Bounce Back

April Ward

🌟Energetic | 2050 Grad | Daycare teacher🌟
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Norton)
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2032 (30)
After dressing up as a soccer player for Halloween this year, April was actually kind of feeling like trying the sport for herself. Quidditch was great, and getting to play in the last game had been wonderful, but she lately missed the muggle world more and more. She associated it with her mother, and she hadn't seen her mother in a long time now. It was even more of a contrast as her father was constantly around. It was nice to be able to wave at him at breakfast, but she was a little annoyed at how he had been so worried over her after the Quidditch match. At least soccer seemed less dangerous, so surely he wouldn't be all worried about her getting hurt while she was playing it outside. Besides, maybe he didn't need to know she was out here. Maybe he didn't need to know everything.

Unfortunately, playing soccer alone was kind of hard. April tried to make it fun for herself by aiming for trees to shoot at, but it was too easy and it wasn't very fun after a while. Either she hit the tree she had aimed at and had to run over to grab the ball again, or she missed the tree and had to run over to grab the ball again regardless. After doing this for a while, she decided she would try to kick the ball really high into the air instead. It would be more fun, and if she could manage it correctly it would be something she could show off to her friends. Kicking the ball up was surprisingly difficult, however, and she soon grew frustrated. After a few more tries, she gave it a hard kick in irritation. The ball actually flew higher than she expected, collided with a nearby tree and bounced back to hit her on the head. She stood there for a moment, then burst out laughing. She must have looked so silly! She had no idea if anyone had seen, but that hardly mattered. At least April herself was amused by her silly actions, and she wouldn't be too embarrassed if anyone had seen it happen.
Perry almost lived outside, he didn't like being stuck inside trying to get the highest grade for history of magic or another stupid subject. Thinking about it astronomy was even worse. Not wanting to be involved with any more reading or studying he grabbed his soccer bag and went outside to the great lawn. He didn't like playing alone, but he knew some ways to practise with ball skills. Escaping the castle wasn't that easy, it was gigantic. But in the end he found himself on the great lawn. It was a nice day and Perry looked at his surroundings. There was a girl trying to play soccer with herself. It looked funny and he decided to watch it for a bit. Not wanting to look like a creepy stalker he held his distance.

When she got hit by a ball, he couldn't get himself to watch anymore. He walked up to the girl that just got a kiss from a soccer ball. He dropped his bag and checked her over fast. Not that he was a doctor, but he had seen some injuries in the past.''Are you okay?'' Perry asked shyly, he didn't even know her, but he hated seeing people getting hurt. ''I am Perry'' Maybe if she forgot his name after a minute he was sure she got some brain damage. ''Next time beware of the nasty soccer playing trees'' Perry smiled he forgot he was here for playing soccer, he wanted to know if the girl was okay.
April was still laughing at her own silliness when she was approached by a boy. She noticed he checked her over for injuries, which was sweet of him. She gave him a wide smile and nodded. "I'm fine! And I'm also April." She said with a laugh. "Nice to meet you Perry." She rubbed her head slightly. "Don't worry, I've done worse things to my poor brain." She had fallen over and bumped her head more times than she could count. She giggled at his joke about the soccer playing trees. "They're surprisingly good. I think I need to train more before I can take them on." She joked back. She noticed his bag and gasped. "No way! Are you here to play too?" She said excitedly, clapping her hands. "Should we both try to take on the trees then? Or maybe do something more logical and play against each other? I'm not that good yet, but I will be once I practice!" She paused, calming down slightly. "Unless you wanted to play with someone else, or alone! That's okay too."
The girl seemed to be completely fine and the fact that she was into football made her a girl to his heart. Perry smiled and opened his football bag retrieving a pair of keeper gloves and another ball. ''Likewise April'' Perry looked at the girl and tried to remember were he had seen her before. ''Maybe I should buy you a head to protect that noggin of yours'' Perry laughed and tried to envision a pink bicycle helmet on her head. ''Yeah the trees are at advanced level of football'' He always used the trees for a goal, but thinking of them as good players was pretty fun.

''Yes, I have been playing football since I was six'' Perry smiled and laughed. He was such a big dork. ''Lets battle each other, the trees are scary'' Perry was sure he could level to her, so she would have a fun time as well. ''No, I want to play football with you, if you want to play with me of course'' Perry winked. He grabbed his ball and kicked it to her.
April laughed at his suggestion of buying her a helmet. She shook her head, and knocked on her own head jokingly. "It's quite tough, I can take it." She said with a grin. "Besides, I won't be hit again. I'm a fast learner." This guy seemed fun, he shared her sense of humor and liked sports too.

The fact that he had been playing football since he was six made her grin. That just made her want to beat him more. Her competitive side came into play, and she nodded at his suggestion. "Let's do that, we can take on the trees when we're both better." She grinned, glad he wanted to play with her. When he kicked the ball to her, she ran at it and kicked at it eagerly. It didn't really go back to him in a straight line as she had intended, curving to the right after she kicked it. She frowned. She would have to look at how he was kicking it to see how to do it.
The ball was curving to the right after April kicked it. That meant that she hit the ball the wrong way. ''You should place your foot differently when you shoot the ball'' He showed her how to kick the ball if you wanted it to go straight or go more to the left. ''I hope so, it's actually lots of fun to be around you'' Perry blushed, he meant it as a compliment not as a creepy stalker comment.

When April talked about the trees being to high level he smiled again. She was actually going with his story which was pretty funny. ''Let the trees be, focus on murdering grass.'' Perry smiled and kicked the ball to her. ''Do you play other sports than football?'' She looked very athletic and he remembered her doing a pretty cool handstand at the sorting ceremony.
April usually didn't like to be corrected, but she could tell Perry knew what he was talking about. She watched carefully how he kicked the ball, taking mental note. She grinned at his compliment. April liked hearing things like that, though she already knew she was fun to be around. "Thanks." She said with a laugh. "So are you!"

When Perry kicked the ball to her, she stopped it with her foot before carefully kicking it in his direction the way he had shown her. It went a lot better this time, and she whooped. "Woo! See? You taught me!" She said happily. Then she realized he had asked her a question and she nodded. "I play quidditch!" She said, a little sad he hadn't recognized her from the Hufflepuff team. "I'm alternate seeker, but I already got to play one game." She grinned, and just had to add, "we won."

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