Blue Skies For The Shadow Girl

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Here is Kayla Montenegro. She is a nice girl who has just moved to New Zealand, looking or a quiet life. A link to her Biography is in her signature.

What I need for her is a couple of good friends. Maybe a few girls for her to trust and reveal her girly side too. She will be needing someone to be worried too. Kayla hasn't had a proper relationship or real romantic feelings for anyone so she'll be shocked when she does for the first time.

I would also like her to have a male friend, a guy to become the big brother figure in her life that a shy girl like her needs but she's never had. It would take a while for him to crack through her skull and become actually dependable to her. He would have to be nice, smart, and generally calm.

I don't want a romantic interest or enemies at this point, She doesn't have time for enemies or conflict. If you have another idea that fits in with that then please post or PM me.

I have Kier him who I can offer as a friend, he's 19.

He might be younger than her but he's actually very mature for his age. Kier is cool, logical, and has superior intelligence. He is more of a natural-born charmer; he is good with smooth-talking and charming around his peers which are precisely the reason why his father thinks that it would be to his benefit if he chooses to continue their family business. He is very cheerful but he also can come across as rather detached and sometimes downright threatening when he wants to. He never turns people down for help, even when their intentions are not as good as he believes. He can also be mischievous and playful at times.
OH OH OH PICK ME PICK ME *waves hands frantically*

I have Jared here who can be a guy friend, obviously not a big brother figure because he is younger than her but they can be friends all the same.

Sooooo a little about him would be useful :D He is an all round nice guy whoo finds its easy to talk to people as he was popular in school and because he is naturally loquacious. He is very musical and likes to sing. It is sort of his job here and there when he gets the chance he will go sing in a bar or somewhere along those lines. He is very in to the muggle world because his mum was a muggle and his dad was a pureblood so he is in to the wizarding world too. Jared is easy to make friends with and is generally caring to wards people and open to listening to problems and trying to help them.

Let me know :p
<COLOR color="#000">Kier
I think they would get along well. Especially as he is smart. She would find him interesting to talk to as she hasn't met many smart people before now.

Is he smart or logical??​
He is smartish, very teenager like though
Kayla Montenegro said:
<COLOR color="#000">Kier
I think they would get along well. Especially as he is smart. She would find him interesting to talk to as she hasn't met many smart people before now.

Is he smart or logical??​
<FONT font="Monaco">So, would you like to start a topic, or shall I?​
<COLOR color="#000">Jared
I think if he's a lot like a teenager then she wouldn't be able to deal with him for long. Sorry.

Can you please?

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