Brain rotting irritation

Morrigan Graves

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OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Morrigan was bored. Had been the moment she had stepped back into Hogwarts. She supposed that it would have been fun to find out who is behind 'Rumor Has It' who had called her and her sister banshee but Morrigan really didn't concern herself with trivia. She had spent the holiday looking over more current case files with her parents and slipping in notes to them which she wrote with her left hand so they wouldn't know it was her handwriting but knowing their father he would figure it out anyway. They did take her advice though which was good because Morrigan felt as if she had accomplished something good as well as fun.

Now she was back at Hogwarts where she couldn't ask her parents to send her case files and nothing bad ever happened here. There was no murder, no funny thefts, no interesting disaperences, nothing. The Ravenclaw third year was trapped within the walls of Hogwarts where trivia seemed to thrive. Morrigan was laying on the dusty table and practicing a spell that seemed to echo her frustration with everything. "Bombarda She said aiming at the wall near the door to the abandoned classroom she had taken refuge in. A hole appeared for a second the sealed itself up again. Because of this Morrigan deduced that this had once been a Charms classroom. Bombarda! She cried again swinging her arm for the spell but never getting up off the desk.
Gwen was once again chasing after Cleo. It seemed that the cat just couldn't behave itself and just needed to run away at the worst time ever. To make matters worse she was still behind on a paper she was writing for History of Magic. Professor Spencer hadn't assigned any papers. No Gwen had done this all on her own. She was going to present it to him at the end of the year. It was about they had learned during the year with all sorts of extra things that Gwen had learned all on her own. She wasn't sure how he would react to it but Gwen was bored out of her mind and so she was going to do this and see what he thought about it.

Entering the empty classroom Gwen had to duck as a spell came flying at her. "Morrigan Graves! Watch where you pointing that thing." Gwen said her voice sounding a bit grumpy as Cleo jumped up on the desk where her twin sat and started loudly demanding that Morrigan pet her. "Cleo you annoying fur ball come here right now." Gwen said leaning against the wall and noticing that her sister had finally redone her streaks.
"If you don't want to get hit by a spell don't get in the way of the light trail. Easy enough." Morrigan said rolling her eyes. She did however move so that her sister would have a spot on the desk next to her. The student desks where all cramped and she enough of sitting on them for the day. No Morrigan had chosen to lay across the teacher's desk. She looked down at the small mewing thing and sighed. She picked the cat up and started to pet it her mouth still in her ever present frown. She had smiled over the holidays she knew she had. "Missing home yet or is it just me who's feeling the lack of stimulation?" She asked while petting the cat. She didn't really feel anything for it but then again she, Gwen, Arthur and Goose (as Morrigan called her) had been trained well by their parents that 'caring was not an advantage' Gwen seemed to be the only one that didn't listen.

Morrigan did like the fact that Gwen had chased it in here. It gave her something to do besides blow holes in the wall. "Who's the paper coming? Thinking about rewriting the history book again." Morrigan teased her sister. It was at times like these that Morrigan seemed almost human but then again she didn't really see the point in pretending she's someone she's not. Pretending to be interested in silly little everyday things that she would delete from her brain as soon as she walked away. Boombarda! She added to a random wall making the cat jump from her lap.
"What do you think a Professor would do if they found out you where doing magic in an empty classroom without permission?" Gwen was always trying to be the voice of reason with her brother and sisters yet for some reason no one ever listened to her. Once Morrigan started petting Cleo she shut right up. Cleo and Gwen where a lot alike they where both the baby and they both loved having all of the attention. When Morrigan asked if she missed home Gwen shook her head. "Nope remember I am still on punishment I am not allowed to read any history book at home after I told off that one Historian that he was an idiot for not knowing about FDR being a wizard." Gwen said reminding her sister that every now and than that she did speak out.

Remembering the time she did rewrite a history book Gwen glared at her sister. That wasn't nice to bring that up. It hurt her feelings when the book publisher said she didn't know what she was talking about. "No because its not like anyone takes me seriously with me being thirteen they think they know more than me." Gwen said taking a seat on one of the desks. Once she was older she would make a name for herself she would be in History books. People would come to her hoping that she would share her knowledge with them.
Morrigan shook her head. "They would have to prove I had actually done any damage. By the looks of things this was a charms classroom at one point. That and I would love for one of them to try and keep me in dentition. Morrigan said now shifting so that her legs hung off the side of teachers desk while her head drooped down over the other end. "Bombarda!" She short at the wall again. The wall crumbled for a bit then the bits when back up and the wall looked like new. She would actually love a detention because getting out of it would be a challenge. "Besides I am bored!" She yelled and the wall went boom, boom, boom only for the pieces to pick themselves up again. Morrigan was happy about this somewhat.

