Bobby Sanchez

Bobby Sanchez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
Full Name:
- Bobby Austin Sanchez

Bobby On His Name: Bobby is not short for anything. It is just Bobby, and it means 'bright fame'. I think my 'rents have some good name pickin' skills because Bobby is of German origin. Sometimes I tell people my name is Austin because this name suits me well too. Austin is of French and Latin in origin, and it means 'great' or 'magnificent. Sanchez is my last name that I am called a lot by my professors for misbehaving and skipping classes. Sanchez is of Spanish origin, and it means 'Son of Sancho'. My father's name is not Sancho. It is just an awesome last name.

Date of Birth:
- January 10, 2013

Bobby On His Date of Birth: My Zodiac sign is Capricorn. Capricorns most of the time desire to be admired by their family, friends, and the world in general. This is mostly a secret desire. I want to be proud of the achievements I make, and I still need to find a balance between playtime and business time. Capricorns are usually very organized and responsible. I guess I have not grown into that yet. The thing that will motivate me to do something with my life is money and power.

Current Age:
- 17

Bobby On His Age: Being seventeen feels great! I can use magic outside of school, and I can live a wild life without my 'rents nagging me to clean up me act. I can lead my own life, and I can show the world what they have been missing for the past seventeen years.

Basic Appearance:
- I have black hair. It used to go past my ears, but I cut it, so now I can slick it back and give myself a bump without it looking strange. I am five feet and eleven inches. I naturally and lean and slender. It is hard for me to gain muscle without becoming overweight. My eyes are small and remind most people of cat eyes. My eyes are a dark golden brown or a yellow color to some peoplw. Sometimes they brighten up when I have something evil planned. I have nice, long legs and arms that are just irresistible. I have more muscle on my arms than o my legs, but not much because I do not want to become overweight.

Bobby On His Basic Appearance: I like to keep my looks up. Girls tend to fall for my eyes first, and then my hair. I like to keep up with the trends because I don't want to wear anything that Harry Potter would wear, and he is old. I often tease others for not looking as fresh, clean, and lean as me. I carry around a comb because my hair has to be perfect every second of the day. The day my hair is not looking perfect and I don't have my comb will be the day I die.

- I am very confident in myself. I am sometimes very arrogant and rude. I hold myself to high standards when it comes to how I carry myself and my appearance. Yvonne calls me a sadist, and I agree because I will feel no remorse in causing someone pain and heartache. To my friends I am very cool and laid back. I don't like following the rules because rules are just there to hold me down. I am conceited, but I am not in love with myself. I want to show the world what I can do. I have this indescribable need to prove to the world that I am not a worthless half blood. I am very serious when it comes to blood status too. I am very outgoing, and I am not afraid of anything. Fear does not register with me like it does others. Fear to me is like a challenge. I am coy when it comes to my family and mother. Very few students know my blood status because I don't want anyone looking down on me for it.

Bobby On His Personality: I think I am pretty awesome. My personality is unique as there are not many people who can be like me. Being awesome and sadistically evil at the same time is hard. Most people don't understand that I don't call myself a bad boy because I fling girls around like nothing and skip classes. I consider myself a bad boy because, being of age, I can/ will wipe you off the face of the Earth if you cross me.

- Sister: Linda Sanchez, half blood, Linda is my younger sister. I love my sister. I will protect her no matter what.
-Father: Rodrigo Sanchez, mixed blood, My father has horrible taste in women. He went after dirty blood.
-Mother: Pilar Sanchez (nee Arceneau), muggle, I don't get along with my mother. I really don't like muggles because of alll the abuse they put Yvonne through. Muggle borns don't sit well with me either.
-Cousin: Yvonne Ramirez, half blood, I love torturing Yvonne. It is fun to see her get mad and throw a fit.

Bobby On His Family: My father and Yvonne's father best mates. I grew up despising my mother because she did not understand the hardships wizards and witches went through to keep magic a secret from muggles. I find it quite stupid that superior beings like us magical folk have to hide from inferior people like muggles. I love my sister, Linda. She shares the pain of being half blood with me. She does not hate muggle borns they way I do though. I like Yvonne and her siblings, but I love getting into fights with her. Yvonne and I have a love/hate relationship.

- None

Area of Residence:
- Napier Hastings, New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

Bobby On His Blood Status: I hate being a half blood. I have inferior blood flowing through my veins, and I hate it. Yvonne and I grew up together thinking that muggles and mudbloods were worthless. She was bullied severely by muggles, and that effected me too because I am the only person allowed to hurt Yvonne in any way. I just hate to tell people that I hate muggles and muggle borns when their blood practically runs through my veins.

- Colombian and French

Bobby On His Heritage: My mother is from France. Thankfully she was not veela or part veela. My father's grandparents are from Colombia, and my grandparents moved to New Zealand to start and new life. My mother was visiting in New Zealand with her sister (Yvonne's mother) when they met and 'fell in love'. I do not want to talk about those two because they disgust me with their 'love stories'.

Special Abilities:
- N/A

Bobby On His Special Abilities: If making girls fall at my feet is considered a special ability then I have none. I feel like that would go under Additional Skills. I have yet to try and gain some special abilities.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Girls
- Grooming Myself
- Giving people a hard time
- Picking on first years
- Dueling
- Annoying Yvonne
- Flirting
- Reading romance novels (nobody knows this)
- Girls
- Reading magazines

Bobby On His Interest or Hobbies: I really do like to pick on first years and annoy people that are less than me. I duel occasionally, and I have to admit that I am not a professional at it. I like flirting with girls. Sometimes guys, because I like to try new things. I still consider myself heterosexual (into girls). I do read romance novels because I have a feeling like I will never find true romance due to serious fear of commitment and rejection. Annoying my cousin, Yvonne, is my all time favorite pass time. She responds wildly to the pettiest things. I like to keep up with the trends, so I am always making sure I model the uniform well.

