Closed Bombs Away

Sage Misaki

Mischevious ~ Cynical ~ Sarcastic
OOC First Name
Jess S
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Cypress Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Sage had behaved for long enough. She kept an eye out, and sure there weren't any people around that could spoil her fun, she snuck to the stair railing on the first floor. She needed a quick getaway, and she'd found a fast, alternate route to her dorm that would get her away from the right target where they couldn't follow.

She watched the passing students, waiting for more of a lull in the crowd moving along the floor below. She smirked as she spotted a Gryffindor tie. Carefully, quietly, she held out a balloon full of glitter, waiting... waiting... now! She released it and ducked down, peeking through the banister as the projectile dropped, landing perfectly on the neat hair of the boy below. She smirked, biting her lip to keep from giggling, sure (mostly) that she was out of immediate view as she took in the aftermath of her first successful glitter bomb.
Finley was walking along, completely oblivious to the ambush brewing above him. his thoughts were far away, Charms homework, Quidditch plays in case he makes the team, food for lunch, when a cold, wet plop landed squarely on his head. For a moment he just stood there blinking, unsure quite what had happened in the first moments, then, the glitter began to fall around him, a cascade of sparkles down his hair, his shoulders, his roves and it caught the light, drawing attention from a few nearby students who stifled giggles or outright laughed.

Slowly, carefully, Finley looked up at the railing above. "Really? Glitter?" he called, squinting as he caught the faintest glimpse of movement. "Whoever you are, you’re lucky I have some sense of humor." Brushing at his robes, with a bit of a futile sigh, he grumbled, “You’ve officially made an enemy of my comb. Hope it was worth it, mystery prankster!” he shook his head, the glitter puffing up into the air around him. "This will take
forever to get out."
Sage smirked, watching a bit. Hm. Maybe this required getting a bit more involved. She slipped away from her post, careful not to be seen below, and went casually down the stairs. She stopped as she spotted the boy, still brushing off glitter. Still smirking, she quirked a brow, hands in her pockets. "Well, that's an interesting fashion statement." she offered, looking him over. "Though I can't quite figure out the statement it's meant to be making." She tilted her head, giving him a coy grin. "Penny for your thoughts?"
As he was brushing off the glitter, a girl approached and he looked over at her. "I got glitter attacked for no reason," he said, frowning. "Admittedly, it was kind of funny, but honestly my hair isn't good for glitter and anyway, how am I supposed to get this out of my hair?" honestly he was just glad he didn't have Lemon with him because it might have gone in her eyes and then he would have been very upset. No one touches Lemon without his say so. "What's a penny?" he asked, frowning. He'd never heard of a penny before.​
Sage snorted. "Obviously," She countered, an impish grin on her face. "I've heard makeup wipes are good for clearing it up, or lotion," She whispered conspiratorially. When he didn't know what a penny was, she rolled her eyes. "It's money or something, it's just a saying." She stuffed her hands in her pockets.
"Not a saying in this country, or at least not the part of it I know, are you a muggle born?" It wasn't like he was trying to be rude, but he had no idea what a penny was, or why one might be required for his thoughts. "Are you going to pay me to think about something? Because that sounds like a really neat deal actually," he said, holding his hand out to her as though she might actually give him a penny, "but can I have it in sickles instead? Or Knuts even?" that would at least allow him to buy things for Lemon because he couldn't buy her things in pennies. "I might have to see if Callie or Nia have any make up wipes, because I definitely don't."
Sage snorted. "No, I'm just not ignorant." She countered. In actuality, she had plans to get the heck out of this place and had done what research she could on different countries while she was trying to figure out where to go. And money was a really big part of that. She folded her arms and raised her brow. "Saying aside, I don't think your thoughts are actually worth that much," She countered, taking a step back. "You seem to have these things handled then," She offered, not sure what else to contribute. She didn't really trust people and her curiousity had been satisfied. She glanced up. "Maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings. Unless you know, you decide that you need that extra sparkle in your life."
He rolled his eyes, "easy for you to say, usually Tinsel or Glimmer look out for me, but since I don't have them with me..." she was probably right though, he probably should be starting to look out of his own surroundings. He didn't have the snakes with him, not even Ace who was his favourite, though he wasn't going to tell them that. They did have a tendency to get kind of jealous about these things. "What's your name anyway? I'm Finley!" He was glad he didn't have Lemon with him honestly, it was hard to say how she would have felt about someone mercilessly dropping a bomb on her.​
Sage considered his question a moment, but decided in the end to grace him with an answer. "Sage," she replied simply, not bothering to hold out her hand. "The name is Sage." She turned then and started to walk away, considering the conversation over and not expecting him to follow. That had been entertaining. She'd have to do it again- though she'd need to keep an extra careful eye out, make sure he hadn't got any pets about him when she did. She didn't prank pets, that was just low.

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