Both Hurt in Different Ways

Scorpius grinned devilishly as a response when she questioned if he was serious about staying the night. When she reminded him of what she had said in the dungeons about her hair being a mess when she woke up, Scorpius actually laughed in delight. "All the more reason to stay," he said cooly, putting his hands behind his head as he reclined on the armchair, as if trying to convince Taylor he'd be fine where he was.

He grinned at her triumphantly as if nothing would make him leave when quite suddenly his stomach grumbled in hunger. He laughed a little, hoping she hadn't heard, completely forgetting that he had skipped dinner to come visit her. "So what do they feed you in this place?" he asked her with a smile, genuinely curious, since his body was already thinking about food. He had been here plenty of times, but not overnight stays, so Taylor's injury must've been really bad for her to have to stay several days.
Taylor let out a small shocked noise. "Cheeky." She said lightly, she really did look rather frightful in the morning, plus if Knight was staying she didnt think she would get much sleep. She moved around alot in her sleep and had been known to talk. That would just be embarassing. Looking out the window she noticed it was getting quite late, she looked back at Knight when she heard his stomach growl.

She laughed a little then asked. "Did you eat dinner before you came?" Concern finding its way into her voice. She hoped he had, there was nothing to eat in this place. Almost reading her thoughts, Scorpius asked what they fed her. "Ugh its terrible." She whispered, in case there was a nurse around the corner ready to pounce. "But I guess I havnt been very hungry considering it had hurt to eat, but now Ive really only been eating little bits of things and Sam's chocolates he brought me." She laughed. She didnt think she would be in here much longer, the nurses had done a good job, she would be out now if she had it her way. She just needed the feeling back in her legs and she was good to go.
Scorpius chuckled and said, "No, I skipped dinner to come see you once Prince told me," he shrugged half apologetically with a sheepish smile. "I just couldn't sit there eating, being merry and happy while you were here all alone!" he added exasperatedly with a playful smirk. 'Being merry and happy' was quite the opposite of what he had been feeling lately so he knew that wasn't true. He allowed another chuckle to escape him as Taylor admitted that the food served here at the hospital wing was terrible. "How about I sneak us some food from the kitchens? It's my specialty," he offered with a sly grin. He had almost wanted to add that he used to do it for him and Luna all the time, but thankfully he had stopped himself before saying it. Luna's name was like taboo for himself.
Taylor hit Knight lightly on the arm. "You should have eaten! Im sure I would have survived, I didnt expect you to come here in the first place." She said indifferently, smiling in way that told him she was glad he did regardless. Scorpius then said he would sneak some food from the kitchens and Taylor grinned, liking the idea. "Sounds like a great idea." She said eagerly, the house elves were great. She had been down there once or twice before, she had met Viv there. The house elves were always happy to serve anything that you requested, which served to be helpful for midnight snacks. Taylor's eyes once again strayed to the window, wondering what time it was. She was still shocked Knight was going to stay with her in the first place. Did friends do that? She was overthinking things again, she let it slip from her mind, with another great deal of difficulty.
"Ouch," Scorpius said rubbing his arm where she hit him, obviously playing around. He vigorously shook his head to wave off her exclamation that he should've eaten first before visiting him and said, "But then I wouldn't be able to bring you good food and you'd be stuck eating whatever they serve you here." He raised his eyebrows at her to as if daring her to argue with him. When she agreed to him sneaking into the kitchens for food, he grinned and hopped off the armchair. "Okay, I'll be right back then," he said to her as he began to make his way over to the door.

