Open Bored

Miroslav Petrov

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2049 (11)
There was nothing to do in this town. Nothing for him to do. He had a managed to get a couple of prank like items, and was doing his best to not use all of them all at once. But there really wasn't anything for him to do, this place was boring and terrible. He huffed a little, and kicked some stones with his feet. Hitting them in any old direction that he could. It was just boring.
Audrey was also bored, she had had to fight to even get out of the house and go to Obsidian Harbour again after getting her books. Her parents seemed perfectly inclined to just leave her to her own devices and then yell at her for making a mess in the kitchen or using the good bat to practice quidditch, so really at this point it was probably her having worn them down enough to want to be rid of her for a while. But for all Audrey's desire to get out and about, she realized that without any actual plans and not a whole lot of spending money, the harbour was actually quite dull. A stone hit the side of her foot, and she turned around and kicked one right back in the direction it came from, giving a small snort of laughter when she saw a boy who looked as bored as she did.
Miroslav was a little surprised when a stone that he'd kicked was suddenly back at his feet. He knew magic could do a lot of things, but he doubted it could do immediately recall of little stones without a spell. He glanced at the person who'd kicked it to him, a girl, older than him. Miroslav kicked the stone back to her, hard. He didn't really care if he ended up accidentally hurting her.

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