- Messages
- 92
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- Drama
- Wand
- Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
- Age
- 5/2035
We can be free ,
We can stay up,
Say Hello to
Cause we can be silhouettes
fading in the dark ,
We can be free ,
We can stay up,

Say Hello to
Cause we can be silhouettes
fading in the dark ,
Bisera Orlova
Bisera - meaning Pearl
Orlova - appears to just be an old bulgarian surname with little meaning
Bisera was the name her parents picked out for her, since she was their first child they took great care picking out a name they believed would suit her and did eventually settle upon Bisera, its meaning and the fact it could be shortened to just Bee was exactly what enticed them to that name over all the others theyd been tossing up. They believed that Bisera was their pearl, this little person made by them, which took months to form. Shes everything they couldve wanted and certainly what they thought she looked like when she was born. The surname was given to her by her father, with of course the twist on it since she is a girl. She likes her name, Bisera has no middle name and doesnt think she lacks it. In fact she is very happy without it.
Bisera had always been called Bee by her family, so she had few problems when introducing herself as that to others. She likes the nickname and has a habit of giving nicknames to others when she meets them. She has never understood why some would be adverse to nicknames since theyre just a boring part of who they are as a person. They can be more interesting, it can make the name easier to say, it can allow people to be more casual, and Bisera believes that her own nickname helps her stand out from the crowd.
Currently Bisera is 11 years old. She has always gone over and above on her birthday, he parents will save up for most of the year to be able to get Bisera something for her birthday. Bee has always enjoyed extravegent things and so it was very natural for all of her birthdays to be beyond anything else. Her father will always take her picture and do a whole shoot with her, her mother will just go out of her way to make sure that Bee gets a new item of clothing to wear on the day. It is always a celebration that doesnt reflect the true wealth of her family, and since shes always spoiled rotten at her celebration, Bisera has always enjoyed it. She knows she wont be able to do the same with Hogwarts, and her birthday will always have to be low key at school, but shell always try to go above and beyond if she can.
May 5th 2032, Bisera was born in the early hours of the day at home. Her mother had not wanted to go to the hospital for the birth, and by the time she was caving in, there was no time. Bisera was born at home on the floor of the bathroom.
Student - Bisera knows it would be in her interest to get a job to support herself while at school, but she doesnt want to. Not in the slightest.
Vlad Orlov is Biseras father, he is a young man, since Bisera was born when he was just 20 years old. Hes a half blood, studied at durmstrang, but never really applied himself, always preferred muggle photography and has since leaving school stuck to this, mostly doing weddings and muggle events with the odd fashion event. He is a very laid back kind of man, he only takes on one job at a time, and really doesnt stop until the work is perfect. Hes always been very focused upon what hes doing, he cannot be strayed from it. He likes New Zealand far more than he ever like Bulgaria and it was for a job that he even suggested moving his family to New Zealand.
Katalina Unova is much like Bees father, a young woman, the same age as her partner, they were in the same year at Durmstrang, and were together from their sixth year. Katalina was in a few Bulgarian films in her childhood and spent some summers working on others. She always liked acting, but was happy to follow her partner to New Zealand for his work. She now works in a bar, she doesnt love the work, but she loves her family and it allows them to have the life that they want.
No siblings (she actually has a twin sister, but Bee ignores that)
Both sides of her family have grandparents who are still alive, but they dont interact with them much since having moved to New Zealand.
No pets
Mixed blood, with two half blood parents, Bisera defines herself as mixed blood.
Bisera has never really minded her own blood. She s never really thought about it as important, though she wont while at school certainly, admit to what she is. Much like with money in general, she wont admit to her position, she doesnt mind what she is, but she is concerned that others around her will and therefore goes to really great lengths to never have to admit to anything.
Dunedin, New Zealand
Dunedin, New Zealand
Despite both her parents being Bulgarian, Bisera has no interest in visiting the country and instead loves New Zealand and would much rather live and remain in that country her entire life. There is no place in the world that she likes more. More importantly because she has always lived there, theres no place that would feel like home, her parents left bulgaria and never returned, so she has to figure that it wasnt a particularly fun place.
Bisera is a little young for this currently, but she is likely to like both or really anyone. She likes the attention, and she likes being loved by people so for her, there is likely to be no limitations on who she ends up falling in love with. Her parents have both been very open people, and since they arent even married, shes never felt the pressure to do more than just engage with people and will continue this as she seeks out relationships.
Single, and too young to bother.
Too young
Too young
No compromise ,
we will see how far we go tonight,
No compromise ,
we will see how far we go tonight,
Bisera has dark brown, almost black hair. She keeps her hair at an average length, though she does go between keeping it long and having it short. She always wants to be able to do things with her, so she doesnt spend too much time focused on it. Bee has always worked hard on keeping her hair healthy and suited to her face. She spends a lot of time getting herself ready in the morning, and she does enjoy being adventurous with the things she can do with her hair. Its all about being creative and bringing all the attention on to her. Its what shes always enjoyed, whether it be putting flowers or diamond things in her hair, she likes that hair is so easily bendable to whatever style she wants. Bee has always wanted to push the limits of it more and more. Bisera has always liked her hair, though it can be quite plain, being a simple brown colour, it has never stopped her ability to do things with it and make it interesting.