As soon as he got there however, he stopped with his hand on the knob. He was so used to doing this for Luna, he knew all her favorite foods by then, but Taylor was not Luna, they probably had completely different tastes. "Any preference on what you want?" he turned back and asked her with a smile.
Taylor rolled her eyes playfully when he countered her argument. Fine, he won. She had to admit, as much as she told him off about not eating, or staying the night, she was more than greatful he was doing so. He hopped of his chair and Taylor settled down into her pillows with a small yawn. She realised vaguely she had a stupid grin on her face, one she quickly wiped off when Knight turned back around. She looked at him stunned for a moment, until he asked if there was anything special she would like. She raised her eyes to the roof for a moment and hummed as if thinking. Looking back at his she shrugged. "Im sure whatever you choose will be more than fantastic." She said with a grin. She didnt mind really, as long as it wasnt hospital mush.
Scorpius held back a chuckle as Taylor thought of her response to his question, not realizing he was wearing a silly grin on is face as he stared at her, looking cuter than ever as she was settled into the hospital bed. He quickly snapped back to reality as he heard her speak and tried wiping the grin off his face and instead substituting it for a safe, familiar smirk that he hoped didn't reveal that he had just been looking at her in a certain way. "Alright," he said aloud with false confidence, "I'll be back then." He turned back around and opened the door, practically fleeing down the steps to the kitchens. His mind was racing with thoughts of Taylor coupled with visions of him and Luna which made his heart and his mind hurt. He was getting more confused by the minute, but that didn't stop him from loving every second he was spending with Taylor.

After he had talked to the familiar house elves, he was rushing back to the Hospital Wing, eager to get back to Taylor. He rolled his grey eyes as he held a basket in his hands that the elves had given him to hold all the food. He had to admit he was surprised when he walked in and they immediately squeaked out 'Another picnic for Miss Luna?' Scorpius had been caught off guard by them bringing up Luna -he really had snuck into the kitchens for her too many times- but he laughed as he told them it wasn't for Luna anymore, but Taylor instead.

As soon as he reached the door, he stopped and took a deep breath. His heart was racing as if he were excited, to see her, but he convinced himself that it was only from running to and from the kitchens. He re-entered the Hospital Wing and grinned from ear to ear at the sight of Taylor. He held up the basket to show her that he'd brought food as promised and quickly regained his position in the armchair. He opened up the basket and said, "Sorry but the house elves insisted you eat soup, I kinda let slip that you were in the hospital wing," Scorpius said with an apologetic yet amused grin on his face as he held out a closed container of soup. "I tried telling them that there was nothing wrong with you but they insisted," he added with a chuckle. "I did get a bit of other things though," he shoved the basket closer to her so she could peer inside and take her pick of whatever.
The goofy smile returned to Taylor's face the second Scorpius left the room. She snuggled further into the pillows and shut her eyes. The quiet that enveloped her, not calming like it should be, but instead she found she couldnt wait for Scorpius to return. For the millionth time that evening she found herself wishing she didnt feel this way. That she could laugh and joke, without fear she would look stupid infront of the boy. That she could watch him casually ruffle his hair without the rise of a blush. That she could accept a simple friendly gesture, like staying with her at the hospital for what it was. A friend keeping another friend company. She hated the fact that she over evaluted every little detail. That by Knight doing all these things it could be something else, she held on to false hope much to often. Curse her for being such an optimist as times.

She needed to let that all go, every thought she had of Knight made her insides turn to mush. She needed to remember he had just got out of a relationship. It couldnt be like this. At least not yet, another small part said inside her. She sighed, snuggled into the blankets and squishy pillows, knowing that she would have to accept the fact that this would not go away and she couldnt push this aside no matter how hard she tried. All she could do was lie there, waiting for the object of her thoughts return.

She snapped her eyes open when she heard the door open and matched Knights grin. She sat back up in bed as he returned to the armchair, a basket of food in his hand. She laughed at the thought of what the nurses might say if they came in now, but she didnt care. She would explain to them simply, that their food was terrible. Taylor smiled when Knight said the house elves insisted she eat soup. "Thats fine, I could go for some soup right now." She said accepting the container. She peaked inside the basket, noting a few other things inside. "Thanks, for this." She glanced at the container in her hands then at the basket, then at Knight himself. It was a broad statement, one that meant basically thanks for everything.
Scorpius instantly smiled warmly when Taylor thanked him, "No problem," he replied, his stomach feeling funny with butterflies. "It was my pleasure really," he added. He really didn't mind skipping a full meal of dinner for leftovers instead and skipping out on catching up with his homework for this, spending some time, alone, with Taylor.

