Boys will be boys!

Bruin Dumbledez

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" - Dragon's Heartstring Core
Bruin had just found out that Kale wasn't returning and recognized that his already small group of guy friends at the school had shrunk yet again. In truth, the only two guys close to his age that he could even have a conversation with at this point would be Mike and Blake. He had nothing against either of these two, but having only two other guys to talk to was a truly pathetic and Bruin knew that he had to take action or become even further immersed in all things girly.

Bruin had seen a couple of Durmstrang guys around the school, but didn't really know how to go about introducing himself to them. The fact that they weren't taking classes with the HNZ and HS students didn't really provide a whole lot of opportunities for getting to know them. Bruin decided that he would take the almost unprecedented action of setting up a booth to attract attention to the Brotherhood of MAGIC in hopes of building some bridges between the guys at the respective schools.

Bruin fixed a large banner to the wall of the Entrance Hall behind a table and chairs, grabbed a book, and decided to see what happened. After a few quiet moments, Bruin looked up at the banner and hoped that it wasn't a little too much, wondering now if some people might take it the wrong way.
Are you tired of being a guy in a girl's world?

Are you looking for some place where you can simply hang out and not risk offending anyone?

Do you miss talking about sports? Laughing about bodily functions? Not worrying about whether your pants match your shirt?

If your answer is YES to any of the above questions, we need to talk!

Bruin had never been a master of subtlety and he suspected that this was a little brash, even for him.
Nicolae was heading inside to wander around the castle. He opened the doors and entered the hall. He looked around, debating on which direction to go. His interest was drawn to a table with a guy sitting behind it, a banner over it. He walked over to see what was going on. "Hey man. What's up?" he said in his thickly accented voice.
Dominik was heading out of the Great Hall after having just eaten a midday snack. On his way he saw Nic was at a table with another boy he'd not met yet. "Hey man, what's happening?" he said to his best friend and then turned his attention to the banner that was behind the boy. He absentmindedly scratched his head and asked, "So what's this all about?"
Bruin noticed one of the guys from Durmstrang approaching and set down his book. He barely had time to reply "Not much!" to the first guy when a second appeared and asked Bruin what his little display was about. Bruin was only too happy to explain.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed guys seem to be a little outnumbered here and it doesn't appear to be getting any better...not that I have anything against girls, I actually like them quite alot if you know what I mean, but..." Bruin paused for a moment as he got to his feet and rose up to his full height, which was just shy of 6 feet these days. "So anyways, a couple of years ago I started up a little club called the Brotherhood of Magic so we'd have a place to hang out and stuff. It's basically just a place where we can get away from the girls for a bit and not have to worry about what we say or how we say it."

A friendly grin stretched over Bruin's face. "I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Bruin Dumbledez." He stated as he extended his hand to them. "So, what do you think? You interested in joining? I mean, at least for while you're here?" A glimmer of mischief could be seen in Bruin's eyes, guessing that the two boys would probably want to start their own little chapter back at Durmstrang by the time they left to return home.
Nic shook Bruin's hand and introduced himself. "I am Nicolae Kobori, but you may call me Nic. Most people do." That is when they are not calling me worse names behind my back, he thought with a chuckle. "I think a place to hang out away from the prying eyes of these girls is a wonderful idea. What do you think?" he asked, looking at Dom.
"Nice to meet you Nic" Bruin replied with a grin as he waited to hear his friend's reply.
"The name's Dominik Marinescu, but I usually respond to Dom." he said to Bruin as he shook the boys hand. It was nice to have someone in this school who wasn't against them for once. A little male bonding might be just the thing to make up for the betrayal that Yvan had delivered upon them "I'm up for a little girl free time. Seems they've become a bit of a hassle over the last few months." Dominik replied to his best friend.
"Good to meet you too Dom." Bruin replied with another quick handshake. "I hear you there. The girls around here are usually pretty cool, but I've noticed lately that they've become a little too demanding and way too melodramatic. I can barely get through a day without one of them coming to me with one crisis or another." He exclaimed, not realizing until the words left his lips that this was just how he had been feeling lately.

Bruin had always enjoyed his roles as Prefect and Quidditch Captain, but the longer he was in the roles the more he seemed to be used as some kind of complaints department. Maybe it was time for him to take care of number one for awhile. "So, aside from lady have you been enjoying your stay here?"
Nic smiled. He was glad to have found someone who is on the same side as he was it seemed. "Well, other than the issues we have had with the Ice Princesses and their Queen, it has been pretty enjoyable around here. This seems to be a nice school, and it is nice to have a change of scenery." He rolled his eyes as he spoke of his ex and her new friends. "So, does the Brotherhood have set meetings or anything?" He was curious. The thought that this might be a trap crossed his mind, but then when he looked at Bruin, he thought he looked to genuine to be on the girls side.
Dominik laughed at Nic's comment about the Ice Queen and her two princesses. Those three girls really were a piece of work there was no doubt about that. "It is rather enjoyable here. Most everyone has been very polite and welcoming." he said, with emphasis on the 'most' part. "Yeah, I'm curious as to how this Brotherhood thing works. How many guys are in it exactly?" Looked like things were starting to work out better than planned. If this was as promising as it seemed to be, maybe they would be back to having a third person in there now broken trio.
Bruin was a little confused, he assumed that the Ice Queen and her princesses must be a reference to the girl troubles they had referred to earlier, but he'd have to ask more about that later, particularly as it seemed they were both interested in how the Brotherhood worked.

