There were times we would drive 'til the sun broke
Through the black of the night on a wide road

There were times we would drive 'til the sun broke
Through the black of the night on a wide road
[name] Brevity Barbara Boone
[etymology] Brevity - shortness of duration. especially : shortness or conciseness of expression
Barbara - It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning "stranger" or "foreign". Barbara. Usage of the name increased in part due to the popularity of the Christian Saint Barbara.
Boone - :good, a blessing. Boone is a name that means “good” or “a blessing,” a reminder of the archaic expression for a favour or request.
[nicknames] Brevity doesn't really have a nickname, some people will call her Brev but it is not a common thing that she gets called. Brevity doesn't mind not having nicknames.
[alliance] brevity does not have any alliances, she is not loyal to anyone but herself. Her family are all useless and she doesn't care about them enough to be loyal to them, would absolutely ditch them if she could.
[birthdate] June 2043. Brevity was born in Perth, Australia to a moderate sized family. She has three older half brothers, and one younger sister. All of whom live in the same house.
[zodiac sign] Taurus
[age] fifteen; Brevity would party with her friends on her own. She doesn't care about celebrating it with her family anymore. Her and her siblings are all similar in age and she doesn't think she needs to celebrate with them.
[sexual orientation] brevity is bisexual, she's always been attracted to girls and boys.
[dialects] she speaks fluent english, fluent mandarin, fluent spanish and is proficient in latin.
[hometown] Perth, Australia; she was born and spent the first 14 years of her life in Perth, her parents have now moved the family to New Zealand for work. She liked living in Perth and is rather bitter to have to come to New Zealand
[residency] Dunedin, New Zealand; The place is fine, it's not where she has friends or anything but it's fine.
[vacation destination] Brevity wants to go to New York, she wants to go to Toyko, she wants to visit all major cities in the world. She dislikes the idea of not visiting places whenever she can.
[heritage] Brevity is Australian, both her parents are too.
[blood status] Mixed blood; both of her parents are magical, and were born and raised in Australia
[blood type] O (+ve)
[children] None
[mother] Cheryl "Calvin" Boone
[relationship with her] Brevity and her mother had a bad relationship. Brevity is a very bright and brainy child and believes herself above others. She thinks her mother is simple and thuse they had many arguments over Brevity's behaviour and they can get into very mean arguments. She doesn't like that her mother will try and control her life. [etymology] Brevity - shortness of duration. especially : shortness or conciseness of expression
Barbara - It is the feminine form of the Greek word barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning "stranger" or "foreign". Barbara. Usage of the name increased in part due to the popularity of the Christian Saint Barbara.
Boone - :good, a blessing. Boone is a name that means “good” or “a blessing,” a reminder of the archaic expression for a favour or request.
[nicknames] Brevity doesn't really have a nickname, some people will call her Brev but it is not a common thing that she gets called. Brevity doesn't mind not having nicknames.
[alliance] brevity does not have any alliances, she is not loyal to anyone but herself. Her family are all useless and she doesn't care about them enough to be loyal to them, would absolutely ditch them if she could.
[birthdate] June 2043. Brevity was born in Perth, Australia to a moderate sized family. She has three older half brothers, and one younger sister. All of whom live in the same house.
[zodiac sign] Taurus
[age] fifteen; Brevity would party with her friends on her own. She doesn't care about celebrating it with her family anymore. Her and her siblings are all similar in age and she doesn't think she needs to celebrate with them.
[sexual orientation] brevity is bisexual, she's always been attracted to girls and boys.
[dialects] she speaks fluent english, fluent mandarin, fluent spanish and is proficient in latin.
[hometown] Perth, Australia; she was born and spent the first 14 years of her life in Perth, her parents have now moved the family to New Zealand for work. She liked living in Perth and is rather bitter to have to come to New Zealand
[residency] Dunedin, New Zealand; The place is fine, it's not where she has friends or anything but it's fine.
[vacation destination] Brevity wants to go to New York, she wants to go to Toyko, she wants to visit all major cities in the world. She dislikes the idea of not visiting places whenever she can.
[heritage] Brevity is Australian, both her parents are too.
[blood status] Mixed blood; both of her parents are magical, and were born and raised in Australia
[blood type] O (+ve)
[children] None
[mother] Cheryl "Calvin" Boone
[father]Benjamin Boone
[Relationship with him] Brevity and her father don't get along either. He is a harsh man, with a very specific attitude about how people should be, they fight about everything that Brevity does. She doesn't think she can win with him so always makes it worse. She acts out because she knows nothing will be good enough.
[siblings] Brevity has three brother from her mother's previous marriage, all of whom are quite a bit older than she is, and one younger sister from her own parents. She doesn't get along with any of them really, but least of all her sister who is doted on by her parents and is a "perfect angel". Brevity doesn't get along with her brothers, all of whom she thinks are idiots.
