Bite me Scoobie Doo

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Morrigan Graves

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Her name is Morrigan Graves but her siblings call her Sherlock because of the ability that she shares with her sister Gwen. While Gwen is a small thing, kind of a cry baby (No offence Eds) Morrigan is calculating and tries to hide a carring nature under a logical extirior. Her mind doesn't really work the way the mind of most people Morrigan can become irratic and fristrated if she's board for too long. She loves puzzles but seeing as she can solve almost any problem it's hard to find things that qualify as a puzzle to her and this is where you come in.

There has to be problems in the school, seemingly unsolvible problems that Morrigan can tackle. Though she will scoff at any homework questions.

Enemies will are welcome the scores. Morrigan doesn't mean to come off as a show off but it happens and people will hate her for it. Others hate her for pointing out what she does for Morrigan has no shut up filter and everything is fare game.

Morrigan doesn't make friends easy. She likes her twin because she can talk to her and there area few Ravenclaw that can somewhat relate to her. What I'm looking for is someone she can get close to though needless to say the two are going to fight, a lot.

Anything else that people can come up with feel free to pm me otherwise post here
Hey there, Oliver is gonna be friends with Gwen but seeing as though Morrigan and Oliver are both Ravenclaws they could be friends. Maybe they could get up to some mischief with a bit of roaming the corridors/grounds at night maybe looking for trouble. Morrigan seems like someone Oliver would get on with, he loves people who are a clever a intuitive. He's a clever cloggs himself and is logical and calculated so I think they'd get on well. Let me know what you think.
I think they could get along well. She does get irritated some and tends to be too blunt at those times but if someone tells her that she's gone too far she'll apologies. Seeing as she doesn't rightly care that Ravenclaw isn't winning the House cup I can see her going along to find some trouble with him ^^
i have stefan if u want a puff
As what? If he has a 'case' for her it would be great. I haven't read any Rps with him so I don't really know his personality so more than likely Morrigan has hurt his feelings without meaning to an one point.
no morrigan hasnt hurt his feelings. he could possibly have a case for her but i want to see where the case might come from goes.
Then I will start something where they find each other and they can talk.
I've had a thought, if Morrigan does cases and such, perhaps Oliver and her could be partners, and maybe we could have some kind of love triangle between himself Morrigan and Gwen. What do you think?
Could be possible though Morrigan doesn't take much stalk when it comes to sentement. A crush on his part on Morrigan while Gwen is crishing on him is more likely. I can see them partnering up theough ^^
Glad that they could partner up. I like the idea of him crushing on her while Gwen crushes on him and seeing what happens.
Could you start somethng where Morrigan ad Oliver meet up or you can always have Oliver walk in on the twins while in the abandoned classroom ^^
I'll have him walk in on them. Then they can maybe meet in the common room at a later time.
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