Both Hurt in Different Ways

Taylor Mercer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Taylor wanted out of this place, sure she felt a little sore still and she couldnt walk properly, but she was sure she would manage! She had been in here, what was it? Maybe three days? She didnt count, all she knew was that it felt like a life time and she wanted her life back again. She had already been visited by Sam and Arianna, but now no one had come to visit her again. She reached onto the table and grabbed the last remaining chocolate out of the box Sam had given her as a getwell gift. Munching on it she looked at the ceiling, maybe later she would attempt walking again, to prove to the nurses that she could do it, so she could get out of this boredom prison sooner.
Scorpius had been locking himself up in his dorm room as often as possible so that it was almost impossible for anyone to get a hold of him. Finally at dinner one night, Sam was able to pull him aside and finally tell him that Taylor was at the hospital wing. Immediately fear overtook him wondering what was wrong with her but he knew Sidney, or Nurse Coogan as everyone else knew her by, would fix her up in no time. Scorpius quickly left the Great Hall without another word, not bothering with eating dinner and made a quick stop to the garden before finaly rushing over to the Hospital Wing.

As soon as he got to his destination, he immediately stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath as he ruffled his hair. He then felt a little foolish for trying to impress Taylor with messy hair and quickly shook his head to rid himself of the blush he felt himself get. He held an arrangement of flowers in his hand, and put them behind his back as he finally opened the door to go in.

It didn't take long for Scorpius to find her laying on a bed nearby. "Taylor!" he whispered loudly as he quickly closed the gap between them. He bit his lip in fear of what had happened to her and immediately shot off, "What happened to you? Are you okay? How long have you been here? When will you be able to leave?" He stopped when he realized he had asked her too many questions so fast and took a deep breath as he gave her a nervous smile. He suddenly remembered the flowers he held behind his back and pulled them out in front of her. "These are for you," he said weakly, still shaken up by the fact that she was in the hospital.
Taylor had begun to count the lines on the ceiling, something she had done more than three times already, when she heard the door open. She automatically looked over to see who had opened it. Yes, she was clinging to false hope that someone would visit her, the majority of the time, it was a nurse or another visiting someone else and even once it had been Beau, who came through vomiting slugs. Something in which Taylor had completely freaked out at and tried to run out of the room, but fallen in pain at her attempt. Sure she must have looked stupid, but no one had the right to blame her, she had a phobia of slugs and vomit after all. Irrational, yes, but still she didnt like them at all.

She was shocked, yet completely pleased to see Knight at the door. She smiled up at him and adjusted herself so she was no longer lying down but sitting against the headboard. It had hurt to do so at first, but she had perfected the art now so it no longer hurt whatsoever. She chuckled at his questions, being realed off too fast for her to even remember them. She was about to answer the first question, the only one she managed to pick up, when he took the hand that Taylor hadnt noticed was hidden behind his back out and presented Taylor with some flowers. She grinned up at him and accepted them, pulling forward an empty vase that the nurses kept on the bedside table for when people were given flowers and putting the water from her drinking glass in the bottom. She placed the beautiful flowers in it and smiled back up at Scorpius. "Thankyou, they're fantastic." She said, glad Knight had come to see her. Then a question came to mind. "How did you know I was here?" She asked.
Scorpius grinned as she used the word fantastic but his smile was quickly wiped off when she asked how he found out she was here. "Sam just told me a few minutes ago at dinner. I've been uhh...studying in my room a lot lately so it's been hard to get a hold of me. I'm so sorry, if I would've known sooner I would've come earlier," he rambled as he ruffled his hair. "But enough about me, what happened to you?" he asked, with worry in his grey eyes. He grabbed a stool nearby and brought it over to sit beside her.
Taylor nodded when Knight said Sam had told him, of course he had. Taylor thought fondly. Scorpius started to ramble and Taylor's face took on an amused look. "Its okay," She said once he had finished, she didnt hold anything against him for not coming sooner, he simply didnt know, that was all. She smiled at him and saw the worry when he asked what was wrong. Maybe it was a bad idea for him to come here, Taylor had been spending more time with Knight as of late and she was starting to forget he was with Luna. She wasnt meant to feel like this. Pushing it away the best she could, she gave Scorp the story.