[first wand] N/A
[occupation] she is looking to get a part time job.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] brevity has no known allergies
[first wand] N/A
[occupation] she is looking to get a part time job.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] brevity has no known allergies
Paved in dreams, that led me back to you,
Lit a spark in the dark gave me no choice,
Lit a spark in the dark gave me no choice,
[five words] messy, brainy, wild, trouble-maker
[personality] Brevity is brainy, she is smarter than most if not all of her peers, with a great memory for numbers. She has always excelled in school, but lacks the drive to really try. She'll get good grades without trying but has largely stopped trying. She's a messy person, not in a physical sense but in how she deal with people, with others. She won't try that hard with people, will ditch them when she gets bored and will leave a mess in her wake when she leaves. She doesn't abide by rules, acts out often because she'll get bored and is often in trouble.
[beliefs] Brevity knows better than to believe in anything.
[boggart] Brevity wouldn't know how to describe what she sees, it would be dark, the whole room would fill with darkness, all sound would be trapped and she'd be unable to escape. She's mostly scared of losing herself, of becoming nothing, of no one listening to her, paying attention to her, of not being able to string a thought
[fears] being stupid, losing her mind
[likes] maths, astronomy, she likes having people around her and doing what she wants.going out dancing
[dislikes] idiots, things which are proven to not be real and her family
[goals] Brevity just wants to be old enough to be on her own.
[strengths] Brevity has an excellent memory, she is able to remember things at a whim, absorbs information from books with ease and doesn't struggle with classes or exams.
[weaknesses] brevity is aware, very aware of her own mind, of how much smarter she is than most and this can leave her to dismiss people who she thinks are below her, she is often quick to judge and will underestimate people. Neither of which are particularly good things.
[magical talents] Brevity is gifted in all her classes.
[other talents] she speaks several languages fluently.
[patronus form] an Echidna.
[personality] Brevity is brainy, she is smarter than most if not all of her peers, with a great memory for numbers. She has always excelled in school, but lacks the drive to really try. She'll get good grades without trying but has largely stopped trying. She's a messy person, not in a physical sense but in how she deal with people, with others. She won't try that hard with people, will ditch them when she gets bored and will leave a mess in her wake when she leaves. She doesn't abide by rules, acts out often because she'll get bored and is often in trouble.
[beliefs] Brevity knows better than to believe in anything.
[boggart] Brevity wouldn't know how to describe what she sees, it would be dark, the whole room would fill with darkness, all sound would be trapped and she'd be unable to escape. She's mostly scared of losing herself, of becoming nothing, of no one listening to her, paying attention to her, of not being able to string a thought
[fears] being stupid, losing her mind
[likes] maths, astronomy, she likes having people around her and doing what she wants.going out dancing
[dislikes] idiots, things which are proven to not be real and her family
[goals] Brevity just wants to be old enough to be on her own.
[strengths] Brevity has an excellent memory, she is able to remember things at a whim, absorbs information from books with ease and doesn't struggle with classes or exams.
[weaknesses] brevity is aware, very aware of her own mind, of how much smarter she is than most and this can leave her to dismiss people who she thinks are below her, she is often quick to judge and will underestimate people. Neither of which are particularly good things.
[magical talents] Brevity is gifted in all her classes.
[other talents] she speaks several languages fluently.
[patronus form] an Echidna.
In the night, you're a light in the white noise,
Suddenly, my heart said something new,
[relationship status] seeing someone
[whom/when] maisie morvay
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] with a muggle boy when she was twelve
[innocence] with maisie morvay
[Living together] lives with maisie
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] indifference
[most beautiful thing about them] their smile
[favourite thing about them] they love so openly
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
In your eyes, I swear I feel forever,
And I'm falling into the deepest part of you,
[playby] Katie Douglas
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] Brevity has long mid-back length brown hair. She always keeps her hair long, hates it short. She likes it of that length.
[hair modifications] brevity has changed her hair colour a few times, from red to blonde for a bit and then back to brown.
[eyes] dark brown eyes
[height] brevity is of average height for her age group, but will not be likely to grow much more, staying at 5ft 5 for all of her life.
[weight] Brevity of a healthy weight for her height.
[complexion] She is pale.
[scars] Brevity has no scars.
[smile] Brevity has a good smile, she doesn't smile with her teeth and she likes to draw people in with smiles. She's never struggled to make friends with a friendly enough look.
[body build] Brevity does sports so her build is healthy
[body modifications] she has her ears piecred.
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Brevity's style has changed a lot, she no longer wears the clothes her mum picks out for her, she'll always wear what she wants. She wears lots of skirts, lots of dresses. She'll wear short and good fitting jeans. She wears simple tops and simple shirts. Nothing particularly flashy or expensive.
In your eyes, I feel my heart surrender,
As your love breaks through,
As your love breaks through,
[first school] Homeschooled; Brevity is homeschooled like her siblings but she finds it boring because she knows she's smarter than her parents. She skips out a lot on lessons, or just doesn't bother, using the time to annoy her sister more than paying attention.
[house] N/A - she doesn't go to a school.
