is a handsome men and He works just like Judy at the ministry, it is very hard to see each other there. But they love the job and he works a lot. He is really a gentlemen, but also a hard men. He has a strict face and don't let any emotions free. He is a rich men and want to show it to people, he walks in suit always. He cheated with Madison, he is married to her now for a few years. He gives Brittany everything but love is too much. She gets stuff and Madison the love, he thinks that his daughter is ok with all this. But she is not, but she doesn't have the strength to tell it to him. And even if she had, he would not listen.

Madison Ashley Forrest: Stepmother

Madison is the stepmother of Brittany. She is a very beautiful woman and that is irritating Brittany. Her father falled for the charms of Madison. Madison is a mean and hard woman and works with John at the ministry. They know each other from there and the love was there. Madison hates Brittany and Brittany Madison. When John is around Madison is sweet to her, but when is away she is just like a angry stepmother. Brittany tries to ignore her, because she doesn't want trouble with her dad. But she act like she is much older, because all the stuff she has been true. Madison doesn't like competition and is a sneaky woman.

Julia Rose Clarke: Sister

Julia is the little sister of Brittany. She is a beautiful girl and has earned the part-veela from her mother and sister. Julia is a bit more sweeter than Brittany is. Julia was finding it very hard to see Madison in the picture and not her mom. But she is now used to it and loves Madison now, because Madison is trying to win her over. And Julia does not know anything because she is only a child. Julia is good in making friends but just as Brittany she is spoiled and thinks bad about people who are poor. Julia loves her big sister and see's her as her role model. But Brittany is a bit angry at her sister for loving Madison, and tries to warn her.

Area of Residence:
Wellington, New Zealand a big land from the family.

Interests or Hobbies:

- Shopping
- Busy with her look
- Get attention
- Defence against the dark arts
- The ministry

Her weakness is her past and her situation with her parents. When she see's family's together with much love she is very jealous on them.

Plans for your future:

After Brittany graduate on hogwarts, she wants to work at the ministry in england. She wants a good job and fame.

Describe your character in three words:

Spoiled, Beautiful, Mean.

She is very strong, but in the inside emotional. She has got a good look so she can get a lot of attention, that is very good and helpfull sometimes. She says anything she wants and when she wants it. She is very mean and can help herself if someone says anything mean to her. She don't cares about other feelings much.

Your Patronus:
A tiger - It stands for her power, speed and strength.

Your Patronus memory:

When her parents both are free from there work, they have a great day. It was on Brittany her 6th birtday when her parents were still together. They are laughing and she had a great time. A little moment of love.

Your Boggart:
She not beeing pretty and growing old. She has a lot of fears but she is very arrogant and spends a lot of time into her looks, so if it is not right it would be a nightmare.

Mirror of Erised:
If Brittany looked into the mirror, she would see herself with a lot of diamonds, a good job at the ministry, a big house and everybody knows her name.

Your Animagus:

Brittany would be something like a tiger or cat.

Roleplay's with Brittany

Year one
- Not so easy
- Not again

Year two
- The other side

- Can i help you?
Héy Jamie, leuk gedaan. :D

Back to English:
Nicely done, hopefully we're going to roleplay in the nearby future, with this character or my other one.

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