Open Breakfast and Letters

Zora Jackson

baby badger · plant obsessed
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 16 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Zora was a little delayed in writing a letter to her parents and she knew Basquiat probably was as well so she brought down some parchment and her self-inking quill to the Great Hall to write a letter to them while she ate her morning breakfast. She had class not too long after her meal so she couldn't take too long writing it which was a perk for her. She sat down in a clear spot at the Hufflepuff table and grabbed some pumpkin juice and a brioche bun and began quickly writing her letter.
Hi Mom and Dad,
Zora hesitated unsure of how to continue so she took a sip of her juice. It was a treat she was not used to even after a few weeks in school already. She wanted to say how much fun she was having and how she saw a quidditch game and would be watching her brother play a game soon too, with any luck, but she thought maybe they would think she was not focused on her studies. She also wanted to say how she had met friends but that came with the same implications for her. Sometimes navigating what her parents wanted was like walking through a mine field for Zora and all she wanted to do was make them happy.

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