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Samual Kaster

Father of 2 | Retired Auror
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey everyone! :hug:

So it's the start of the IC year, and I'm pretty excited for it (as I normally am) I've got a few student characters in a range of years, though they are not all going to be included in this. If you really want to roleplay with someone, just post or shoot me a PM and we can talk about it. So with that done, let's get this started.
Gryffindor! said:

Samual Kaster
Okay, so I don't like to play favourites, but this character is pretty high on my favourites list. He's my main, and naturally makes him my more active character. He's trying to be a little more responsible since getting Headboy, but he is still very energetic and childlike in his actions.

Samual Kaster. He's a lovely boy, he has a very sweet personality and an innocent outlook of the world. He sees things through the eyes of a child and is always on the hunt for fun things to do. Because he chooses to look on the brighter side of life, he totally ignores things that get him down. His main point in life is to live it as happily as he possibly can, and that means that he leaves very little room for negativity. Sammy, being like a gigantic child, can think of things spontaneously and can get very, very excited very quickly. (He got excited over bubotubers in Herbology because they wiggled. There are plenty more examples like that.)
Samual is a believer in leading by example. He never asks anyone to do something that he would not do himself. He is very polite and inquisitive. Samual loves being outside in the sunshine and loves doing activities that distracted people (like building forts out of pillows and blankets) He is also very forgiving, which can be a downfall in his personality. While being able to forgive is a good thing, forgiving too much is very bad, and Sammy is very understanding. Sammy is someone that loves a good challenge, he likes doing new things and generally spending time with people, as he enjoys the presence of others. Samual is very loyal to people and it is very difficult to break his trust. Being as trustworthy as he is, this means that he can be lead on and quite gullible. Another downfall for this curly-haired cherub. He loves to help people out and has a lot of fun hanging with youngers students, older students his age, professors, anything really. He just loves people.

I'd love to have just some general roleplays for this one, most of his roleplays consist of him having to do something to further either a plot for him, or someone else. I think it's time to just try and have him meet someone new and just have a chat. That'd be cool. If you've got an idea, though, don't be discouraged, shoot it by me!
Ravenclaw! said:

Andy Hydran, Ravenclaw Seventh Year​
So this is my character Andy. He is very different from Samual. Andy is pantaphobic, which means that he is pretty much scared of everything. I mean everything. Colours, animals, people... you name it and Andy will have some sort of aversion to it. As he is getting older, he is slowly (oh so slowly) getting used to things. He no-longer freaks out at creepy-crawlies! Anyway, he's a prefect, for the first time in his life. He's never been trusted with responsibility because... well, he's pantaphobic and it takes him nearly an hour every day to pin the badge on his chest. I think that explains enough.

Andy is one of my favourite characters, even though he is one of the less used. The only reason why he is not rped that much is because of his character. He wouldn't be seen around much because he doesn't like people. I love Andy so much because he's just so different from everything, ever and it's just so much fun roleplaying him, even though the amount of times I can roleplay him are few. He's still one of the most entertaining, jus' sayin'

Andy, in a nutshell, is very timid and is prone to fainting, or simply running away. He's jumpy, and is easily freaked and scared, making him a target for many. Andy can easily be seen as entertainment for the mean and nasty, some people just don't like him because he's down right odd and there doesn't seemed to be a stitch of normality in him. Andy is prone to sudden attacks of worry and is nearly always shaking like a leaf in the wind. He's a very difficult person to get along with, because he doesn't like people in general as he finds something about everyone that rubs him the wrong way. Andy thinks about things far too much. Whenever he makes a decision, he will thoroughly think out the cons, as he rarely thinks about what he'd gain from doing something. He is happiest alone, even though he does feel lonely sometimes, he'd never willingly approach someone for a conversation, because he dislikes all forms of communication.
Since becoming a prefect, Andy just has another thing to worry about. He wants to do well for his house, but he doesn't like children or people or questions or pointy things that can stab him. These days he is more likely to look severely uncomfortable and a little shaky when with people. Rarely does he look downright terrified these days!