Morrigan suck out her tongue at Gwen. "You still got off easier then getting irritated at an American Auror for missing a vilte piece of evidence that you happened to pick up. I tried to tell him how it related to everything else in the case but he said to mind my own business. Mom and Dad ban me from the filing cabinets for two months. I think the parlor will remember how bored I was then." She said with a smirk. Their parents where still rebuilding the second living room because Morrigan had gotten a hold of some no heat fireworks and had managed to give them heat. The stars that they gave off had been explosive by the time she was done with them. Bordum lead to a bad things sometimes. She couldn't get away with that here though. She would end up getting expelled which wouldn't look good on her..
Gwen rolled her eyes at her sister. It was amazing how they could look the same but yet be so very different. It was like they were from different families. Pushing her hair behind her ears she showed that she had finally gotten an industrial on the other side. It had taken her weeks to get there dad to okay but once he had she dragged him to the shop before he could change her mind. "I would be careful if I where you. I am sure that Professor Spencer would have some strong words for you if you caused Ravenclaw to lose house points." Gwen said thoughtfully glad that she was a Gryffindor and not in the same house as her sister. She was doing her very best to earn as many points as she could for her house and the last thing she needed was Morrigan coming along and losing them all.

Gwen glared at her sister. How could she say she got off easy? Just two days before that happened she had just bought six new history books and now she could not have them until the end of the term. That was just cruel how could someone keep Gwen away from her one true love? "I would kill for my books right now. I just got a new history book. Six hundred pages with never before released presidential letters. This is a fate worse than death. Gwen whined as she reached into her bag and pulled out something and waved it at Morrigan. "Was this what you where looking at before we left the house. A case file about someone stealing funds from the IRS?" Gwen asked innocently as she flipped through the file without even looking at a single one of the pages.
Morrigan stuck her tongue out at her sister again. "More than we've already lost? A four year winning streak and some morons with a since of adventure decided that they would camp in the Forbidden forest. I would riot if such things where not beyond me." Morrigan said. It really didn't matter to her who won what who was going out with who or who was the current Headmaster. Those things just crowed up the important things. As long as she had only important things in her head they where easy to get to. In fact she may already destroy the records of this conversation already.

Morrigan looked at the file. "It was. The hacker from the third floor of the pentagon created a back-door that only he knew how to navigate. He couldn't have been more than twenty three, still with some boyish zeal to him so he could help but leave his signature behind when he left the network. I left the screen shot in there for Mom and Dad to look at. That's the how I'll leave the why up to you." She said as she pointed up at the file with her free hand while shooting another bomb spell at the wall. Blood rushing to her head, her sister was trying to take out her own misery on her, and the school was still and quite. Morrigan had never been more on edge in her life.
Oliver was bored and no one in the Ravenclaw common room seemed to be able to hold his attention long enough to interest him. So he decided to pull on his robe and head out into the Castle. The corridors were unusually empty, and it was how Oliver liked it. He'd felt very unchallenged lately, he had not met anyone interesting, no one who was on the same level as him. Some would say that made him a snob, an elitist and maybe they were right but the fact was Oliver was intelligent, he was wise beyond his years and mature to match it. Oliver made his way out of the North tower and found himself on the second floor corridor. He could easily have continued walking downstairs and headed out to the grounds but instead he continued on along the second floor, his heels clicking the floor as he walked. He reached a point in the corridor and and noticed the door to an unused classroom was open and he heard voices from inside. He wondered over to the door and peered in, he noticed two girls. One of the them he knew from being in his year and house. The other had to be her sister, they looked so much a like and they were both very beautiful. So he walked into the room.
Gwen listened as her sister went over the case file. She had read over the file and figured it out as well. Now the real reason was why. Gwen had always been good at that part. Sitting back and remembering the man she could see him clearly. He had been a mouse of a man someone that Gwen had never trusted him so when they had figured out that it was him Gwen and Morrigan had started to try and figure out just how he had done it and why. As she sat there petting Cleo Gwen tried to figure out just why. "I'm not sure as of yet give me some time to think about it." Gwen closed the file and tossed it at her sister.

Cleo let out a hiss and Gwen turned to see why she would be doing that. Seeing a boy walk into the room she blushed. She wasn't used to being around guys other than the ones in her family. Looking at him and than back at her sister. Gwen put a friendly smile on her face. "Hello there I'm Gwen what might you name be?" Gwen asked kindly.
Morrigan smiled. When Gwen and Morrigan worked together they where like two parts of the same whole, sometimes even switching words with one another because they thought so much alike but because of the fact that they where twins Morrigan tried so hard to be her own person. Morrigan finished reflecting when a new person came into the room. She looked him up and down which was really down then up because of the way her head was hanging off the side of the front of the desk. Oliver Holiwell, Ravenclaw fourth year, friendly especially to the girls because he has a special fondness to them. From this angle I can't place nationality or pets but I'm too lazy to move. She said as she stuck her feet up in the air.