[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities] none possible
[first school] Hogwarts New Zealand; Brevity was transferred to Hogwarts without her permission and knowledge. She didn't want to go, but her parents made her go because she was out of control and her parents wanted to hand her over to someone else who could try and bring her back to her old smart self. They are worried about her wasting her brains.
[house] Slytherin
[special titles and awards] n/a - and due to joining the school in fifth year she is unlikely to get any.
[extracurricular activities] none possible
[Yearbook Pictures] Y43 - Fifth Year, Y44 - Sixth Year, Y45 - Seventh Year
[Yuleball Pictures] Y43 - Fifth Year, Y45 - Seventh Year (With Maisie Morvay)
[valentines pictures] Y43- Fifth Year (With Maisie Morvay), Y44 - Sixth Year With maisie Morvay, Y45 - Seventh Year with maisie Morvay
[hallowe'en pictures] Y43 - Princess Fairy, Y45 - Slytherin Prefect
[favorite subject] because it is her parents that teach it, she doesn't have a favourite subject thinking all of them are useless.
[best subject] Her best subject is really any of them when she tries. School work has never been difficult for her.
[loathed subject] Brevity doesn't really hate subjects so much as she hated school.
[worst subject] much like the above, she doesn't have a bad subject, she just doesn't want to learn.
[grade average] Ps - because she doesn't try.
[apparition] passed
[year of graduation] 2061
[graduation post]
Brevity had never seen herself as the graduating type. She had always just disliked school, so she didn't try and had always hoped to drop out. Especially when she'd been sent to this boarding school. Her feelings towards the school and schools in general hadn't really changed in the time since she had started at it. She didn't feel like it was a good use of her time in the slightest. But at the very least, she was now finished, she was now graduating, and able to finally put it behind her and go on to do much better things. Like party. She was looking forward to living in New Zealand, nice and far away from her family, she was looking forward to having time to do whatever she wanted.
Brevity sat amongst the other students int he graduating class, surprised to see that some of them seemed physically upset about the fact that they would be leaving school. She knew they would have a closer attachment to the place than she. Brevity had after all joined in fifth year. She didn't hold any attachments to the place, and really only one attachment to a person in it. She rolled her eyes at the speeches, knowing that come things wrapping up none of it would matter, none of what was said would matter. She was one of the first names to be called and got her diploma quickly, unwilling to linger on the stage in front of people too long, knowing that she was just able to now leave and say goodbye to the school forever.
[house] N/A - she doesn't go to a school.
[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities] none possible
[first school] Hogwarts New Zealand; Brevity was transferred to Hogwarts without her permission and knowledge. She didn't want to go, but her parents made her go because she was out of control and her parents wanted to hand her over to someone else who could try and bring her back to her old smart self. They are worried about her wasting her brains.
[house] Slytherin
[special titles and awards] n/a - and due to joining the school in fifth year she is unlikely to get any.
[extracurricular activities] none possible
[Yearbook Pictures] Y43 - Fifth Year, Y44 - Sixth Year, Y45 - Seventh Year
[Yuleball Pictures] Y43 - Fifth Year, Y45 - Seventh Year (With Maisie Morvay)
[valentines pictures] Y43- Fifth Year (With Maisie Morvay), Y44 - Sixth Year With maisie Morvay, Y45 - Seventh Year with maisie Morvay
[hallowe'en pictures] Y43 - Princess Fairy, Y45 - Slytherin Prefect
[favorite subject] because it is her parents that teach it, she doesn't have a favourite subject thinking all of them are useless.
[best subject] Her best subject is really any of them when she tries. School work has never been difficult for her.
[loathed subject] Brevity doesn't really hate subjects so much as she hated school.
[worst subject] much like the above, she doesn't have a bad subject, she just doesn't want to learn.
[grade average] Ps - because she doesn't try.
[apparition] passed
[year of graduation] 2061
[graduation post]
Brevity had never seen herself as the graduating type. She had always just disliked school, so she didn't try and had always hoped to drop out. Especially when she'd been sent to this boarding school. Her feelings towards the school and schools in general hadn't really changed in the time since she had started at it. She didn't feel like it was a good use of her time in the slightest. But at the very least, she was now finished, she was now graduating, and able to finally put it behind her and go on to do much better things. Like party. She was looking forward to living in New Zealand, nice and far away from her family, she was looking forward to having time to do whatever she wanted.
Brevity sat amongst the other students int he graduating class, surprised to see that some of them seemed physically upset about the fact that they would be leaving school. She knew they would have a closer attachment to the place than she. Brevity had after all joined in fifth year. She didn't hold any attachments to the place, and really only one attachment to a person in it. She rolled her eyes at the speeches, knowing that come things wrapping up none of it would matter, none of what was said would matter. She was one of the first names to be called and got her diploma quickly, unwilling to linger on the stage in front of people too long, knowing that she was just able to now leave and say goodbye to the school forever.
I'm lost inside your deep blue
Inside your deep blue,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from smile so big by matoma
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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