Blood runs like water

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida took her arms off from over her stomach she walked into the forest a bit and lifted up her shirt some of the cuts had been healed a small bit but it felt like nothiing at all. Kida had actually made them bleed from pressing her arms over her stomach to protect it, she felt light headed but continued to trudge on into the forest.

Kida made her way into the forest and over to a tree, she coul feel the blood trickeling down her stomach and seeping into her jeans, she put her hand on her stomach over the shirt and felt the shirt soak up all the blood taking her hand away she dropped next to the tree and rested her head on one of the roots, she refused to try stop the bleeding, the bruise made it hard to put pressure on the cuts. Kida groaned as she leaned back further into the tree
Aeon swiftly made his way across the lawn, his head up, watching the sky as it slowly changed to night. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet, there was only a few distant sounds coming from the school, but other than that, everything seemed pleasant. A few trees began to block out the sky every now and again, but it wasn't very noticeable until more and more trees appeared until the sky was blocked out entirely. Aeon looked infront of him to realize he had wandered off into the forest.

It seemed like ages since he'd been here, most of the time with Kida or Sern. For some reason nothing ever seemed to turn out right and for the majority of the First Year, his cousin seemed to spend most of the time in the Hospital Wing. On top of that, his sibling never seemed to be around, come to think of it, Aeon hadn't seen Sern since the beginning of the year.

Aeon stopped walking when he noticed a figure on the ground. There was hardly any light to see who, or what it was, so Aeon took out his wand and quietly muttered 'lumos', then held his wand out towards the dark shape. "Oh hey Kida, what are you doing out here, are you alright?" He asked, sitting down next to his cousin.
Kida looked up when she heard a familiar voice. "Oh Hi Aeon" she said as she rubbed her hands on her jeans to get rid of the blood. Kida smiled weakly she hadn't seen Aeon in a while "How are you" she said curiously as she pushed her self up the tree for more support. "i havn't seen you in ages, not since i told you about Remus, other then that it was in class" she said

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