So that is, in short, who Andy is, though I could go on, I think it's best to cut it off there. I'm open to a lot of things for Andy, though I am very choosy on friends (not because I'm a horrible person.) mostly because Andy is very choosy on people and doesn't usually feel comfortable with people, ever. I think he's only ever been able to actually communicate to one person that wasn't a relative, and he was still pretty cautious. What I'd really like is just a few more roleplays with this one, he's been in the box for far too long, he's got to get out a little more.
Gryffindor! said:
Miah is a very well spoken, and somewhat blunt person. He doesn't see the point in 'beating around the bush' and just tells it like it is. This can make him appear catty, and he is just a little catty. If he dislikes someone, he'll say it straight out, if he finds someone curious, then he'll begin to question them intensely so he can find out more about them and if you annoy him, you get to meet his sharp tongue. Miah doesn't outright abuse people, but when he's angry, he will beginning to nip-pick at people and point out every single flaw they've got, just so he can upset them. That is a more cruel side to his personality that does not come out very often. This Gryffindor does not get angry easily, and will more than likely leave before allowing himself to be pestered for too long, which is why if someone manages to upset him fast enough he can be quite cruel towards them. Miah has a serious vibe about him, even though he longs to just let loose and have fun like normal kids, he can't find it within himself to fully let himself go and just have fun. This causes Jeremiah to try and keep people at arms length, because he's not sure how to make friends when he was raised to be independent. Jeremiah, being a pureblood, does not know very much about the muggle world, but is quite interested in it. He is not prejudice, but sometimes his total lack of understanding for muggles, their items and muggle-borns, can be taken badly. He is usually very careful to not allow his lack of understanding show.

For Miah, I'd like some more roleplays with people he already knows, or with some people of his own house, and maybe some people in his year? I don't roleplay nearly as much as I would like to with this kid, so I would like some more friends, or even some enemies for him. I really want to get him annoyed, because I haven't yet been able to get him annoyed enough to actually go off at someone (the time I did I went inactive for a few months and never got to finish it), and I think that'll be quite interesting and fun. Again, all ideas are welcome! What he doesn't need is a best friend and a love interest, but everything else is totally welcome!
Slytherin! said:
Abel Smith
Abel is someone that easily becomes lonely, and when he's lonely, he's more likely to be excitable and confident around others. He is quite a thoughtful person, in the sense that he tends to think a lot and often loses himself in thought, about anything that takes his interest. Abel comes from a pure-blood supremacist family, and being raised in that environment, and watching his brother be thrown out of the family after dating a girl that wasn't a pure-blood, he is very cautious about associating with muggle-borns and rarely asks questions about people's families. Because Abel is not favoured by many of his family members, he seeks to be liked by most people he meets, simply because he doesn't like being alone and needs to be with someone at all times.

Abel is somewhat of a peace-keeper, he doesn't like fighting, or arguing with people, and has been known to cry on occasion if someone keeps at him for long periods of time. Abel prefers to live happily and have fun with people, not hurt their feelings and fight with them, this applies to even muggle-borns. Abel is not an aggressive person and will just treat them negatively and totally ignore their existence, but he wouldn't start a fight with them, so I guess you could say that Abel is a pacifist. Abel enjoys the outdoors and dislikes being locked up indoors, he can often be found outside, running around, climbing trees and just being a normal boy.

For Abel, I'd like some friends for him, because he's a cutie. I'd prefer for these friends to maybe be in Slytherin? Just so he can mix with individuals in his own house and form some alliances and friendships within his own house. I would love for him to have one or two friends that are not in Slytherin.I would also like him to meet one or two muggle-borns, just so I can have a chance to roleplay the other side of his personality. Thanks guys!
Ravenclaw! said:

Dante Raven
Dante is the younger brother of Jeremiah, if you could not already tell from the name. Dante is a little bit of a bookworm, though he has quite a lot of confidence. This boy is rarely nervous, ever, but sometimes he just likes to chill out by himself and unwind. Dante, unlike his older brother, doesn't have much of a temper at all. He is a very cool, calm and collected person. He doesn't let people get to him and this attitude can make him seem quite cold to others at times, when he is actually a very warm and caring person, he just finds it difficult to show his affections for people. Dan reminds me of a robot, he can't really show emotions because he doesn't like to. He goes with the flow and just lives life how he wants to. One of his downfalls is the fact that he doesn't think ahead. Dante tends to just do things, seemingly spur of the moment, without much thought for what could possibly happen as a result. This can get him into trouble. If trouble does occur, he takes the punishment and never lets other people take the blame for him. His loyalty doesn't allow him to.
If there is one thing Dante will not tolerate, it is muggle-borns. He just doesn't like them. He feels uncomfortable with them and will other move away, or ask them to. He won't care if it hurts their feelings or not because he refuses to register that he have feelings. This is a more heartless side of his personality that doesn't really show itself unless he wants it to. He loves exploring places, and he loves to read and write.

