Bituin San Buenaventura

Bituin San Buenaventura

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
Hello to Bituin San Buenventura

A Land Lover with a Sweet Personality
With a Smile Hard to Not Return

Bituin Omana San Buenaventura

Bituin- \biht-wihn\ Origin is Tagalog which is spoken Natively in the Philippines, and the meaning of Bituin is "the Stars".
Omana -\oo MAH naa\ Origin is Sanskrit an Indian lanuage, and the meaning of Omana is "Giver of life" or "Woman".

My mom decided to name me Bituin because it is a nice and pretty Filipno name. I think it's really pretty and means the stars. I guess that means I may be good at Astronomy? Maybe not. But my father had wanted to name his first born child but agreed to a Filipino name for his second. Of course he was just a minor part in my mother's life and I've never really known him. Once his time here was done never saw him again, so I'm glad my mother named me.

Omana is a pretty name as well and I really like it. It has a simple meaning and my mom choose it because a woman who had been one of her best costumers told her the name. My mother told me that the woman said she wasn't able to have a child but if she did and it was a girl she thought Omana would be a good name, mostly because she had been able to give life herself and she'd hope the same for her own child. So who knows maybe Omana is out there right now, maybe the woman had been able to have a child. I hope so, I never met her because it was before I was born, I was still in the womb. But I think she must of been a really nice woman for my mother to use the name for me because of her.

I just turned eleven back in August. Now it's September so I guess I got lucky with my birthday and being able to come to school this year. Of course I'd say I got lucky with being born. There must be so many lives that are so easily given up or completely wiped out by their parents. I think I'm lucky my mom decided to keep me.

I'm a Student in Ravenclaw at Hogwarts New Zealand.

Josefina is my older sister. She's exactly ten months older than me. Some say ten months is a very short time however my parents were so in love with each other. And there are actually a lot of siblings born within a year from each other. It's called being an Irish twin. Which I guess is fitting because Josefina and I look like we could be twins. You know how people believe that here is someone out there who looks exactly like them, well that's true for me. She isn't my twin, but we look the same. Right down to our button noses and big smiles. Though Josefina never really smiles that much, guess she doesn't find that much happiness in the world right now. People call her a bully and I'd agree with that. I mean she did actually cut my foot and leave a nasty scar and all. But I love her she is my older sister and I know it's wrong to say I'd do anything for her. Considering she is so nasty and doesn't deserve kindness, but shouldn't one try to rid the world of evil through kindness? I guess I've never thought much of my scar. I hate it and it's ugly but wearing taller socks that fold down and have frills on them has always been a part of my style anyways. My mom says it had been an accident, we don't really remember it since it happened when we were very young.

Mother: I love this woman. She's a great person who has tried her hardest all her life to keep mine and Josefina's life easy. She tries hard and does a job a work. A lot of people really appreciate the work she does and I'm sure she'll be getting a raise soon. She named myself after her which I couldn't agree with more. Josefina thinks that mom likes me more because of it, but I know mom loves Josefina a lot. But some of the things Josefina does bothers my mom and she has to reprimand her more than I.

First Year:
First Trip to the Wizard Shops - Buying the First Wand
Sketching - A Friend Made - Rose Bellard
So This Is the Common Room... - First Ravenclaw Friend - Bryce Chamberlin
Third Year:
First Encounter -Explaining Josefina - Indiana Night
inexperience -trying to talk to Tybalt Tybalt Archer and Rhiannon McGowan
We're Radioactive -A dance, a talk, a first kiss- Tybalt Archer
Christmas at the Archer's -Meeting part of the Family, and some alone time with her Boyfriend Tybalt Archer
Even A Cub Needs Sleep -Happening upon Tybalt and spending time alone in the middle of the night with him Tybalt Archer
[th colspan="1"] Plots and Threads[/th]

coding done by me
based on Tybalt's Bio by Emzies
Song to Be added very soon.
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