Breakfast At The Slytherin Table.

Shinta Tantono

Well-Known Member
Saturday morning rose cold and dark, and Shinta was dressed warmly in a dark green hoodie, jeans, and fuzzy slippers as she made her way into the Great Hall for breakfast. Under her arm she carried a book, just in case there wasn't anyone to talk to, but she was hoping any Slytherin had gotten up early enough to join her, since she didn't want to eat breakfast alone.

She served herself a plateful of waffles, sausages, eggs, and fruit. She was slender, with the metabolism of squirrels getting ready to hibernate, which meant she was eating all the time but never gained any weight. Which was good, because Shinta loved food, almost as much as she loved books.
Beau had woken early tody, which was unusual and out of character for him as he usually woke up quite late. Though he had tried to go back to sleep once he was awake he was awake. He had dressed quickly in jeans, plimsolls and a jumper, not his usual impecible dress sense but atleast it wasn't too scruffy, his blonde hair was as usual slightly wavy though not curly. He was pleased as he saw he looked quite tall today.
He walked up from the dungeons to the great hall thinking that no one else would be there, when he spotted a girl seated at the Slytherin table who he had not yet met. "Hey I'm Beau," he said smiling as he sat down opposite her, "Mind if I sit with you?" he asked though he was already sitting. He grabbed an apple and began eating it.
Shinta glanced up from her book, and then set it aside. "Sure, I'm Shinta by the way," she said mildly, returning her attention to her scrambled eggs and orange juice. "Pleasure to meet you Beau," she answered again, this time with a smile. After a few mouthfuls, she looked up at the boy again.

"Late night, huh?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "You look exhausted."
"Nice to meet you Shinta," Beau said smiling before taking another bite of his apple.
"Gee thanks," he said sarcastically, "No I'm just not used to getting up so early," he said yawning as he thought about it, "Are you usually up this early?" he asked seeing she didn't seem to look tired, he glanced around the hall was practically empty, it must be earlier then he thought.
Shinta nodded. "Yes, i'm a bit of an early bird actually," she replied as she ate her scrambled eggs. Shinta looked at the boy's empty glass. "Juice perhaps?" she asked him.

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