He had suddenly thought of saying 'You can thank me by going out with me sometime,' but he was horrified of being rejected by her so he instead mumbled, "Okay, eat your soup." He rummaged around in the basket for a turkey sandwich and quickly took a bite; he had seriously been considering asking her that so he had taken the bite to keep his mouth full and stop him from making a fool of himself. He had to stop thinking of her like that, especially when his mind occasionally wandered over to Luna. Sure some feelings for her still lingered, but he was starting to realize that it was when he was around Taylor that he thought of Luna, oddly enough. He figured out that it wasn't Luna he missed exactly, at least not that way, but he missed the feeling of being able to wrap his arms around someone and kiss her forehead when she was sick, in this case Taylor.
Taylor smiled gently at Scorpius when he said it was his pleasure. She hadnt even realised she was staring at him until he told her to eat her soup. Blinking, she looked down at the soup. Taking off the lid she grabbed a spoon that she hadnt used earlier when the nurses gave her mush from the bedside table. She ate a spoonful, "Mm, Ive missed actual food." She laughed, eating a few more spoonfuls. She saw Knight get started on a sandwich and smiled warmly to herself. Why was he such a nice guy? And why did he have to be so cute? Taylor suddenly found the situation entirely unfair.

She wanted to ask something, to keep a conversation up, but she couldnt find anything to say that wouldnt sound silly. How are classes going? No. So why did you and Luna break up? No definatly not. Even though it was a question she was extremely curious about, she didnt want to press it. Instead she sat eating her soup, completely stumped for conversation, occationally flicking her eyes towards Knight, for no reason really. She just couldnt resist.
Scorpius finished his turkey sandwich faster than he realized so after a few moments in silence his hands were empty and he had nothing to stop himself from asking Taylor out. He contemplated what he would say to end this awkward silence and tried convincing himself not to ask her at all. This is crazy, he told himself as he fiddled with his hands out of nervousness, Taylor is just your friend, nothing more. You just miss Luna. At that last thought he sighed inaudibly. Could it be the reason he was so mad at Luna's lack of realization that she liked Angus because he too couldn't see that he had liked a friend all along? If so, he was totally hypocritical and owed Luna an apology.

He glanced up at Taylor at the same time she looked up to him and his grey eyes locked with hers. Instantly his insides melted along with his thoughts and sense of rationality, a warm smile slid on his face. "Doyouwannagooutwithmesometime?" he slurred out, completely mesmerized by her temporarily and unable to stop himself in the moment. After he had gathered himself and his mind was functioning properly his mouth dropped open in shock at what he'd done. Are you crazy?! he shouted to himself. This was it, he blew it!
Taylor took another spoonful of soup, unaware she was eating it quite fast. She ate fast in general, but now she was using it as a distraction. Glancing up again, her eyes locked with Knight's. A blush rose on her cheeks and her green eyes widened only slightly. She would have looked away, but she found herself unable to do so. Look away you silly girl! Her mind screamed, but she completely ignored them, taken in by Knights grey eyes.

Knight then asked something that Taylor barely registered. Blinking out of her Scorpius induced gaze she sorted out his words. He had just asked if she would go out with him sometime. No he didnt. Did he? Taylor was completely shocked. That was definatly what he had said. She realised her mouth was hanging open and she shut it, not wanting to look like a fool. Too late. She thought. She noticed Scorpius held the same look. Did he regret saying it? What did that face mean? She then replaced her shocked gaze with a grin, butterflies errupting in her stomach regardless, flying around like they never would again. "Id love to." She said with false confidence and a smile, even if he did regret it, she may as well see what that statement got her. Oh geez, she really hoped he wouldnt turn around and say he didnt mean it. That would make Taylor look totally stupid. Stop thinking! She scolded herself. Settling back into the pillows, her head feeling like it was going to implode and her heart like it would pound out of her chest and jump away.
Scorpius ruffled his hair as he tried thinking of something to cover up what he'd just said, just in case Taylor hadn't heard him yet. It wasn't as if he didn't want to ask her out, obviously his subconscious acted upon his emotions before his mind could function properly and persuade him not to, but he was just afraid she didn't see him that way and he might've just ruined their friendship.