For Dante, I'd like basically everything. All suggestions welcomed!
Slytherin! said:

Dexter Lesley, First year!
So this is my first year (like I wasn't going to make one!) Dexxie is a little bit... talkative. He is perfectly capable of holding a conversation by himself and he is a big smiler. Dexter is also a little overbearing at times, but when making new friends he is very sweet because he loves having friends, being a personable person. He loves smiling and is always wearing a bright smile on his face. Dex just loves people in general, and has a thick skin. Insults just don't affect him. Dexter, even though he can be overbearing, likes to play second fiddle. He likes to have a say in decisions that change him, but otherwise he's happy to just run with the advice of someone else. Like most eleven year olds, Dex has a big imagination and easily creates fun for himself, but is always willing to share this fun with others. Coming from a loving family, he enjoys the company of others. Dexter already has an interest in divination and is hard working. He is very tenacious and does not give up easily. He does not see his part-veela status as something that holds him back, but also does not try to announce it.

Dexter needs literally everything. So come on up, I need some plots!
Professor! said:
So this is my professor, and he needs to get out more. He is the professor of Care of Magical Creatures and I'd like him to have some roleplyas around the school, either with students or professors. Speed is a gentle person by nature. He is loving and tries his best to help others. Though Speed loves to converse with people, sometimes he prefers some solitude, especially if he is thinking about something. Speed is someone that finds it easy to make friends, though his attitude towards work can make him focus too much on his job and he forgets to check in on friends. Speed loves to travel and his more adventurous and spontaneous side flourishes when he is on an adventure of some kind. Speed feels a connection with animals and he genuinely loves all creatures, whether they be big or small, deadly or cuddly, he loves them all and would rather spend his time with a pet than with a person. He is an animagus and spends a lot of time in his animal form (he's a bunny! :woot: )

So yeah, anything for him, really. I'm open to suggestions!
I've got a few people lying around if you want to RP? I'm incredibly lazy with RPing though so you'll have to forgive me, but I've got:

- Professor Lucinda Dalton - maybe she could be a friend for Speed? She's a bit of a bookworm. She used to be quite haughty but she's chilled out a lot as time's gone by. She likes to go out for walks in the sun and has an adoration of muggle things (being muggle born, she's kept in touch with her family life). She's quite friendly and enthusiastic - in her own quiet way.

- Albie Vermeulen - he should be in 6th year but his education was incredibly bad since his parents wouldn't let him go off to Hogwarts until he was 15, when he and his sister got in to some troubles. He's got a rebellious streak but he's generally good at sticking to the rules so he wouldn't exactly be going around getting in to trouble. He's a pretty relaxed guy, mostly, and is fairly friendly - though he's still getting used to having people to call 'friends', not 'acquaintances'. He enjoys various sports and doesn't have any problems with race or house or blood or whatever. He's a good guy, really, just a little selfish and ambitious at times.

- Mima Scarlet - she's my 5th year Hufflepuff, she's recently turned 15 and she's spent her entire life being kept down by her family. Her mother never recovered from losing Mima's twin at birth (she wasn't exactly stable to begin with), she never knew her father, and her family was never on good terms with her. She's pulling herself together now, though. She had the weight of her twin crushing her and making her feel bad but she's realising that she is a good person, she is her own person, and she doesn't need anyone to tell her who to be. She's pureblooded, but she is realising that doesn't mean much apart from a whole lot of issues. She's a little shy and awkward at times but she's working on doing things that scare her and pushing herself out there. She can be a little strange and seem kind of stuck-up, but she is a nice girl at heart. After all, she IS a Hufflepuff. :p

- Elsa Seymour - 3rd year Slytherin. Again, she's not a typical evil Slytherin type, she's just a little stubborn and sly. She's pretty friendly, though if you get on her bad side she won't let you off easily. She's fairly tolerant, though. She's even-tempered and quite reasonable. She enjoys sailing and various water-based activities like swimming and surfing, and is generally pretty enthusiastic, although her dry, sassy nature can be a little off-putting.