Morrigan knew the names and faces of most in her house though there where times when she pretended that she didn't because it put people more at ease around her. She also made it a point not to point out particually painful subjects that were written all over faces. She had been pushed out of the way more than once. "Oh I didn't tell you did I, Gwen, another one of my classmates started to cry yesterday when I told her that her parents where going to split up. Can you explain to me why people get so emotional over things like that?" Morrigan asked. She was being completely sereios with this one. She could read people like books but sentiment was beyond her. It was how they where raised really and the fact that her brain just didn't seem to work that way. The boy Oliver no longer held any interest to her though by the glow in her sister's cheeks she could tell that he still held her attention.
Oliver looked from the two girls. One of them stepped forward first and introduced herself as Gwen, her sister on the other hand did not introduce herself instead she began to rattle off his basic details, "I'm impressed," He muttered to her. Oliver turned back to Gwen, "Nice to meet you Gwen, as your sister said I'm Oliver," Oliver couldn't help but notice Gwen blush, she was a very beautiful girl and in most situations he would turn on the charm but something about her sister was getting to him. "You must be Morrigan Graves, also fourth year Ravenclaw. You think recognizing me as a Fourth year Ravenclaw is impressive? It's not, you'll have seen me in class," Morrigan clearly didn't show as much interest in Oliver as her sister did, she was more interested in reading him and showing her exceptional deductive skills. Oliver decided that Gwen would be more open to talking to him than Morrigan so he was better off focusing his attention on her. "So Gwen, if I had to guess, third year Ravenclaw, would I be right?" He asked.
Gwen was thinking about the case file and trying not to think about the boy who had entered the classroom and thrown everything off for Gwen. As Morrigan rattled off details Gwen gave him a good hard look. Oliver was a fine name for a boy. He was very handsome. Yet he was wrong about a few things when it came to the Graves sisters. "It seems Oliver that you know one thing about us but yet you have somethings wrong. Morrigan is in fact a Ravenclaw but not yet a forth. She is a third year like myself. Only I am a Gryffindor and in case you could not tell. Morrigan is my twin." Gwen said happy that she could turn her mind off of a boy and back onto simpler things. Cleo let out a loud meow and jumped right back into her arms.

"Morrigan the why to this case is simple. He is very young and very stupid. He thought he could get away from it and if we look more closely into his background I am sure we will find a girlfriend or a young wife who he is trying to impress."[color] Gwen said proud that she could keep her head in the game. Giving Oliver a look she decided that it was time for her to stop being so shy and just talk to him. "Alright so we know the basics now why don't you give us a little bit more background on you? Your likes dislikes. Favorite class, your theories on Professor Styx being a vampire." Gwen said thoughtfully. It had been on the twins minds for over a year and they had gotten nowhere with it as of yet.
Morrigan grinned softly at Oliver. "The fact that I don't see you in class gave me a clue to the year. You about fourteen judging by the remaining roundness in your face. Starting purberty I would guess but your voice hasn't changed yet. Like my sister said I'm a third year." Morrigan said. Some called her a show off but she didn't really care that they did and sometimes, she had to admit to herself, she liked the fact that she could make cheecks glow with embressment without being crude. "Trust me if I where trying to impress you I would tell you that you came here straight from the commom room and that you had French toast at some point durring the day." She said lightly.

Mrroigan looked at her sister "We try very hard not to look like twins but true enough." she said pointedly. There other reasons why Morrigan and Gwen put things in their ears and made streeks in their hair but base matter was that each was trying to fine their own voice. "Do tell us about the vampire thing. It's one problem that we haven't been able to solve as of yet and it becomes irritating after a while. Professor Styx could teach the Amrican Unspeakables a thing or two about keeping secrets." Morrigan said. She had herd what her sister had said about impressing someone. Man like that was licky to have a girl who was his friend let alone an actual relatonship that didn't come from over seas. Sentament really didn't intrest Morrigan so she let it go.
Oliver felt stupid. The two girls were clearly twins, he had not seen Morrigan in class so knew she wasn't a fourth year nor had he seen Gwen around the common room so he knew she wasn't Ravenclaw. Something about these two girls threw him off. "Yes of course, I guess my instincts are a little off today, either way its nice to meet you both," He then turned to pay his full attention to Gwen. "Well what can I say, I play Quidditch, I like potions, I hate Herbology don't know why just do, I also like snow which is something we don't get a lot of here in New Zealand but you know, funnily enough I'm not a big fan of hot summer days, great place to come and not like the weather and I don't think Professor Styx is a vampire," He grinned. "Tell me more about you Gwen," He said ignoring Morrigan as she continued to analyse him.

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