Breaking The Silence

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So, any more takers? Jessica is feeling really hungry guys. Throw her a bone :r
Hey Nicole! ^_^
I can offer Khione here for a friend for Collin, she could have a little crush around him and it would be over soon. Nothing much, just befriending each other and stuff. What do you think? :r
P.S. I watched Flipped and just asdfghjasdfghjklove it. ♥

It's a good idea. I think it would be okay for Collin to have someone as cool as Khione to have a little crush on him. :r Where would you want them to meet? :) And, I can totally relate. Callan McAuliffe is just sooooo :woot: Lol. xD
Kk then. :) Can you start it please? I still have to go to the cemetery today with my family to visit my granpa so I don't think I could do it.
Unfortunately, I can't. I need to start some topics my own and reply to to some bunch of topics too. The fact that I'm lacking muse and time, I can make one but it will take ages. D:
so hai nicole! recently i have been neglecting alliyah here which makes me super guilty D: i have been busy with my other charries and school too. the last thread that she was active in was with Andrea, i think. moving on; besides from jamie, i think alliyah could be a potential crush for collin. i have no idea if alliyah has the qualities to serve as a crush for collin but if not, tell me otherwise. alliyah is bubbly as you know it and she treasures every moment when she meets a new person. alliyah may not be as wealthy as collin, although her family is classified in the middle class section. seeing that collin is a gryffindor and in the same year as her, they could be aware of each other's names but not their personalities. since alliyah likes adores photography and collin loves to sketch, alliyah could spot him sketching or something and they could start a conversation from there. then it's up to you if ever collin would start crushing on her (hard or not, it's still gonna be cute) and it goes on and on. but i don't think that they should be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. the "crush thing" could die down eventually and collin would see alliyah as one of his best girl friends to whom he can vent on, cry on and talk to easily. yeah, what do you say?
oh and sorry for the many words. xD
-Since my visitation to the cemetery is over I guess I could make the topic. Will start it very soon. :)

-Oh, I super agree with this whole crush idea. :p They look cute together and they have lots in common. And yeah, Collin could have a crush on Ally. I mean, he's just a boy after all. :r I think I'll start this one since it's gonna be Alliyah who'll be spotting him. ^_^
Here's Khione and Collin's topic -->

I will start Alliyah and Collin's in a moment. :)
Done. Here's it --->
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