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Solenn Goldameir

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OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤

Solenn Erina Goldemeir

And so here I am...posting this hoping someone could RP with my characters but for now I'm offering her second. My first is Clea and the topic is here. Anyways, let's concentrate on Solenn first. I need to use her once in a while and that is why I'm bringing her out for anyone who wants to RP with her. Think of this as an advertise, I am advertising my character. Well, I need a few RP's for her, which means I'll be needing some certain people. First off I want Solenn to experience a love relationship thingy, a boy that will love her and will be repay back by her love too. It wouldn't be permanent though, just a boyfriend/girlfriend thing. Then some friends, that could be there to share some experiences with. I'm not that choosy or particular with anyone as long as you can befriend Solenn.
As for her summary and stuffs, just check out her C.D if interested. I do hope someone would be, i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-e-d. Till then. KkkkkkthanksBYE.
someone replied. xD

Hi Claire! ^_^

That sounds really great, I can see the two being close friends. It's a YES! ^_^
There. :tut:

Perhaps the two already have met but they didn't really chatted with each other? :)
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