As he held his head low with his hand still in his hair he heard Taylor say she'd love to. "What?" he asked, immediately shooting his head up to look at her again, a surprised yet thrilled smile making his way on his face. "Really?" he asked, still surprised. After he had registered her response with her reassuring smile, Scorpius inhaled, trying to keep his excitement at a bare mimimum, he didn't want to look like an idiot in front of her, well more so than now. He cleared his throat and subtly bit his lip to stop him from saying anything stupid. He smiled as he was finally able to give her an appropriate response, "Great, it's a date then." The fluttering in his stomach went into overdrive at the sound of his words as his heart went a million miles a second.
The color once again rose in Taylor's cheeks as Scorpius ruffled his hair, she allowed a smile to reach her face as he asked her if she really meant what she said. She allowed a small nod, her facial expression one that said he was stupid for even asking if that was really her answer. She was keeping her cool and she had to say she was impressed beyond belief. If heart beats could be any louder Taylor was sure hers would sound like a rock concert with how fast it was beating.

The last words were what made everything so much worse, or was it so much better? 'It's a date then.' Taylor's smile grew wider, a small pink blush still tinting her cheeks and her green eyes shining with a mixture of relief and happiness. Relief because maybe this wasnt one sided after all and happiness for obvious reasons. Now she definatly couldnt wait to be out of this stupid hospital bed. She half expected to wake up and be lying alone with no food in her belly. Speaking of which, she didnt think she could eat any more soup now, not when the butterflies took up the majority of her stomach. She placed it on the bedside table and shot a glance at Knight who seemed equally as pleased. Or at least Taylor hoped thats what she saw. Maybe she had been wrong after all.
Scorpius noticed the pink tint in Taylor's cheeks rising and registered it as her blushing. The thought, and sight, of her blushing was cute, and it made him smile like a giddy little boy, one that he was sure he was acting like at this moment. Should he ruin the moment with questions such as when and where? Nah, right now he was still trying to get over the fact that Taylor had actually accepted his invitation in the first place. Once it had actually sunk in, then he'd plan out the details.

He was snapped out of his goofy-grinning revelry when he saw her place the bowl of soup on her bedside table. He shook his head and looked down at the basket in his lap, thinking of a distraction; he was sure he had gotten some dessert for them, it was his favorite course. "Here," he said, rummaging though the basket, secretly breathing with relief that his voice sounded somewhat normal, "you need some dessert," he said mock-sternly before (attempting to) give her a playful smirk. "Have a chocolate-covered strawberry," he offered, holding one perfect, ripe strawberry, half covered in smooth chocolate, for her to eat.
Taylor was finding the situation as a whole hard to believe. Taylor couldnt help but smile at the grin on Scorps face. It was too adorable. It made Taylor feel like she hadnt been crazy after all. That maybe she was completely right in feeling like he held something for her as well. She looked down while she could. She was afraid if she stared at Knight too long, she would never be able to tear her eyes away.