"The Brotherhood isn't really formal or anything. There are only a handful of us and we basically live by the Three Monkey philosophy...kind of a See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil-type of thing." Bruin replied. "To be honest, MAGIC is an stands for Men Against Getting In Crap." He added with a laugh, looking around to be certain that no one had overheard them. "I don't think the Headmistress would've given me permission to start the club if she knew what it actually stood for..."

Bruin could barely control himself at this point and simply continued to chuckle at his own little joke, trying to gauge the Durmstrang boys reaction.
Nic laughed as Bruin shared the real intent of the club with them. "That, my friend, sounds like a good plan to me. I am all about not getting into more crap right about now. I believe I have had enough of that for a while." He was becoming a bit excited about the prospect of having more guys to talk with. "Where do you and the other Brothers meet then? Here in the hall?" He was smiling - a bit more than he had been lately.
"Nah, actually we have a sweet little clubhouse just outside of the school grounds. Being off campus allows us to use some muggle stuff that uses electricity and keep our butterbeer cold, of course." Bruin replied. "Think you guys would be interested in coming by and seeing it?"
Dominik was a bit unsure about muggle things. Growing up in an all magical household he'd never been exposed to such things so this would definitely be an interesting experience. "That'd be great man. Thanks. I'm up for anything drama free. As Nic said, I've had enough crap from a select few here to hold me over for a bit." he said with a smirk.
Nic thought about things for a moment, then responded with a smile. "I have no real experience with muggle items, but plenty with butterbeer. I think that if it is a girl free zone, I am all for it." He looked over at Dom. "And free of Yvan as well. I still cannot believe he turned on us like that, man."
Dom felt like punching something at the sound of Yvan's name. "Dude, he made his choice. He can just be happy with the company of the Ice Queen and those two ungrateful little witches that we managed to take up with." he practically snarled.
Mike entered came down from the stairs to see a Bruin surrounded by 2 other boys, Mike took to be from either Durmstrang or Hogwarts Scotland. Seeing as thought their were only a few lads close to his age, Mike wandered over and started to make conversation. Hey Bruin," Mike said with a quick nod in his direction, and then turned to the two other students, "Hey there, Im Mike" he said extending his hand towards them.
Noah was wondering around the school. He had come to the realization that most of his friends were girls. He had Asher, Abbey, Emme, Nina, Becca and then Alex. Alex was the only guy in the mix and they barely even talked anymore. This was actually quite pathetic to Noah and know he was determined to meet a few more people hopefully a few guys around the school. Noah walked and walked until finally he found himself in the Entrance hall. There seemed to be a meeting of four guys. Noah hoped he wasn't intruding but this was the perfect chance to meet a few more people.

Noah walked over to them all missing the sign completely "Hey Everyone" Noah said
Aiden was wandering when he saw Bruin and Mike and a few guys obviously from Scotland or Durmstrang. Aiden shrugged and walked over to them not caring if he was intruding or not, he needed time away from the girls, and the guys he knew. Aiden scoffed lightly then when he was in hearing distance he said, "Hey Mike, Bruin, hows it going?"
Bruin was about to inquire yet again as to who this Ice Queen was when first Mike, Noah and Aiden arrived. Bruin had never spoke to Noah directly despite having attended some lessons together over the past few months and it looked like he was about to have the opportunity.

Bruin nodded a quick hello to Mike and figured he'd let Dom and Nic exchange greetings with him while he turned towards Noah and Aiden.

"Hi, Noah, isn't it?" Bruin greeted the HS student with a handshake. "I'm Bruin. Sorry I haven't introduced myself before now, but I suppose better late than never. Oh, and this is Aiden...another one of our Gryffindors." He added, gesturing towards Aiden.

(Sorry boys, not sure how this is all going to play out. I hate awkward RP greetings. Anyways, I'll PM you all the password to the Brotherhood's Clubhouse in the Student Club Area and we can continue there when this thread ends)
Nic was a bit overwhelmed when all of a sudden a number of other boys seemed to appear out of nowhere. He tried to keep up with all of their names, nodding in greeting to each of them, but taking and shaking Mike's extended hand. "Hi Mike. Nice to meet you. Nicolae Kobori." He tried to catch the other boys names as well, thinking he heard Noah and Aiden.

(I agree. The introductions are never too much fun. I am up for the Clubhouse. Sounds fun.)
Dominik nodded to each of the boys that just approached the little gathering. "I'm Dominik. It's a pleasure." he said, thinking that this was going to be different for both himself and Nic. They seldom associated with people who were this much younger than themselves. Would be interesting to see how things played out.

(Introductions are never that much fun. The clubhouse bit sounds cool to me.)

Aiden waved lightly and extended his hand out to the dark haired durmstrang student he hadn't met, he only remembered Nicolae from the ball briefly as Katalina's date. "Nice to meet you mate, Aiden Lorka," Aiden said to him as he put his hand out for a shake.
Nicolae took the extended hand. "Nicolae Kobori." He was not trying to be short, but he was typically a man of few words. In fact, his personality had changed quite a bit since coming to New Zealand. He was acting much more boldly than ever before. Usually he kept to himself, unless he was running with Dom. Then he would be a bit more open.
Dom shook the young boys hand firmly. "Nice to meet you Aiden. You can call me Dom." he said as he released his hand and turned his attention to the rest of the 'crowd'.

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