Open books and bags

Elio Boneheart

your exception to your rule
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
31st October, 2045
Elio ducked into the student lounge, his arms full of books and a bag slung over his shoulder for more. He had a bunch of snacks hidden in the pockets of his bag too, for when he inevitably got hungry and needed a break from all the studying. He needed to catch up on a couple of classes he'd never really gotten the choice to work on when he was being homeschooled because his mother only really worked on his with a couple of classes. Sometimes he was able to get what he needed from straight books alone, but he had to admit even to himself that it wasn't easy just to go on the class reading list. There were, in some case, several years of information he was missing, and he was sure some of that had to do with why he felt the needed to seek out some of his professors individually to ask the what they would recommend for him to do to catch up. Most of them recommended several books, and so that's how he found himself in his current situation. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he pulled the snacks out of his bag as he dumped the books on one of the tables and dig through to find some chewing gum. The only reason he wasn't in the library right now was because it was driving him insane in there. He'd had far too many encounters with people already. He surveyed his sake and ran his hand through his loose curls. Boy this was going to take a while.
The library could be a bit of a nuisance for Audrey, mostly when she was on a roll with thinking as she would start muttering her reasoning and thoughts loudly enough that the librarians would shush her and give her stern looks. And so it was once more she'd skulked out of the library just when she was making a breakthrough (combining the bluebell flames charm with Incendio for fire that's functional and impressive to look at) and sat in the student lounge, mumbling to herself as she looked at her notebook. And up, to see a really cute older boy at the next table over. She'd never seen him before, was he new? What could she do? She'd planned out her ideal hypothetical encounter with her current celebrity crush (a Danish seeker named Frederik, who was just so dreamy) and while this boy wasn't quite at the same level, he was still extremely cute. She shifted to sit up a little taller, and then placed her elbow on the table to lean her head nonchalantly on her hand, giving a couple of test eyelash flutters. Unfortunately, her robes were not designed to grip to the table. Especially not when she put a little too much weight on her hand. Her elbow slid, hitting the funny bone and she gave a whine of pain, her head pushing down on her hand and leading to her chin slamming on the table. Oh, this was so not ideal.
Elio jumped at the sound of a sudden very loud impact and looked around to see a girl who appeared to have just basically smashed her face into the table. He jumped up, surprised and quickly made his way over to the younger girl, kneeling at her feet to see if she was okay, given she was hardly sitting up straight. "Merlin, are you alright? What happened?" He asked, looking around to see if he could find some kind of a culprit for whatever might have just happened. She must have been studying like he was, but he didn't understand how she might have hit her chin on the edge of the table. "Did someone hit you?" He asked, suddenly looking around to see if he could see anyone in the vicinity who might have done something to make her fall, or hit her head or something. He wanted to be a healer (his mother wanted him to be a healer) when he graduated, but he was hardly trained in the art of healing spells. He turned to look at the damage, "how's your face?"

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