Bob Bigote

Bob Bigote

OOC First Name

The Basics
Character's Name: Robert ‘Bob’ Bigote
Character's Birthdate: May 4, 2001, 43
Hometown: Joliet, Illinois, United States
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: 12 1/4 Acacia Wood, with the core of a Unicorn Hair.
Educated At: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Position at Hogwarts: Hogwarts New Zealand Librarian & Tutor
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 1.8 m
Style: Neat casual; predominately sweaters and button up shirts with slacks or jeans and lace up shoes.
Other Distinguishing Features: Large moustache.
A Little Deeper
Personality:(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
Special Talents/Abilities:

Expert Herbologist/Skilled Potion Practitioner: Bob has had extensive study of plants and their uses. This has made him extremely knowledgeable in herbs, flowers and plants of the wizarding world, as well as their uses in potion brewing.

Charms Master: Exceptionally skilled in the practice of charms, Bob has been noted for his superiority in this area.

Intelligent/Well-Educated/Professor: Despite the way that some say he appears and his general demeanour in day-to-day life, Bob is quite intelligent with a wealth of knowledge. He is extremely logical and often uses his knowledge to ground himself and others in reality. He utilises these talents in his tuition duties, knowing full well the realm of education due to his past teaching for several years at Durmstrang.


- Born to Muggle parents Francesco and Francesca Bigote who met in Paris, France.
- Home schooled until he was old enough to attend Hogwarts.
- Family moved to New Zealand so that he could study

- Bob sorted into Hufflepuff.

- Discovers his love for reading, writing and Wizard chess.

- Over time, becomes the top of his class in Charms and Herbology
Became the Wizard Chess Champion of each of his years, until his final year when he was defeated by Barry Handle, the Slytherin Prefect.

- Graduated at the top of his Charms and Herbology class with high accolades in Arithmacy and Ancient Runes.

- Went on to be a Student Teacher at Hogwarts Scotland before completing his teaching course and teaching Charms at Durmstrang for fifteen years, whilst also managing the school library.

- Met his French wife, Naomi and struck up a romance, before getting married once they discovered she was pregnant.

- Welcomed their daughter, Fleur into the world.

- After discovering that Naomi had been partaking in underworld magic, the two formed tension between one another and the relationship crumbled.

- Robert went on to raise his daughter as a single parent, before she came of age and left home, desperate to find her estranged mother and find answers as to why she left.

- Went on to open his own library for several years which he left to his mother and father to keep them occupied during their retirement.


Father - Francesco Bigote (91)
playby: Sir Ian McKellen

Mother - Francesca Bigote (89)
playby: Judi Dench

Ex-Wife - Naomi Bigote (nee’ Lepetit) (40)
playby: Emma De Caunes

Daughter - Fleur Bigote-Lepetit (21)

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