Bring on the ladies

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Riley Smith

Well-Known Member

Ok so this is Riley. He is my main Character and is fun to rp with. He has
had a lot of drama happen in his life and to top it off he has recently turned
in to a werewolf. So his life is a bit of a mess at the moment, but that
doesn't stop him from wearing a smile and being a bit of a charmer at times.
He likes to have a laugh and to talk to new people. He is very caring and
wouldn't hesitate in helping someone in need. He can be very protective
over his son and loved ones and would do anything for them. He is a total
family man right now with his one son although not matter how much he
loves his son; he doesn't want another one for a while yet. He wants to
get his own life sorted out before he thinks about that. Riley has changed
a lot over a short period of time, he is a lot more loyal now than what he
used to be and not to mention a lot more mature and responsible. I'm
looking for him to have a few flings, he needs to do a bit of moving on from
a certain ex wife of his so a couple of one night standers and such would
help with that. Also im looking for a long term relationship for him, someone
who he can fall madly in love with and want to spend the rest of his life with
ect. I'm not looking for a final right now though. Im open for ideas and such
if you have any in mind
Adele misses Riley lots n lots.

I think they should try things out again. ;) Remember those drinks. :p
Riley and Adele.
Yeah Riley misses his Adele lots n lots too. How could i forget about those 'drinks' xD Ah good times.Oh Riley does need to tell her about him being a were wolf now before anything. He is afraid that she would take Lowan away from him so he needs to clear that off his chest first. If we RP them together and see how they get on again when they are in private. If Riley goes to th house that he bought her he could try and talk to her then, its an easy way to start off the RP really.
Awesomeness. :D Sounds good to me. Haha. Yeah, maybe the whole werewolf thing could make Adele feel sorry for Riley, then want him back again. Even though she is getting a boyfriend, they aren't final...well not that I know of, so Riley and Adele could build their relationship again. :) besides...for now she is still single. ;)
Well Riley has a long term girl friend in mind now. They could have another fling but the trust issues could tear them apart so they think its best to stay as friends, for Lowans sake.
I have Veronica White to offer for Riley as a flirt/fling and one night stand. As she is heartbroken and has aborted her baby and is advised by her friend to spend time with other guys so she can forget Josh she is doing that. She has been swept off her emotions for now so she would be intending to hurt as many guys as possible so if there is a chance she could do that to Riley in anyway that would be fun, if not a one night stand RP seems good as well :)
Riley and Veronica
It sounds like a god plan to me. They had met once before but I don't think Riley would remember her as s much has happened with so many different people. cant say that she would be able to hurt him much seeing as I cant even think of a way that someone could hurt him. Maybe bring up the subject of his ex wife or something like that maybe. *shrugs* Anyways, a fling/one night stand it is. Do you want me to start the topic?
Haha. Adele misses those drinks. But yes friends for Lowan sounds great. :) Shall I start an rp?
I could offer Pat as someting... lol j/k she hates him

xD xD Sorry, I really couldn't resist :lol:

What age range are you looking for?
Oh Patty you made me laugh with that xD Well basicly anywhere 17 an older. As long as they are not too old. I think 6 years older is the range. 17-25

Il start it now for you Nishma
Oh Patty. Seeing as Patty fist met Riley when he was all immature and what not. Maybe he should take her in his office and talk to her. Like sort things out. He is a totally different person now to when she first met him.
It would be a fun rp to see her reaction to him taking her aside to talk to her
I have Sawyer Franklin that I could offer up. She's a recent Beauxbaton's graduate who just moved to New Zealand.
Whatever you need her to *nods* She's French, but speaks English very well. Tall, slender, brunette, green eyes. She's a little uppity and snotty at times, but that's usually only until she really gets to know someone. It's really more of a defense mechanism. It takes a lot to piss her off, but once you have then watch out because she flips into b1tch mode and she'll pretty much make you go through hell and back to make it up to her.
Well seeing as I have little/no female charries that I could offer for Riley ( :( ) I think having them two reconnect would be fun xD In truth I've been thinking about bringing that up with you but I've been soo busy lately but yes, I think it's a must for the two to talk again and see how things go xD Pat is going to be a very *****y Head Girl xD
One night stand works for me *nods*
Would you start pretty please considering everything you put poor Pat through :r xD Remember, she wouldn't willing go to his office xD
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