So yeah, let me know if you want to RP with any of those guys! :p
Ooh, I think I have someone for Abel! My Preston (Paine) is also a third year Slytherin, and he's a muggleborn. He learned pretty early on that it wouldn't be a good idea to reveal his blood status, so he doesn't. Most people don't ask him and he's pretty vague about his family when speaking to the people in his house. He's not a very good student, but he catches on quickly and adapts easily to his surroundings. Preston is a natural athlete, from a privileged background, and he is pretty friendly, though sometimes he falls in to the whole 'I'm a Slytherin and can only befriend Slytherins' thing and sometimes he is too cool for his own good. :tut:

I think he and Abel might get on splendidly. :p And, I'm planning on having someone find out from Slytherin find out his blood status, and it'll be interesting to see what friends he keeps after that. Let me know if you are interested. :)
:r ... xD ... I am crazily suggesting my adorable Slytherin for Abel... My only Slytherin... xD .. Killua Freecss .. :p

Well, Kil a very misunderstood guy thanks to his cold eyes which he has oh-so gratefully gotten from his parents. But besides that he's really soft in the inside, especially to those he considers his friends, which he almost doesn't have.. xD .. He's kind and caring to the people he holds close to his heart and also protective of his friends.. He's mostly a lazy boy to attend classes and clubs but he easily catches up with activities...

Well, just ask me questions if you want to know more... xD :p

Jeremiah and Conan? :r xD :p
I have Lamia Lewis, who could very easily be an enemy/annoyance to any of your characters? She is quite condescending and sarcastic. Lamia is judgemental, and has no filter; she speaks before she thinks, and even after she thinks, she'd probably say it anyway; she just doesn't care about anyone else's feelings but her own (or a best friend).
Thoughts? ^_^
Camilla :hug:
Okay, so I like SpeedxLucinda. I want him to get out more and chat with his fellow professors. They're bound to run into each other at some point during the year, even if Lucinda is a little quiet and Speed's slightly anti-human communication. :lol: Mayeb since Lucinda likes walks and Speed likes the outdoors, they could meet whilst Lucinda is going for a walk or something?

So I was reading over Albie and I think they'd be interesting. Jeremiah seems to be surrounded by insanely excitable people, and I think he'd be relieved to know someone that isn't completely insane. I can't remember if I mentioned it, but he's a fourth year, so we could say that they sort of know each other from classes.
Tell me what you think! ^_^
Cyndi :hug:
I actually really like this. (I feel so sorry for muggle-born Slytherins, they're always given trouble :p ) Anyway, I think it'd be interesting to see whether Abel would remain his friend when you decide for someone to find out about Preston's blood status. If they were good enough friends, i think maybe Abel could see past it. I'm not sure, it'd have to depend on his relationship with his family at the time. Anyway, as it stands right now, I could see them getting along quite well.
Marga :hug:
I like this. His cold eyes will remind Abel of home. xD Abel would be willing to talk to him quite happily, they would probably get along.
:shifty: I like this idea. They must meet again!
Donna :hug:
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">
They're in the same year and I think they wouldn't get along very well. Dex will only go so far in trying to make a friend. If she irritated him, he'd probably give it right back to her. He has thick skin, but is not used to extremely judgemental people. I think it'd be interesting for them to meet.

Also, I don't know why, but I kinda want her to meet Dante. I have no idea why, I don't really have a reason. I just think it'd be interesting. Dan is a quiet person and he wouldn't appreciate Lamia being judgemental and I don't know. I just think that his bluntness would be funny. xD It's your choice, however!
Tenilee!! :hug:
<FONT font="Monaco"><COLOR color="Purple"><I>

It's a deal!! xD Which one would you like me to start?
I wanna start Miah's! :woot:
I'll get to it today. You can start AbelxKillua
Alright... xD
I'll send you the link when I finish it... :p
Samual Kaster said:
Donna :hug:
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">
They're in the same year and I think they wouldn't get along very well. Dex will only go so far in trying to make a friend. If she irritated him, he'd probably give it right back to her. He has thick skin, but is not used to extremely judgemental people. I think it'd be interesting for them to meet.

Also, I don't know why, but I kinda want her to meet Dante. I have no idea why, I don't really have a reason. I just think it'd be interesting. Dan is a quiet person and he wouldn't appreciate Lamia being judgemental and I don't know. I just think that his bluntness would be funny. xD It's your choice, however!
Sounds good for both of them chicky!
I'm pretty slow at replying, and won't be able to at all for the next couple of days, but if you would like to start, I'll reply when I can? ^_^
That would be really good! Lucy's needed to meet people since, like, she was 5 years old. She's learning to be a bit more sociable now, and it would be good to meet more Professors. Would you like to start something?

And sure, I reckon Albie and Miah would probably get along! I think Albie would respect him and think he's an alright guy, and he'd know not to pester him too much (he's fairly laid-back as it is). I'm not very good at this, haha. I can start an RP if you'd like?
I can start both of them, don't worry. I also have a tendency to take a bit to reply, but I do eventually! They should be done in a few days. You can reply whenever you can, no need to hurry.

