Bringing Them Back

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Justin Cliffeton

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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
So ; as most of you know I have been gone for a while, and I need to get back into the swing of RPing on a regular basis.

I need all of you to help me with this.
Right now I'm just going to concentrate on Justin, whom I want some RPs for. I don't care if it's just friends or if it's enemies as well. He already has a girlfriend and a final.

I would also, as I have just decided, to bring Annaleise Evett and Claire Blaze back into all of this.

Claire is a shy fourth year Beauxbatons girl, who needs some friends, a final, and a boyfriend. Annaleise is a shy firsty beauxbatons :lol:

Justin is a cool ; out there fourth year Ravenclaw.

Go for gold guys ; lemme know what you got and I'll see if it'll work. ^_^

- Zach
Hey Zach

I can offer Jaedan Feanor, a nice quiet girl who needs a few big brother figures after her other older brother died..
Justin would definitely be able to fill that bill. ^_^

Would you like to start, or shall I?
Can you?

Also can you check my plotline,

I'm selling all my characters for £0.00!!
I'll have it up when I get home tonight.
Ok, or should I make it?
Up to you.
I'll make it.

Heyy Zach!

So, I have this character that is somewhat similar to Justin.
You may have seen him around. Lol, enough beating the bush.
I'm talking about Stefan Archer, 2nd year Slytherin. He's been through
things similiar to Justin. Abusive parents. Parent in Stefan's case. I know
that neither would point blank, but, they'd each know the signs. Well, Justin
probably more than Stefan.
So, I'm thinking that a small friendship could form. Not one where they are
close and talk all the time. But more one of the mutual enjoyment of the others
company in silence. Type thing. If you are at all catching my drift. Lol. Anyway
if this makes no sense whatsoever, then I can try to explain better.
What do you think?
I think that it would work nicely, Emzies.
I also think you should work on making more sense. :r But it's okay, I got ya. :p

Want me to start or you?
Justin Cliffeton said:
I think that it would work nicely, Emzies.
I also think you should work on making more sense. :r But it's okay, I got ya. :p

Want me to start or you?

I have the idea, worked out in my head, but as soon as I try to
write it down it turns into this ball of rambles, that I can hardly
make heads or tails of. lol.

I'm not bothered, if your busy, I can start it at some point in the
very near future and PM it to you. But, if you want to start it, that's
cool. Could it just be set after the "Holidays"

@Domino, lol. I've not changed her that much. Just taken a not fully formed character and
developed as much as I could. Plus, this PB suits her
If you want to start it then you can Emzie's. ^_^
Doesn't bother me, either way.
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