"Well." She cleared her throat dramatically, glad she could use her voice again. When she had first been admitted to Hospital it had been scratchy and hoarse, she hated her voice like that. She sounded so manly. "I was in the gardens reading a book, enjoying the day, when some girl, about our age stomped through the gardens, tredding on the flowers, she was walking pretty fast to the forest, so I never got a chance to see her face. She entered the forest, so I of course was curious and wanted to know why, I followed and saw her with an older boy, it seemed. It was quite dark though, so I really cant say anything for certain, also my memory is a little dodgy because I blacked out. Anyway, I stepped on a twig giving away my position from behind the tree, all I remember is one of them casting a hex, im pretty sure it was the boy and then extreme pain, now im here." She said, replaying the night for only the second time.

"I didnt break anything and they dont know what the hex is, all I know is that it hurt, alot." She said with a light laugh, looking up at Scorpius, wondering how he would take the story.
Scorpius listened with furrowed brows at her story and as she continued, the scowl on his face only got more prominent. "Who would hex someone just like that?" he asked with a bit of anger evident in his voice. He looked at Taylor again and his expression softened, "Well I'm really sorry about that, does it still hurt now?" he asked anxiously. He shook his head softly as he thought if he had seen someone storming through the gardens like that, he'd be just as curious and follow the girl too, probably landing him in the Hospital yet again. At the thought of that he looked around the hospital wing, he'd become very familiar with it in his first semester. "Where's Nurse Coogan? Did she fix you up? She's great," he said, rambling slightly again. Sidney had always been able to heal him in no time, surely she was the one that helped Taylor.
Taylor noticed the anger and she had to agree she felt the same way, she hated the fact that the student was roaming around the school as if nothing had happened, how she wished she knew who had done it. "Well the nurses arent letting me ago until I can walk properly, which I cant." She laughed a little, but it had a hint of annoyance twisted in it, she hated being stuck here without the ability to even walk around the place. "So really its only my legs that are a little numb." She admitted, everything else was fine, she got the occational headache, but nothing major.

Taylor let out a laugh as Scorp asked about the nurse. "Exactly how many times have you been in here?" She questioned, a little worried at what the answer might be. "I dont know who helped me, I didnt get her name, I just call them nurse." She stated with an uneasy edge to the laugh that came out.
Scorpius frowned slightly when Taylor said it was just her legs that were numb so she couldn't leave until she could walk again. "Well I'll visit you everyday if I have to, until you get better," he said with a bright grin, he was serious too. Ever sine the breakup with Luna he had a lot of free time on his hands.

When she asked how many times he had been to the Hospital Wing, he chuckled a little. "Enough to be on a first name basis with the nurse," he replied with a half smug. half amused face. He thought it was weird that he hadn't seen Sidney at all yet, usually she was the busiest nurse of all. Scorpius had always been interested in Healing, he often thought it was what he wanted to do in the future.
Taylor couldnt hide the blush that appeared on her face when Knight said he would visit everyday until she was better. She sighed a little remembering Luna, why was it that she always slipped out of Taylor's mind. She smiled up at Knight nevertheless, hoping that he actually meant it. It would make her time in here less dull to see his face everyday.

Shaking any further thoughts that slipped into her mind she shook her head with a small laugh. "Im not sure thats normal, especially for a first year student." She said a little shocked, she knew only of Knights fight with Beau and Hoshi breaking his hand, what else had he got up to? Chosing to ask something similar to her line of thought she enquired. "So how have you been sinse the Dungeons?" She was curious, it had been a little while, Sam had lost Jenn in that time and alot had happened.
Scorpius shrugged his shoulders lightly when she said it wasn't normal for a first year to have been to the hospital wing. "I guess I'm not your normal student then," he said in jest. He remembered he had carried Luna all the way here on the night before Halloween when she was extremely sick. He shook his head subtly at the thought of Luna, it still left him feeling empty inside.

