Bituin Omana San Buenaventura

Bituin San Buenaventura

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
Full Name:
- Bituin Omana San Buenaventura
Bituin-The Stars
How to Pronouce.
B__IH_t_w__ih _n
bat it to win it no

Date of Birth:
- August 19th 2020

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Bituin has long dark brown hair and eyes to match. She has dark thick eyebrows that adorn her forehead. The young girl also has a long scar from the side of her right foot to just above her ankle. She covers this most of the time with tall socks that fold down and have frily lace. She got the scar from when she was younger and her sister cut her.

- Bituin and her older sister both appear to be very sweet girl. However they are far from being anything a like. Bituin is the only one of the two who is actually very nice. Her sister more two faced and a leader. Bituin is very much on the quiet side of things but she does enjoy to do her own things. Whenever Josefina wants to do something she doesn't she'll voice her opinions to the older girl and even walk away when the elder tries to throw a tantrum to get her way.

- - Michaelanglo, her father. He was a missionary to the tiny island that she is from. Once his time ran out and he had to leave her mother never heard anything from him again.
-Bituin, her mother. She is a peasant like women as all on the island are. Though being heart broken 9 years ago and she's moved on and is an open hearted woman.
-Josefina, her older sister. Josefina is a normal kid the type who enjoys throwing tantrums to get her way. She believes that she can and should get anything she wants. Despite her many actions into seeming bad, Josefina can be really sweet to those who deserve her kindness, or when she hasn't anything which she wants. The yong girl is very twofaced.

- None. She does enjoy the dolphins that come to the area however.

Area of Residence:
- A smaller Island off of Bantayan, Cebu, Phillippines. Panangatan, is the name of the Island.
Bantayan Island is a touist location where many people travel to each year and alot end up staying. But off on the lone island with only a few other familes the San Buenventuras don't get bother much by the tourists however the resort like beaches on Bantayan offer great job opportunites when the Native children become older.

She went to Bantayan Central Elementary School on the main island, Bantayan.
Blood Status:
- Unknown.

- Filipino, Spanish, and American

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- She enjoys swimming and hiking, being more of a land lover then her older sister.

Additional Skills:
- Very good counter, years of practice from counting her sister while she practiced different things while swimming.

- She is a general sweetheart and therefore it won't be hard for her to get along with most people.

- Actually becoming friends with others. She'll be sure to have one maybe two close best friends but others will be hard to get to know.

Describe your character in three words:
- Sweet Honest Kind.

Favourite place to be:
- The Beach swimming or climbing the Chocolate Hills, it's a unique place which Josefina doesn't like but Bituin does.

- Her older sister Josefina.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She wants to do her best and outshine over her older sister.

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:

- 2039

Current Job:
- Student at Hogwart New Zealand

Plans for your future:
- To young to understand the magic world and all her choices.

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
- Older her and a new family and very happy.

A page from your diary:
- Well today I got this crazy letter, josefina got one as well. I'm a Witch! I can't believe it! It seems completely crazy!! I'm going to be going to this magic school, Josefina as well. I did have the thought that I wish she wasn't a witch as well. But no matter I'll be happy to go to school wiht her. It is so far away so it'll be nice to have her around. I'm sure we both will miss the Beach. Well I need to start packing. Mother said she figured we would be but didn't say anything, she isn't one. No idea about the man who is my father.

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