Closed Blowing Bubbles

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus loved spending time with Marley. He always had fun with their play dates, and she never teased him for being silly or tried to be mean to him. He was over at her house again that day, sitting on the front step with a bottle of bubbles in his hand. He loved blowing bubbles, and watching them float around. He was happy to learn that Marley liked bubbles too. He mixed his bubble wand in the mix again, before bringing it up and blowing gently. He giggled as the bubbles erupted into the air, surrounding them.
Marley always loved and enjoyed hanging out with Amodeus. She considered the boy one of her friends and was a bit protective of the boy. She was glad that the boy was over at her place again. She always wanted to bring Amodeus over for play dates. Which was always a lot of begging to her dad on her end. Amodeus was sitting on the steps of her house and blowing bubbles. She too was giggling along with her friend. "Pop... Pop... Pop!" Marley said every time she jumped up to pop a bubble that Amodeus blew.
Amodeus giggled. Marley was so much fun. He dipped his wand again, and blew another batch of bubbles. He pointed out an especially big one, giggling again. He was dipping his wand again when he thought he heard something. "Wait, shhh, do you hear that?" He asked, waving a hand at her to try and indicate she should quiet down, listening harder. "I think I hear something," He whispered, tilting his head to try and hear better.
Marley continued to giggle as Amodeus continued to blow more bubbles for a bit. She stopped giggling when her friend thought he had heard something. She gasped a little. "What do you hear?" Marley says in a loud whisper, getting excited to see what it was. Marley couldn't exactly hear what her friend was hearing at the moment.
Amodeus' brow furrowed and he stood, silently, motioning for Marley to follow him. He edged closer to where he thought the sound was coming from. His eyes widened when he heard the mewling again. He looked to Marley a moment before following the noise. "Where is that coming from?" He whispered, looking around.
Marley stopped moving, trying to hear the sound properly. She frowned at first, not able to hear what her friend was also listening to. "I can't hear anything" Marley whispered yelled, frowning a little. It took her a while until she could actually hear what her friend was hearing. "I dunno... I think it's coming over there, I think?" Marley whispered loudly, as she pointed towards the bushes that were near the steps of the house.
Amodeus stopped when Marley pointed out the noises coming from by the steps. He shushed her before motioning her forward, sneaking over. The mewling got louder, and Amodeus dropped down carefully next to the bush. His eyes widened at what he spotted. "Marley!" He whisper yelled, reaching his hand in. After a moment of digging he pulled his hand out, holding two tiny, dirty kittens. He grasped them in his hands. "Marley!" He whispered again, looking to her with wide eyes.
(I am so sorry this is late, it had completely slipped my mind)

Marley's eyes went wide as she watched her friend move forward to where the sound was coming from. She grew concerned when Amodeus started to whisper yell her name. She had hoped what was down there wasn't too scary or anything. She hesitantly made her way forward and gasped when she saw what was under the steps. "Holy heck! Those are cute kittens!" Marley whisper-yelled excitedly. Though she frowned a little at the state of them. "I hope they're okay"
Amodeus shifted, crawling down carefully. He reached under the bush, scratching his hands but still, he very slowly pulled his hands back with one kitten in hand. He set the poor little thing down by Marley before reaching back in, carefully pulling the other kitten out. His hands were scratched up and bleeding, but he didn't care. "Marley, what do we do?" He asked, holding the second kitten gently and looking to Marley with wide, worried eyes.
Marley quickly got a hold of the kitten as Amodeus hands her the first one. She felt that kitten shivering a little. The young girl grew concerned, wondering how long the poor kittens have been hiding under there. She quickly looked at her friend with the same worried eyes. "I'm not sure, but I think she's cold. She's shaking. Maybe we should head inside and wrap them in blankets or something" Marley suggested with a small shrug, not knowing what to do.
Amodeus nodded immediately, carefully getting to his feet and starting for the house. "Should we tell your dad?" He asked, wondering if they needed to get an adult involved. "What do kittens it? Do you think they're hurt?" He fretted, holding his kitten carefully. He felt a bit scared, worried that their kittens wouldn't be okay.
Marley held onto the kitten a little tighter, making sure she wasn't squeezing it too hard either. "I guess so? He might know what to do" Marley said with a small shrug, as her friend had asked if they should tell her dad. She guessed that an adult might know better of what to do than them. She made her way towards the house, hoping to warm up the kittens a little. "I dunno. They might be, but they seem scared too"
Amodeus walked up the steps carefully. "Let's wash them up first, they're really dirty. I'll go to the bathroom, do you want to go find your dad?" He asked her, looking back to her with big, dewey eyes. "They're so little, Marley, do you think they'll be okay?"

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