When Taylor asked how he had been since the dungeons, he actually sighed. "Not good," he replied gravely. "You know Jenn's gone right?" he asked her. That had hurt him badly, since she was one of his best friends, and she had said she was unhappy here. "And Hoshi was being bullied so that made me get mad at everyone else," he continued. In truth he had been snapping at anyone who looked at him because everything had all fallen apart at once. "And," he hesitated by taking a deep breath before going on, "Luna and I aren't together anymore." He ruffled his hair nervously and gave Taylor a weak smile as if to say he was fine.
Taylor laughed. "No I guess your not." She said softly. Taylor turned her head when Knight said things hadnt been good. What had happened apart from Jenn, or maybe that got to him more than Taylor realised? She looked at him carefully as he explained. First there was Jenn, Taylor nodded when he asked if she knew she was gone. It had hit Sam hard. Second Hoshi was being bullied, Taylor supposed she knew that too, if her rushing out of the Hospital wing when she had delivered Taylor was anything to go by. She made a note to catch up with Hoshi soon, see how she was doing and such. The final one Taylor actually couldnt believe.

Sitting up better in bed, she saw Knight give her a weak smile, she shook her head, he didnt need to pretend he was okay. "Im really sorry Scorpius." She said sincerly, somehow in some way she felt responsible and guilty for her feelings, even though she had done nothing. She still never had wanted it to end between them, she had no wish for that to happen. "Things sound really tough for you right now." She said softly, stating the obvious, but everything seemed to have happen to Knight all at once. Losing a best friend, a girlfriend and having another of his best friends bullied. It didnt seem fair on Scorp at all.
He shrugged his shoulders, accepting her apology but feeling it was really unnecessary. He wasn't the only one, Sam had it just as bad as he did, and he knew both he and Prince would be okay soon. "It's just the fact that all these events happened one after another that sucks," he said, "Otherwise I don't think it would be too bad." He cleared his throat and said, "Besides, I have friends like you to make it all better," he smiled warmly at her. A friend, he repeated in his head. After the whole thing with Luna he didn't think Taylor would ever see him as more than a friend. "And you getting better is the bigger problem here," he added in jest. Besides, broken bones were easier to fix than a broken heart, at least he thought so.

[Wow that was really lame, sorry!]
"Well, its going to suck for a while, but you and Sam will pull through in the end." She said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder for a brief moment, before letting it fall. She sat further back in bed so she was sitting fully upright, stretching out her legs to see if there was any feeling in them she grinned at his comment. "Its because Im fantastic." She said simply, wriggling her toes. She shook her head when he said it was her getting better that was the bigger problem. "Dont worry about me, there is nothing wrong with me." She said with a small laugh and a shake of her head. "Im sure in a few days ill have my legs back and I can get on with my life." It really was as simple as that. Her eyes meeting Knights she added seriously. "I said it to Sam and I'll say it to you." She laughed, putting a damper her serious tone. "Im always there if you need to talk or anything." She said with a smile, it was true. Her friends were becoming more and more important to her as the year progressed, she wanted to make sure they all made it through the difficult times okay, because realistically, not alot had happened to Taylor, it was mainly everyone else.
Scorpius nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, we're tough guys," he said with a mock arrogant tone, but he chuckled because he knew the way he and Prince had been sulking around lately didn't really prove that statement. He smiled at her reassuringly when she said she would be fine as she wriggled her toes. "Okay, but just to make sure I'm going to visit you everyday and see if you're getting better," he grinned at her, thinking that half of the reason he wanted to visit her everyday was to get out of class, but also of course to see her.

When her tone became serious for a bit as she said she'd be there for him and Prince, Scorpius smiled warmly at her. "Likewise," he said to her softly, his smile reaching his eyes. He placed a hand over Taylor's hand and caressed it softly to reassure her that he meant it as well and quickly pulled away once he realized what he had done. He brought his hand up to the only other place he put it when he was nervous, his hair, and laughed nervously at her. "So uh..." he began to try to make conversation but he was at a complete loss for words at the moment.
Taylor giggled when Knight said they were tough guys. "Totally." She knew Sam and Knight were complete softies. She smiled a simple, greatful smile that said more than a larger grin would when he said he was going to visit her everyday. She hoped so deep down, but the realistic part of herself said she wasnt pleased at all. She just needed to keep saying it, sure Knight had lost Luna, but Taylor didnt know how she felt about that. She was more worried for Scorpius than relieved they werent together. She didnt know what that meant to her.

