Closed Breaking Habits

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Between quidditch practice and actually trying to care about and focus on his classes, Miro realized he had little time to actually do nothing that semester. In honesty, the reason he previously did nothing was due to skipping classes and avoiding assignments, so the newly realized lack of nothing time made sense given he was actually attending classes that semester, but that didn't mean he still wanted a break sometimes from how overwhelmed he felt. The only difference was his breaks could only happen when he had nowhere else to be, or no homework to try and complete, at times of emptiness in his schedule that had become few and far between given he had to study and catch up on his previous years of learning as well. He supposed this made the breaks he did have all the more worth it, or felt like it should have, but he couldn't help but still feel a bit lost and like the changes he was making weren't really manifesting results.

Thankfully, Miro did have some break time after lunch that day, and though he felt like he was wasting time he could be spending working on himself, he ignored this to head to the lakefront to get his mind off what was bothering him with his distracting yet continued efforts to learn how to skip rocks. Other students that were younger than him seemed to know how, and Miro understood the basic technique of spinning a flat rock in a way that would skim the surface of the lake, but in spite of all of this he still couldn't seem to get the hang of it. It might have been his impatience and at times the entertainment he felt about giving up and just throwing rocks to see them splash, but nevertheless it was fun to him in an odd way, something to take him out of his mind when he wasn't feeling his best. With this in mind Miro strolled along the water's edge, putting all the flat rocks he could find in the pocket of his school robes and humming a tune to himself. He was at least pleased for the chance to be outside and in the sun, breathing fresh air after being cooped up in a dusty library all morning.​
Caius was having a bit of a boring time at school. He hummed to himself as he walked around. He wanted to travel, to get out of here. Find somewhere new with some fascinating new culture and some new sights to see. He took a different path that day, walking down around the lake before coming back up around it. On his way back, he saw a boy out at the lake. He was intrigued- he'd seen Miro around before, noted he was one of the better looking kids in class. But he hadn't really stopped to get to know much more about him. Deciding to change that, Caius wondered over with his hands in his pockets. "Hey," He greeted with his most charming smile. "Miro, yeah?" He looked out over the water. "It's a nice day out, what brings you to the lake?"
With a collection of different stones in the pockets of his school robes, Miro finally settled, standing at the lake's edge. He picked a stone from his pocket and idly flipped around in his hand while looking to the horizon, temporarily distracted by the trees in the distance before a nearby voice brought him back to reality. "Oh, hi." He blinked as he remembered what he was doing, not really realizing who had spoken until a moment later when he recognized the boy as Caius from his classes. He hadn't really spoken to Caius at all so was admittedly a bit surprised, but quickly figured it was better late than never to have a chat with a classmate or at least try to, and he wouldn't ever complain about someone keeping him company. "Yeah, that's me." He confirmed, watching as Caius looked over to the lake, an action Miro mirrored as he tried to answer Caius' question. "I'm just throwing rocks and stuff." It seemed embarrassing to admit even as a fourth year he was still trying to teach himself how to skip a rock properly, so he conveniently left that part out as he reached to simply throw the rock in his hand into the water instead and watching as it caused a small splash on the surface. "Do you wanna throw rocks with me?" He asked, reaching into his pocket and a moment later offering a stone to Caius. Miro wholly assumed the idea probably sounded stupid to someone like Caius but he thought it would be polite to at least invite the Hufflepuff to join him.​
Cauis smiled at Miro, nodding and moving over to him. "Sure, thanks." He agreed idly, accepting the rock. He turned it over in his hand a few times before turning to the side, and with a flick of his wrist the pebble skipped across the lake about four or five times before sinking. He smiled, and with a quiet spell he summoned over another dozen rocks. "It's been a while since I've gone skipping stones. It's relaxing," He smiled at Miro. Maybe he should get into the habit. "Do you come in often?"

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