
Beau let a smile appear on his face, he wished they could skip out the easy stuff and go straight to the difficult spells, there was nothing he liked more then a challenge. Unless, of course, that challenge involved flying.
"So let me guess, you a great quiditch player?" he asked, everyone he had met so far loved to fly. He seemed the only one reluctant to begin the flying lessons.
Rose laughed at that. "Aparently you haven't seen me walk across flat surfaces. No, I'm probably going to try out, but I'm not the best." She said "I haven't had any practice either, except when I go to my grandparents house, but they don't let me fly anymore because I flew into the side of the house." She said laughing.
Beau smiled, "Well I'm sure you will improve with all those awful flying lessons we are forced to take," he said, his mind already wondering why he had admitted he was a bad flyer, usually he told people he did not enjoy it, a better conclusion to admit. Rather then spill his biggest weakness to someone he had just met. Though it was probably a minor detail to her, something she would easily forget.
"Any lessons your looking forward to?" he asked.

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