She suddenly felt a hand over her own and couldnt stop the blush that touched her cheeks. Was Knight being a friend or did all the things that have happened in their recent meetings mean something more than that. She was sure it was just friendship, he had been with Luna in the Dungeons, so nothing that happened there could have meant something. And now he was just worried about her getting better. It was simply friendship that was all. She felt his warm hand pull away quickly and she knew it was false hope that he could ever like her. It was proof right there, he didnt want her to think he was more than that. She needed to stop clinging to stupid things and let this all go. She brought her hands to her lap and rested them there, looking down at them. As means of a conversation Scorp was trying to create, Taylor muttered, "You going to the quidditch match this weekend? Im sure Sam has probably told you about it?"
Scorpius chanced a glance at Taylor through his embarrassment and saw her looking down at her hands in his lap. Something inside of him fluttered, like butterflies, and he questioned what that meant. Did he like Taylor? It was hard for him to figure it out. He had been so wrapped up in Luna for months now, it was hard to imagine him liking another girl. His grey eyes looked over at Taylor again and he thought, Well, maybe not too hard to imagine myself with someone else. And Taylor was definitely cute, no she was more than cute, she was very pretty. No she's--

He quickly stopped himself from thinking anything more than that because he realized doing so wouldn't get him anywhere. Taylor was just his friend, and after he had messed up royally with Luna, he didn't think anyone would ever want to date him again. Thankfully, to save himself from self-loathing, Taylor picked up his failed attempt at conversation and asked about Quidditch. "Uh yeah, of course Sam told me," he replied with an amused grin, his voice weak at first but regaining its strength. "I'm definitely going. Are you?" he asked, before realized he asked a little too eagerly.
She braced herself and looked up at him, it seemed every time she did so she fell deeper and she couldnt help but give him a smile. As much as she told herself not to do it to herself, she seemed to not listen, she needed to sort herself out before the quidditch match. If she didnt she might find herself flying into the goals or something, the thought actually seemed quite likely.

Taylor grinned when Knight said he was going, she hadnt been sure if he would after everything that had happened, but it had been good news to know he would be there. "I definatly will be, I dont care if the nurses try to keep me in here, I'll escape somehow." She said mischieviously, there was no way she would miss the game she had planned just because she was stuck in here, although she was pretty confident her legs would be fine by then.
Scorpius chuckled when she said she'd escape the hospital if she still happened to be stuck in here when the match came up. "Well let's hope you recover fast enough so you won't have to resort to that," he said half serious half playful. He knew he'd definitely be checking up on her daily to see if she'd made progress on her recovery. "So I'm curious," he began his question, glad that he hadn't blushed after pulling away from Taylor's hand, or had he? he bit his lip in anxiety wondering if he had been blushing all along, before finally finishing his question. "What position do you play for Quidditch?" He wanted to groan and roll his eyes at himself when he noticed his voice had gotten all nervous and weak at the thought of blushing from caressing her hand.
Taylor nodded when Scorp said he hoped it didnt resort to that. Neither did she. Now that she knew Knight would be playing, she couldnt wait to see him up in the air and afterwards she knew he would land and run a hand through his windswept hair. Mentally slapping herself, she forced herself to stop thinking about Knight and get along with the conversation that was taking place. He said he was curious and Taylor looked up, only to see him biting his lip in an somewhat, worried? expression. Taylor found herself blushing with a smile at how adorable that face had been. GAH! She had to stop! "I usually play seeker, good eyes and im fast." She said with a smirk, trying to focus all her attention on the topic of quidditch. "What about you?" She asked, trying desperatly to sound casual, but after everything, the hand touching and adorable faces, it was more than a little difficult.
Scorpius grinned at Taylor's reply, noting the smirk she wore on her face as she said it. His smirked mirrored her own as he repeated, "Seeker?" with a nod of approval, not that she needed it of course. She then proceeded to asking him what he played and he proudly stated, "Beater," with the smirk still on his face. He was glad his voice seemed to be calm again which completely masked the nervousness he was feeling at the moment but couldn't help the notice the nervousness in her voice. He looked at her curiously for a moment but figured he was probably scrutinizing every detail unnecessarily.
"Of course you play beater." She said in a joking manner. She should have guessed that was the position he played. She looked up at him so notice he was looking at her curiously, it made her nervous. Did her voice really give that much of her away? Surely it did, he would probably have to be an idiot not to notice her foolish behaviour. Searching her brain she tried to find another topic so she could keep her mind on the conversation and not on other things.

