
Adrian Slick

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Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Adrian was in the library once again, bored from being stuck there the whole day. Nobody else was there, not even the other Librarians. There was basically nothing to do, he had read all of the interesting books in the whole library. He sat there, waiting for somebody to come in, maybe his little brother.
That was first day in Hogwarts New Zealand and Jenny liked it. There she were just some hours, but that still was interesting. Women went to Library to see, how big it is. Library had very interesting books. Books there was very much. Jenny seen guy sitting. Brown slowly went to him and sat near Adrian. Women don't knowed who he is, but that was not big problem. Jenny looked at him.

- Hello. -

She said it very slowly. Few secounds she was looking at library, but other secounds at guy.

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