After she had placed the bowl on the table Knight offered dessert. Now that she could manage. She loved dessert and swore she could live on just desert for the rest of her life. He pulled out a chocolate covered strawberry and it looked so perfect, she almost didnt want to eat it. She looked back up at Scorpius a grin on her face. "Yuuum." She said softly, accepting the strawberry. "Thanks." She added as she took it, never forgetting her manners. She took a bite and shut her eyes with a grin, raising one finger to wipe a stray bit of strawberry juice on her lip. "I hope you brought herself one." She said half-seriously, pointing the bitten strawberry at him lazily to add to the stern act.
Scorpius smiled as she took the strawberry and bit into it. Strawberries were his favorite fruit yet somehow his mother hated them and because of that growing up he always thought girls were supposed to hate strawberries. He chuckled quietly at those thoughts, he was so naive when he was a little boy. When Taylor said she hoped he brought himself one he smiled at her and said, "Why of course, can't have you taking all of them now, can we?" He gave her a coy smile teasingly before reaching into the bag for a strawberry. He ate it whole and began laughing because he had to take huge bites in order to swallow it.
She nodded with a look that said 'good.' She laughed as he took huge bites to finish his as she took another and finished off her own in two. She placed the leaves of the strawberry into the empty soup bowl and then rolled her shoulders a bit, trying to stiffle a yawn but failing. Her belly was full and her heart was still doing weird things in Knight's presence, but her face showed nothing but gratitude. She hadnt expected Scorpius to come here at all. Now she had his company for the night, some decent food and she had plans to go out with him in the future.

Speaking of which, she thought she might ask now that the situation had settled in her stomach and the butterflies werent on hyperdrive. "So." She said, snuggling down into the pillows a bit. She hoped she wouldnt mess this up as she said it. "Where should be have our little-" Oh geez, what word should I use. Uh, date? Get together? Oh no, say something before you look stupid! She struggled with a major internal battle and only managed to say lamely. "Thing... we have... organised." Well done Taylor, that was smooth. Her mind said sarcastically. She blushed and looked up at Knight, hoping he would understand what on earth she had just said.
Scorpius took slow bites in order to be able to swallow his first strawberry and was quick to pick up another one, but this time he was smarter and took small bites rather than stuffing them in his mouth whole. As he finished the second strawberry, he too placed the leaves into the soup bowl and noticed Taylor stifling a yawn. He looked out the window, his only sense of time, and noticed it was dark out; he hadn't realized how late it now was. He was going to suggest she get some rest now, but before he could even open his mouth, she began talking.

As soon as her question was finally out in the open, Scorpius couldn't help but grin. But immediately afterward his grin faltered just slightly. First of all, she had called it a 'thing' which worried him, did she not want to call it a date for some reason? He suddenly felt stupid for calling it a date in the first place. Oh no, she doesn't want to go on a date with me after all! he thought panic-stricken. But he quickly got a grip on himself when he remembered that she had after all accepted, with the phrase 'I'd love to' which sounded pretty genuine to him, so he shouldn't be worrying. Now that his small worry frenzy was over, he was able to focus on her question again. "Ummm, do you know when the next Brightstone weekend is? Is it too far?" he questioned. Truthfully he didn't think he could wait until then if the next visit was too far away, he wanted to take Taylor out as soon as possible, but what was a good date on the grounds?
"Hmm, Im not sure actually." She shrugged, she had no idea when the Brightstone weekend was, she didnt really keep track. "Im not bothered where we have it. Im sure it will be just as great either way. If its on the grounds or at Brightstone." She said with a shy smile. Her eyes were getting heavy and she managed to hold back another yawn, but she didnt want to sleep because that meant not talking to Scorp anymore. A surge of guilt made its way through her. It was so soon after Luna. Should Taylor really be doing this? Not only to Scorpius, but to herself as well? It was a dangerous situaton to be in, but she found herself not being able to tear her eyes away from the boy that had offered to stay the night in hospital with her and had just asked her out on a date.
Scorpius chewed on his lower lip in thought as he tried figuring out when was best. He was happy that she didn't care when or where especially but that didn't mean he was going to say 'Okay great, tomorrow!' No, he didn't want to come off too eager, no matter if that's how he was feeling. Scorpius was busy trying to figure out when would be best logically when his grey eyes caught her green eyes and he smiled at her, all logic escaping his mind. "How about after the Quidditch game?" he said, forgetting to explain that he meant later into the week, not literally after the game ended, unless she prefered it then.