Sure. I'll start something with Speed either later today or later tomorrow. (I won't be on much tomorrow, I'm going out) but it should be up by Monday. If you'd like to start AlbiexMiah I'd love you very much! I think they'd get along, because Miah doesn't really argue with people unless they upset him. I don't see Albie being able to do that. :p
Any preferences for place?
Hello :)

Had a quick read through and I have Zara who is a first year Gryffindor who needs some friends, thought maybe her and Dexter could meet? They seem quite similar in that Zara is quite confident, likes a chat and likes to make friends :) She's very energetic and likes to spend most of her time outside so maybe they could have some fun with each other?

Just a thought :)
Tenilee! :hug: I already bother you and Teigs enough. xD

These two would be besties because they are going to do strange things together. Cyrus thinks of himself very highly. So he boasts about himself often. He likes to study, but when he is not he does not know what to do with himself. So, he makes trouble. He cusses a lot for a eleven year old. He would get popped in the mouth for his potty mouth all the time at home. The words just slip out. Yeah. I can start something or them later. If you want.
I have something in mind, if you don't mind waiting a few days that is. I can promise to reply once a week after finals?

For Andy Hydran, I have Hades Styx II.
We know that Hades is miserable without his girlfriend, so I thought that it would be hilarious to have him just really scare Andy. I imagine it would be a short RP, but fun regardless.

For Dexter Lesley, I have Benjamin Metzger.
Someone talkative is just what he needs. He is a little on the quiet side, but he isn't mean unless he wants to be. He would get someone in trouble if he thought he could go something fun out of it. So friends maybe?

I suck at replying to these, but might as well offer, you know?
Hey everyone! :hug:
I think it would be quite a bubbly meeting. However, both being talkative might mean that they'll go insanely off topic, especially since Dex is easily able to continue a conversation with someone that is totally disinterested. I think they'd be good friends, or at least have a lot of fun.

Second :hug: for you, Lovi. :p
I'd love you very much if you started something for them. :wub:

Don't worry too much, Kaitlyn. I won't bother you for replies. I can sometimes be a little lax also, anywho:
I kind of love the idea of Andy and Hades being forced to do some prefect work, like patrolling or something. It'd be funny because I know that Andy would be dreading the entire experience. What do you think?

For Benjamin, if he needs a talkative person, you've come to the right place. Dex would be happy to talk to him. He would try very hard to become Benjamin's friend, so as long as Benjamin doesn't mind a talkative, happy person, they should be fine. However, I could see Benjamin settling Dexter a little bit, possibly bringing out the more bookworm side of him.
Be very lax in my case. XD

Hades and Andy: I can see that, and I can really see how Hades would react to it. I love it! I could start it, but it would take ages right now cause my muse is dead. If you want something near immediately, you might want to start it.

Benjamin and Dexter: I don't think he will mind too much. If he does, then I am unaware of it. I can see Dexter pulling him a bit out of his shell, so both may do some good! In regards to starting it, see above.
Great. I'll probably have both up in a couple of days or so. Do you have any preferences as to where they can all meet?
Not in the dungeons/Slytherin house. I already have two RPs there. xD
Samual Kaster said:
Cyndi :hug:
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="black">
I actually really like this. (I feel so sorry for muggle-born Slytherins, they're always given trouble :p ) Anyway, I think it'd be interesting to see whether Abel would remain his friend when you decide for someone to find out about Preston's blood status. If they were good enough friends, i think maybe Abel could see past it. I'm not sure, it'd have to depend on his relationship with his family at the time. Anyway, as it stands right now, I could see them getting along quite well.

Sorry, I forgot that I responded to this. :doh: I'm glad you like the idea and I actually have another one for you. I'm always looking to RP with Athena because she is one of my faves. Since she and Samual are both prefects and in the same year, and I don't think they've ever RPed, maybe we can have an RP with them. I can't see Athena willingly hanging out with Samual. He really is too hyper and nice for her, so it would have to be something that forces them together. xD I was thinking maybe a prefect patrol or a class, but Athena is only taking one class this semester so that might be a long shot. I think it'd be hilarious to force Athena to deal with Samual for an hour or so. xD

If you like this idea, maybe we can each start one RP?
I quite like this. I love Athena! I think we can make them go on patrol or something. It would be interesting, because Sammy would try to be her friend. I'm not sure how Athena would react to that. Anyway, I can start one and you the other?
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