Bridgette Winters

Bridgette Winters

Full Name:
- Bridgette Willow Winters is the the name that her foster parents gave her. She does not know what her biological parents call her, of if indeed she has another name.

Date of Birth:
- June 13 2014

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Bright blue eyes, blonde hair, medium height, slim build. She basically looks perfect, though Bridgette hates how she looks. She hates looking pretty and wishes she looked average. Her hair is a wig, as her real hair was shaved off when she was eight by her aunt as a way of punishment. Bridgette has extremely slow growing hair, and she will have to wear a wig until she is at least fourteen.

- Bridgette is quiet, but friendly. She changes herself to fit any group she happens to be in. Bridgette doesn't trust easily because all the people in her life have betrayed her.

- Adopted parents, Anna and David Winters. They expect a lot from Bridgette, and they don't have a good relationship with her. They are muggles.

- A small dog called Kate

Area of Residence:
- Wellington, NZ

Blood Status:
- Unknown

- Unknown

Special Abilities:
- She is fast and agile.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Dancing, sketching, singing

Additional Skills:
- She plays the flute

- She is good at making herself unnoticed by people

- Can't trust anyone, she is shy, she doesn't stand up for herself.

Describe your character in three words:
Distrustful, shy, unstable
Hi there :)

Does Bridgette like her name?
What did her parents do/say when they found out she was a witch?
How did she feel when she discovered she was a witch?
What is Bridgette's favorite type of music?
Were her parents alright with the punishment she received from her aunt?
Where is her favorite place to be?
Does Bridgette like her name?
- It's her name, she has to live with it. She doesn't mind her name, but she doesn't love it. She doesn't have any nicknames, though wishes she did.

What did her parents do/say when they found out she was a witch?
- Mum: Get out of the house until your father calms down
Her parents weren't very happy about her being a witch...

How did she feel when she discovered she was a witch?
- Isolated and upset. Bridgette doesn't want to be a witch at all. She will learn to deal with the fact eventually.

What is Bridgette's favorite type of music?
- Classical

Were her parents alright with the punishment she received from her aunt?
- They couldn't care less. Her parents are not very nice.

Where is her favorite place to be?
- Anywhere that's not near her house. Probably the ballet studio where she takes lessons.

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