As he stared into her green eyes, he was instantly reminded of Luna's green eyes, though thankfully the two girls orbs seemed to be different shades of green. A knot twisted in his stomach. What if he was rushing into things with Taylor? He didn't want things to end badly and even worse, ruin things with all their group of friends. He wanted to do things right and not blow his chance with Taylor, he felt lucky that she even gave him one, despite the bad reputation he had quickly perceived. He really needed to talk to Prince. But still, he had asked Taylor out already and he couldn't hide the fact that he was beyond excited for it. Now if only he could think of a good first date for the pair.
Knight answered with after the quidditch game and Taylor smiled. "Sounds good, besides I cant be sure im going to be out of this bed before then." She laughed lightly looking down at her lap. She still couldnt believe she actually had a date with Knight to begin with, this was all just so weird. Who knew the feelings hadnt gone away sinse their first meeting, they just hadnt caught up while Luna and Scorp had been dating. There had only been the one time when Scorpius told her about Luna and when they had exchanged gifts with the whole group. Seeing him in the Dungeons had just brought all the feelings from the first meeting in that place back. It still felt strange for him to not be with Luna and now have a date with her. She just couldnt wrap her head around the idea.

She looked up and her eyes locked with Knights. He smiled at her and she smiled shyly back, not caring about the blush on her face. She had to let that fact go, considering that blush had not left for the duration of their meeting.
Scorpius' smile grew bigger when she said that sounded good. "Great," he repeated a little too eagerly, but he didn't care anymore. Let it be known that he was excited for a date with her. When she mentioned not knowing when she'd be out of here anyway and looked down at her legs, Scorpius chuckled and said, "Right, well, you should be getting some sleep missy!" He stuck his tongue out at her teasingly before quickly jumping up from his armchair to grab a blanket and pillow from an empty hospital bed. If he was going to sleep here all night, he had to make sure he was comfortable on the armchair so he wouldn't get any cricks in his neck. He had considered simply summoning a pillow and blanket but those items were too general and there were so many around that he was sure he would've been bombarded with them. Scorpius quickly hopped right back into the armchair and got cozy with his blanket and pillow, flashing Taylor a grin that said 'I wasn't kidding.'
Taylor laughed at Knight's exclamation about sleep. "What are you my Mother?" She joked, sticking her tongue back out at him. She settled down into her blankets regardless with a huge yawn. She looked over to see Scorp getting a pillow and blanket. He couldnt be serious? After he had arranged a blanket and pillow in the arm chair she looked at him as if he was crazy. "I cant believe your actually doing this. You dont have to you know. It will be so uncomfortable!" She rambled with a laugh. Turning on her side, still facing Scorpius, she placed her hands under her head, hoping she wouldnt snore or do anything stupid in her sleep. "Thanks anyway you stupid boy." She grinned, throwing one of the smaller pillows the nurses had given her to help sit up during the day at him.
Scorpius chuckled when she said she couldn't believe he was staying there for her and that he didn't have to. He rolled his grey eyes playfully and said, "I know, but I want to," before he smiled warmly at her. Besides, he didn't like to say he'd do something and then not do it, he liked to stick to his word. So just like he said he was going to visit her everyday, he would whenever he could, before breakfast, between classes, during classes if he didn't feel like going, whenever, until Taylor got better.

He noticed her getting settled into her bed and he too settled himself on the armchair as best he could. He chuckled when she threw a pillow at him and considered throwing it back at her but didn't of course, and instead used it to make his temorary bed more comfortable. "Any time," he whispered to her truthfully with a warm smile before he stuck his tongue out at her for calling him a stupid boy. He hadn't noticed how tired he was quickly becoming until he was nice and settled in his bed. He didn't want to go to sleep yet, he wanted to keep talking to Taylor but he was already struggling to keep his eyelids open.

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