Brayden Hunt

Brayden Hunt

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Brayden Hunt

Date of Birth:
- 19/07/2006

Current Age:
- 19

Basic Appearance:
- 180 cms with blue eyes and brown hair.

- A gentle soul, Brayde loves music and dogs, and he desires more than anything to make friends. A bit spacey, he has some trouble in school. He often will be between lapsing into extreme silences and talking the ear off someone about something they likely don't care about. Despite his innate kindness, he desperately wishes to be the height of cool, and could easily make a prat of himself if he does not find some good, steady friends or a kind teacher or two.

- Brayden is half-and-half, though he knows little of the wizarding world as his father, the magical parent, died before he was born. His mother raised him without giving him the knowledge of his heritage, as she did not want him to be expecting anything he couldn't have. However, she was absolutely delighted when Brayden received his letter.

Brayden and his mum live in a boarding house in Manchester where his mother works as a maid. Brayden, a naturally happy boy who gets along well with his mother, is virtually unaware of the poverty they live in. This was the basis for his mother's joy at his acceptance into Hogwarts, as it meant more possibility of success for her son.

Brayden and Hogwarts Scotlandia :

Brayden, for his part, has been extremely nervous from the moment his letter arrived, and was very surprised he was to be sorted into Gryffindor, the bravest of the houses, as he has not felt particularly brave since he first stepped into Diagon Alley and discovered that magic is more than waving a wand around.

Since learning of his ancestry, Brayden has become very interested in the wizarding world, reading countless historical books and quickly finding a hero in Albus Dumbledore. His greatest dream is to become as wise and brave as the most famous of Hogwarts professors, although he is loathe to share this vision with his classmates, as he fears they will laugh at him for 'being such a nerd.'

As it is, you can find Brayden up late at night, reading books underneath his covers with only his wand tip lit to conceal his interest in all things wizarding.

- None. He loves dogs but his mother didn't allow him to have one.

Area of Residence:
- New Zealand but sometimes back to Manchester.

Blood Status:
- Half Blood.

- He was brought up into a family of England.

Special Abilities:
- None.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading, caring animals.

Additional Skills:
- None.

- He loves his family and be able to speak other languages faster than his friends.

- He has bad emotions some times.

Describe your character in three words:
- Caring, loving, charming, friendly.

Favourite place to be:
- Outdoor like nature.

- He has a lot of friend but not to close.

Hogwarts House:
- Graduated from Hogwarts Scotandia (2023), Gryffindor.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Wanted to be an Auror but the ministry didn't allow him.

Best school subjects:
- Potions, Flying.

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology, History of Magic.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Writting club.

- He loves the momment and can't forget about it.

Current Job:
- Unemployed.

Plans for your future:
- Having girlfriend and looking for a job to help her mother ?

Your Patronus:
- A dog.

Your Patronus memory:
- Having birthday party with his mother.

Your Boggart:
- Dog zombie.

Your Animagus:
- White Dog.

Mirror of Erised:
- He can do the best for his life.

A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,

I met a lot of people in New Zealand but I can't find a good one. I don't know why I'm not good for any things but my mum always told me for being myself. I proud to be her son. I wanna try to look for a job as soon as possible. I'm 19 years old. *GOSH*

- Brayden Hunt.
HellWonderful start to your development, you have left room for growth and that is huge( I say this to alot of characters lol) but honestly it is nice it allows you to take a step back and work your way into you character . So lets begin:

What house do you get along with the most? Why?
What house do you get along with the least? why?

What subject did you do the best in? Why?
What subject did you do the worst in? Why?

Why is being cool so important to Brayden? Was he will liked in school? was he popular? If not why do you think that is ?

Why did Braydens mother keep his talents and rich legacy from him? How do she feel about magic? how has that effected you?
What house do you get along with the most? Why?
I love Ravenclaw most. They are very smart and wanna share more problems with me :p

What house do you get along with the least? why?
I didn't love Hufflepuff. They are so quiet and don't know what to do.

What subject did you do the best in? Why?
Potions. I love how the potions made and it simply.

What subject did you do the worst in? Why?
History of Magic. I can't remember the year of the name very well :(

Why is being cool so important to Brayden? Was he will liked in school? was he popular? If not why do you think that is ?
Because, Brayden wanna shows to the world that he has a life. He can't solve the life problem if he got angry easily.
Yes, he was.

Why did Braydens mother keep his talents and rich legacy from him? How do she feel about magic? how has that effected you?
What tallent ? His language vocabularies ? If it did you mean ... Brayden loves her mother and wanna be a guard for some tourists. But, he can't live too busy like that. He prefer being worker in Ministry or open a shop.

Brayden's mum felt very happy.

Brayden was happy too. Everything he done, he did it because her mother want it besides his own purposes.
Wow thank you for answering my questions and I wish you the best with Brayden and if you ever want me to help you look at a character then drop me a pm.

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