"You dont have to stay here you know." She said gently, with a warm smile, she didnt want him to think she wanted him to go, because she really didnt, "I mean, surely you have something much more exciting to do than sit here with me." She said with a small laugh. She didnt want to keep him here, but she realised what she said might have sounded like she wanted him to go, feeling a little guilty, she quickly added. "Of course, im not telling you to leave or anything, Im just-" There she went again rambling on, she stopped before she could say something stupid like she had in the Dungeons.
Scorpius raised an eyebrow at Taylor when she said of course he played beater. "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked with an amused look on his face. Did he look like the type who played beater? Was there a stereotype for beaters anyway? he wondered curiously, as usual. He smiled at her warmly to let her know that he knew she didn't mean anything bad by it.

Suddenly she said he didn't have to stay if he didn't want to. Before he even had time to reply, she began trying to explain what she meant, but he had understood from the beginning. He laughed lightly as she seemed to be flustered and failed to finish her sentence. "Taylor, it's okay, I know what you meant," he told her with a mix of a reassuring smile and an amused smirk. "I don't mind staying, I'd stay all night if I could, but I doubt the nurse would let me," he said with a chuckle. "I have nothing else to do, besides ignore the pile of homework waiting for me up in my dorm," he added playfully though he wasn't lying. He flashed her a full grin before saying, "I'm here to stay." Then suddenly his grin was wiped off his face as he added, "Unless of course you want me to leave or want to be left alone?" He gestured to get up off the stool he was sitting on and the anxiety and concern was painfully obvious in his voice.
Taylor laughed when Knight asked what that meant. "All I meant was trust you to play the most brutal position on the team." She would have nudged him if she could reach, but considering she couldnt she just winked playfully instead. "No wonder your in the hospital all the time." She grinned.

She let out a breath when he said she knew what she meant. She listened to Knight explain and could feel herself melting, why did he have to be so nice? He had just lost his girlfriend and best friend and he was still being the nicest guy, if anything Taylor should be worrying about him and asking what he needed. He then said he would leave if she wanted to be left alone and she frowned. "I thought you said you understood?" She said with a laugh, waving her hand for him to stay seated. "Of course I dont want you to leave, do you know how lonely it is up here? Having your company is much better." She said, glad her voice was steady, no she couldnt look him in the eye when she said it, but she had managed to say it with meaning and not sound like an idiot.
Scorpius grinned brightly at her explanation of why he seemed the type to play beater. "Brutal position? I like the sound of that," he said with a smug look on his face. The butterflies in his stomach went into overdrive when Taylor winked at him and instantly many thoughts rushed into his mind, none of which were appropriate for him to be thinking since she was only his friend, nothing more.

After he let his anxiety get the better of him, throwing common sense out the window, he laughed when Taylor reminded him that he had just said he understood her. He rolled his grey eyes playfully in humility at himself and sheepishly said, "Oh right." He grinned brightly from ear to ear once Taylor reassured him that she didn't want him to leave. "Good," he said, trying to regain his 'coolness' back playfully. He saw a comfortable looking armchair nearby and looked around for a nurse. When he didn't see one in sight, he got up off the stool and put it back where he got it from, and picked up the armchair, setting it beside Taylor's bed, closer than the stool had been. He jumped onto it and said, "There, much better. Now I'll be good for the night," he said, getting comfortable, with a mischievous smirk, indicating that he planned to stay here, though he doubted a nurse would let him. Perhaps if he ran into Sidney she'd let him...though he had no knowledge of her departure.
Taylor threw her head forward and laughed, before shaking her head at his comment about liking the sound of a brutal position. She furrowed her brow though when she saw him get up, was he leaving? Her heart sunk for a moment as he placed the stool back. Maybe he realised how she felt and got creeped out? Seeing him get a more comfortable arm chair her breathing returned to normal, the fact not escaping her that he placed it closer to her. She felt foolish for picking up such small facts, but she couldnt help it.

When he mentioned staying for the night Taylor's eyes widened. "You cant be serious, I dont expect you to stay here, you'll be so uncomfotable!" She said reasonably, she wouldnt admit it but inside she was delieriously happy at the thought. Once again trying and failing to shake such feelings she put on another joke to even out the feelings. "Besides, when I said in the Dungeons about seeing me in the morning, I wasnt kidding." She said looking at him seriously, before letting a small giggle escape her.

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