Additional Skills:
- Swooning Girls
- Annoying People
- Making people hate themselves

Bobby On His Additional Skills: Okay, girls don't necessarily faint at the sight of me, but one time I did peck a girl on the cheek and she fainted. I like to annoy people because it is so fun to see the un/predictable things they do. I like to make people hate themselves because I really do hate myself, and it is all because I am a half blood. I am really skilled in these three things too, so watch out!

- Persistent
- Strong Willed and Determined
- Persuasive
- Good Looking
- Multilingual
- Energetic and Easily Motivated

Bobby On His Strengths: Being multilingual will seriously benefit me in my future. Do you know how much people would pay for a person that speaks Spanish, Russian or French? Many people will. I am strong willed and determined. I do not give up until I know I can't win. Hell, I don't give up even when I know I won't win. I am easily motivated by inspiring words. I am a guy that takes action when I have something deeply rooted in my heart to fulfill. I do look nice, but who does not think they look nice. Yvonne, you're right. I do think I am handsomer than most without being part veela. I am persuasive when I want to get something. I will lie, steal, cheat, kill, deceive, and whatever else it takes for me to get what I want.

- Selfish
- Conceited
- Prejudice (to muggleborns)
- Insensitive
- Controlling
- Violet Tendencies/ Sometime Abusive
- Possessive

Bobby On His Weaknesses: I do have violent tendencies. These only happen when I am highly annoyed by something other than mudbloods. I am possessive and controlling as well. I don't tolerate competition. I annihilate it. I don't want to have to kill a potential businessperson, so I make it clear to all my friends that when they are my friends they are my friends. I am very insensitive when I am not trying to pick up a girl. I don't really care about your situations, so don't tell me about them. I am selfish too because if you were on fire and I had a bottle of water, I would drink it. Or maybe just to watch you suffer pour it to a dead plant that has no chance of living anyways. I am just mean like that. I am more important than many people. I have been told that I think the world revolves around me. I am making a difference in this world. If it weren't for me and people who think like me who would put all these mudbloods in their place?

Describe your character in three words:
- Playful, Flirt, Smooth

Favourite place to be:
- Home

- Yvonne
- Freddie
- Mason
- Pilar (girl)

Bobby On His Friends: I keep very few people close to me. Yvonne probably does not count because she is my cousin. Freddie and I are best friends. We love to pull pranks on the first years. We met because one of my ex-girlfriends cheated on me with him, hence she is my ex, but now we are best friends. Yvonne doesn't like him much. Mason is a cool dude. He basically taught me all I know about how to get a girl. He has not taught me much on how to keep a girl though. I am not good at that because me interests in girls change like fashion trends, often. Yvonne likes Mason, as a friend. Pilar is the only girl in my year that I have not dated. She and I get along well, but I love seeing her get mad because she is big and burly like a guy. Yvonne tolerates Pilar. All these people are half-bloods, and they do not necessarily share my ideas and beliefs on muggle borns. I seldom make friends with people who aren't on my level (half-blood).

Hogwarts House:
- None. Durmstrang

Durmstrang Hopes and Ambitions:
- When I entered Durmstrang I had plans on become a powerful wizard that would step on mudbloods and people that got in my way. I still want to crush mudbloods, but I do not know if I am a powerful wizard yet. That still has yet to be tested. I did not to as well as I expected in some of my classes, so I am not powerful to my liking yet. I do not plan on trying to be perfect. I am not God. I strive on being better than others. If I see that someone is a better chaser than me. I will not stop training until I am better than that person.

Best school subjects:
- Charms
- Transfiguration
- Potions

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology
- Astronomy
- Ancient Runes

Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch my 5th and 6th years. I was a Chaser.

- 2031

Current Job:
- A Full-time part-timer.

Plans for your future:
- After Graduating from Durmstrang I want to become a DE, and if that does not come out the way I want it then I will be a dark wizard that kills muggleborns and is married to Vicxen Dodge. That is a promise.

Your Patronus:
- A panda bear

Bobby On His Patronus: Pandas do not stay in one place for a long time. Much like me because my interests change often. Pandas are also very territorial. I get very pissy when people are in my space, and I am possessive over things and people I hold close. Pandas are know to attack when irritated. I do have violent tendencies when there are things or people pissing me off. Pandas look cute on the outside, but they can become very vicious when they feel it is needed.

Your Patronus memory:
- My patronus memory is when I was 9 and my mother and I actually laughed together. That is saying something knowing how much a hate and despise my mother, but hearing her laugh with me made me not hate her for just that moment. I will never forget that moment when me and my mother were laughing together. We actually had a talk with each other, and I was being my usual funny self for a change around her. No one else was in at home, so it is something that I keep completely to myself. No one, not even my diary, know about this moment.

Your Boggart:
- My sister looking away from me.

Bobby on His Boggart: I do not want my sister to turn her back on me because of my personality, beliefs or anything. I do not want to have to change to keep her from rejecting me either. I love my sister. I want to keep her close. I want to hold her in my arms when she cries, and I want to be there for my sister. That should be what every big brother wants to do for their younger sibling.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:

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