Bisera has not yet dyed her hair, though it has been something shes wanted to do for a while. Her parents have always claimed that she was too young when she asked, but its definitely something she would want to do. Bee has a whole list of colours that she wishes she could try. She likes her current hair colour, but she knows that trying something new every once in a while. As long as she could change it back then she would be happy. Bisera would thoroughly enjoy being able to just jump between hairstyles and colours at her hearts content, so it is not something she has done yet, but certainly something she plans to do.
With both her parents have pale blue/green eyes, it was inevitable that Bisera would end up with eyes like that too. She has always enjoyed her eyes, they are a good part of his face and a feature she greatly appreciates because they stand out so clearly from the rest and are an interesting part of herself.She likes that they are something people notice about her, she likes the shape of her eyes, the boldness of the colour, everything about it. She likes to think that her eyes are her best feature. However with all that being said, Bisera would change her eye colour so long as she could always change it back. She likes being creative and bold with her appearance and this would spill on to her eyes if she could. She would like and enjoy the freedom to experiment and be dramatic if it allowed her to be. Bisera likes her appearance but she knows it can always be altered and changed just for the fun of it.
She has very few freckles dotted about her body and no birth marks. She additional has no scars from her childhood. There are very few blemishes upon Biseras skin, which she is very happy about. Though she can recognise that having such things arent a bad thing, and she does sometimes feel jealous of girls with more freckles, but she doesnt mind all that much. She has always stayed out of physical trouble and never been the type to skin her knees. Shes always been careful with herself.
Bisera has a slim build, she is young, healthy and atheltic, she takes care of herself and doesnt like to remain inactive for particularly long periods of time, so is always moving about. Due to this being the case, she has a good build for someone of her age and height. Shes the average size for her age range, but will not likely grow to be overly tall, she very much takes after her mother in this regard.
Right Handed
Bisera has always loved acting, so she has a very clear accent.
She can only speak English, but she can understand Bulgarian
She has a mixed style, she will be very bold in her clothes, she'll wear whatever she wants. bold colours, strange combinations, style has always been something that was good to play with an express herself with. The bigger, the better. She isn't much of a casual person, she'll wear casual clothes but they'll be whatever colour she wants.
Zhenya Katava
And we light up the night ,
It's written in the stars,
And we light up the night ,
It's written in the stars,
Shes independent, shes strong willed and out going. Shes a confident person, active and loyal to people. Shes unlikely to let anyone walk over her and shes very good at keep secrets. Shes good at sports and always works hard if shes good at something. Shes a polite person.
Shes ashamed in many ways of her family and their status. She can be very petty and doesnt let go of things easily. She can be very over the top and overly dramatic, she likes being the centre of attention. She is secretive and is unlikely to be as open with people as shed expect them to be with her.
Bisera above all other things wants to be famous.
being ignored by everyone, she would hate to be invisible to all those around her. She has always loved being the centre of attention, so she would want that to always remain like that.
Six-plumed bird of paradise
They would use her last birthday, not just because it was when she got her letter, but because her parents bought her a necklace made with real gold and it was the most expensive thing shed ever held that was real. She loves material things, but also loved that her parents would go out of their way for her to have this thing.
Bisera's worst nightmare was just after her sixth birthday, when she asked her parents for a specific piece of jewelery and she didn't get it. The girl has had a fairly easy life, but it was her first interaction with the word no, and when she came to somewhat learn that they didn't have all the money that she might've wanted.
She would admit that she was ashamed of her family and their lack of wealth.
Her family would be rich. They would have an abundance of wealth.
Likely there would be an overwhelming fresh mint smell.
Bisera has always looked up to the muggle singer Beyonce. She found out about her in her time around other muggles and thought the music and image that the singer managed to gain was so impressive. She wants nothing more than that sort of following for herself.
Bisera was raised in a non-religious household, but because her father worked at a lot of different weddings and religious celebrations, she became accustomed to them being a part of her life in this indirect manner. Bee doesnt believe in a religious higher power, but she likes the imagery with most of them and the devotion that they create with it. She would love to be able to interact with a deity of some kind if they exist, but mostly she just likes the pictures which come from it, she loves the way things are with it. She thinks that it would be interesting to be the centre of peoples universes. She likes being the centre of attention which is something which entices her to the idea of religion.
