Briar Werewolf (Great Hall)

Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
It was the very first day of the second semester. After a restful sleep, he had recharged his batteries from the long trip of return from his family's house in Rangipo desert. A complaining growl from his stomach woke him up with a big appetite, craving vanilla pancakes and blueberry muffins. He dressed up quickly, his roomates snores covering the noise he caused as he tripped on his chest in his attempt to wear his robes. He sneaked out of the common room without causing anymore noise, passing through the opening behind the portrait.

The grand staircase wasn't that silent as it should be for that early in the morning. Most portraits were empty, their owners were cramped on a couple of paintings, murmuring about something. The young gryffindor ignored them as he was muffling a yawn, rubbing his eyes to wipe out the blurr of drowsiness, missing the reason of all that morning buzz.

He had reached the great hall's heavy, double door. The fact that it was closed indicated that he was the first to come for breakfast that morning. He placed his hands to push it when he spotted something unusual on it, leaving his mouth dropped open. Frozen with his hands still on the door, he shook his head to make sure that what he was seeing wasn't a fragment of his imagination. It wasn't indeed. A piece of parchment was attached on the door, writting with bloody, red letters 'BRIAR ROWAN WEREWOLF AND A SKANK'. His face went slack and his grey eyes widened. Everything was making sense now. He could assemble the pieces of the puzzle. Why Briar was looking sick, why she was missing a specific time of the month, even Aspen's words were now making sense.

He opened his mouth to speak but snapped it shut and gulped. "What the hell!" his voice left his mouth raspy, barely audible. His mind begun buzzing as the shock started melting away. His astonishment was replaced with anger for the person that did that but he didn't have time to lose. He tried take it off the door but it seemed to be casted with a permanent sticking charm. He stopped his attempt as he heard behind his some malevolent laughs. Some first years slytherins had arrived as well for their breakfasts but they seemed amused by that bad prank.
"What are you laughing at?" he asked annoyed as he took his wand out of his pocket. The first years laughs and comments stopped abruptly and moved away, intimidated by his furious reaction. Minoas wasn't going to use his wand against them. He just wanted to remove that piece of parchment before more students started arriving.

"Finite!" he shouted and tried to remove it again. Still his second year spells weren't strong enough to remove the magic that had stuck that parchment on the door. "Scourgify!" he tried again and the blue-green flash of light covered the parchment. The red letters disappeared for a moment only to reappear vivid and shinier. "Caeruleus ignis!" he desperately shouted and blue flames shot out of his wand tip, embracing the tanned parchment. Minoas found out that a repelling charm was also casted as the flames soon vanished, leaving the nasty note intact.
He thought quickly as he didn't had enough time. If he couldn't destroy it or remove it...he could cover it.
"Vellus excresco!" he murmured a fur-growing spell that he had read on a prank spell book. To his surprise, thick fur sprout on the parchment which started lengthening until the note wasn't visible anymore. Instead, it was replaced with a thick patch of brown fur.

A smile of relief formed on his lips. The patch of fur looked dissuasive, it would prevent students from prying it. Realising that more than one of this note, might were scattered around the castle, he ascended again the grand staircase after he had visited first the dungeons.
It didn't take long for the whole school to react to her posters. Everywhere she went everyone was talking about Briar Rowan. It was like a gossip magazine, not one student would ignore what was being said. Jaden walk the corridors listening on into the chatters, it was music to the Slytherin ears. She loved every bit of it. She played along as well, "What's going on?" she asked a couple fourth years. Some pointed at the posters, Jaden looked over her design, it was horrendous. "A werewolf, geeze they let anyone in this freaking school. Can you believe that?" she shook her head. She moved up from the dungeons, surly Slytherins were the only one talking about the chaos she had caused.

Everyone was in on it, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, some Gryffindors; good and bad. She looked at the massive of them crowding over one poster. She stood in the back of them all, listening and just watching the entertainment of this all. It got even more hilarious when a young little cub who she believed was Briar little brother tried to get rid of the posters. It was comedy for her own eyes to see, she sat at her table pouring herself some juice watching the cub fuss with the poster. In due time he manage to cover it up with a patch of fur, Jaden was impressed. She had to give to him, but it was to late. Didn't matter to her anymore, the word was out there. Briar the werewolf skank, lovely. Jaden for the first time in years was glad she was in school for this, it's the most fun she'd ever had.

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