Underneath their cool, calm and collected exterior, Taureans differ greatly from all the other signs of the zodiac. Taureans manage to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, even though they have a well-earned reputation for being socialisers. They will let others get close, but only so close as they want them. Some claim that trying to get your point across to a Taurean, should they not want to hear you, is rather similar to talking to the trees - they simply won't budge. And, there is no such thing as an open-book Taurean. Their feelings, fears and desires often run far deeper than anyone around them would guess. Like the butterfly that chooses to remain hidden in its cocoon until it is ready and prepared to emerge, so the true Taurean spirit remains hidden behind a veneer of day-to-day activities. That's why Taureans are sometimes regarded as snobby, withdrawn, boring, or even sulky. The truth is, when Taureans manage to operate very adequately on their own form of automatic pilot, they can switch off from the world around them very efficiently. And when they do switch off, they are actually gathering in their inner reserves to deal with the outside pressures. This sign is also very closely connected to 'feeling good'. Most Taureans like their creature comforts and hate change because it takes them out of their automatic pilot condition of separating themselves from the world around them. Because they hate to be put in jeopardy of any kind, this is the sign that strives to create tomorrow in advance, rather than leave it to fate. In love, Taureans are regarded as extremely sensual beings. An earth sign, they deal well with the personal, physical senses and consequently all the pleasures associated with what they can see, touch, smell and taste, add up to a special delight to them. Often nature and pet lovers, Taureans are closely associated with all things off the earth and nature."
A very loud personality, shes outgoing and bold. She can be very petty and she can be exceedingly extra. Shell go beyond what she needs to, needs things to be a certain way for her to be happy. Shes loving to her family, loyal to her friends, but hides a lot. Ashamed that her family are poor with very little money. She likes fancy things and pretends a lot to be fancier than she is.
Believe your eyes,
Watch the nightfall ,
Believe your eyes,
Watch the nightfall ,
Curved 16 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: An excellent wandwood for healing and non-verbal magic, the wielder of a Willow wand more often than not has an something about themselves which makes them insecure unnecessarily.
Core: Because of the unusual circumstances necessary to create a Basilisk and the ban placed on breeding this creature, most wandmakers are reluctant to admit owning wands with this core. The core itself is particularly useful at producing wands that will be strong at defensive and offensive magic. Additionally, parselmouths and dark wizards seem to be particularly fond of wands with this core. Due to a Basilisk's fear of roosters, these wands have been known to behave unpredictably on or near farms.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
Bisera had been set on having one of the best wands that were available to her, but she didn't know what that would be or what form something like that could actually take. It turned out that the wand she got in her mind was the most perfect wand that she could get. It had a great wood and core, and just looked amazing to her. It did additionally feel absolutely perfect in her hand.
Hogwart New Zealand
She was vaguely impressed with the school, it was bigger than she had thought it would be. In her mind it was a small school, but it was larger and more imposing. She liked how it looked a lot. It had a nice feel to it, and she was pretty eager to find out little things about it so she could have fun with it.
Bisera was nervous, she would be sorted before her twin, and she didn't want to end up in the same place as her, but being the first meant that she would have to watch her twin get sorted after her. She didn't particularly care where she ended up. She just wanted to get started.
Bee had spent the time on the train focusing her mind on what she would do once she got to hogwarts. There was a clear certainty in her mind that she would be the best person there, that she'd make friends and have plenty of opportunities to be at the centre of everything. She just knew she had to pick her moments carefully. She just had to figure out this completely foreign and strange place. Both of her parents had attended Durmstrang, she was the first to go here, there was a certain amount of pressure on her to end up in a good house. It didn't matter how many times she loudly assured everyone around her that she would be in the best house, because she was the best. She was of course the absolute best at this school, and though she was just thinking this, Bisera flicked her hair as if to prove it. She was rather bored of the procession taking place, she just wanted to get into it. She didn't want to linger too long, and her last name started with an O, she was certainly going to end up near the end, so this hat should try his best to move it along because she wanted to be sorted.
The song did come to an end, thankfully it wasn't too long, but now there were dozens if not HUNDREDs of names before hers and she did not have the patience to wait, but of course she had to. Bisera just nodded along as others began being sorted, clapping in the right moments though lazily. She clapped a little more for Alice Holland when she was sorted, since Alice Holland was her friend, and being friends meant supporting each other. She was happy with where the girl was sorted too, it would be just fine for her. Suit her friend perfectly. The young girl kept clapping as others kept being sorted before her, but thankfully! It was then her turn. She flattened out the second hand uniform that she'd been given, making it look as new as possible, and made her way to the front, not rushing, but also not moving too slowly. The girl took a seat on the stool, sitting down with great care, showing off to the room how truly regal she thought she was. Bisera knew the hat could read her mind, and she knew it wasn't going to be happy with her impatience, but she couldn't help it, sorting was after all, the most important thing, and Bee was very important too.
Third Year
None yet, since shes too young to have achieved anything.
First Year Grades | |||
Potions: A | History of Magic: A | Defence Against the dark Arts: A | Charms: A |
Transfiguration: A | Astronomy: A | Herbology: A | Flying:P |
Second Year Grades | |||
Potions: A | History of Magic: A | Defence Against the Dark Arts: A | Charms: A |
Transfiguration: A | Astronomy: A | Herbology: A |
Too young
Since Bisera is still fairly new in the school, she doesnt yet have a favourite class.
Bisera doesnt particularly like classes but she doesnt yet have a least favourite class yet. Itll likely be a hard battle, since she doesnt like most classes.
Stepping into the light ,
make our escape tonight
Stepping into the light ,
make our escape tonight
These are the new memories ,
We are the new memories
Coding Done by me
These are the new memories ,
We are the new memories
Coding Done by me