Open Birds That Don't Go Away

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah was bored, her parents were off somewhere, she didn't know where, and Savannah had run out of things to do. She didn't go to school because why would she when she had magic, and she didn't often bother studying because when she got confused there wasn't anyone she would trust to help her. Savannah rode her skateboard through Brightstone going the familiar path to the park. She didn't come here often, but the sun was high in the sky and it was warm, so why not, certainly when the weather was very much going to turn. She got to the park and noticed that there was a bird of some kind on one of the swings. Savannah was not afraid of birds, but general shooing motions didn't seem to get it to go away. So she picked up a rock and threw it at the bird. She didn't want to hurt the bird necessarily, but if she had to, she would.
Jupiter wasn't really a very active person, much preferring his drawing supplies or just sitting around staring up at the sky and wondering what was up there. However, sometimes he didn't mind being just a little active. He always enjoyed sitting on the swings and feeling the wind rush past his hair. So, when his family was in Brightstone, he always made sure t stop by the playground for a little bit. However, as he approached, he quickly spotted another girl, slowing his footsteps as he watched her bend down to pick up a rock. And then she threw it at a bird which was sitting on one of the swings. Usually, Jupiter wouldn't have said anything, but he wasn't just going to stand there and let some girl throw rocks at a poor bird. "You shouldn't do that," he finally spoke up, having to clear his throat, "It's not, um, nice to throw rocks at birds."
Savannah glanced at the person who was telling her to not. She hadn't noticed this boy when she'd come into the park, and only frowned at his words. "Okay cool," she replied with a shrug. She bent down and picked up another small rock through it again at the bird. She knew that it wasn't the right thing to do, but this bird was in her way and she didn't want to get close to it, because eww gross. She knew it would probably fly away if she got closer but what if it flew at her..or close to her. What it it didn't. So she had to scare it away from a distance.
Despite his warning that it was obviously not very nice to go around throwing stones at birds, he watched in slight horror as he was just completely ignored. The girl simply picked up another stone from the ground at her feet and threw it at the poor bird still hanging around on the swingset. "Hey, stop," he did have to shout a little louder this time, moving to stand in front of the girl to try and protect the bird, "You could seriously hurt the bird doing that. What are you chucking rocks at it for anyway?" Maybe this girl was just inherently cruel. Jupiter had never really understood people like that.
Savannah had managed to throw the rock at the bird before she was stopped again by the boy. Who moved in front of the bird. She rolled her eyes at the boy. "I want the bird to go away, cause I want that swing and I'm not going close to it, so a rock will scare it away," She was already looking for another rock to thrown. "So get out the way, the bird will be fine," she found a rock and was testing the weight of it in her hand, expecting the boy to now shift so that she could throw the rock in her hand art the bird.
"It's just a bird," he huffed, not seeing why this girl thought throwing rocks was better than just shooing it away, "You don't know what it's not going to get hurt. Your aim could be off." Anything could happen, and he didn't want the bird to get hit with a rock. So, he refused to move so the girl was free to throw another stone at the defenseless bird. Instead, he turned around and simply walked up to the swingset, and, sure enough, the bird cawed as soon as he got close, spread its wings, and flew away. That's when Jupiter turned around towards the girl, folding his arms, "See?"
Savannah rolled her eyes at him. "My aim is great thank you very much," she retorted with a little indignation in her tone, though really, she wouldn't have minded hitting the bird with a rock, it would be fine, it was a bird. She was waiting for him to get out of the way but he didn't, instead just getting rid of the bird for her. She dropped the stone she'd intended to hit the bird with and folded her arms and huffed. "I was dealing with it, I didn't need your help," she retorted, she had been managing, one of the rocks would've done the job and she probably wouldn't have hurt the creature at all. He had just gotten in the way. She certainly wasn't going to thank him.
Jupiter just huffed a little, "People still have accidents." Her aim could be the best in the world for all he cared, but she could have still made a mistake and ended up hitting the bird. At least now it was gone and he wouldn't have to worry about that, even if he had a feeling the girl didn't appreciate him stepping and handling things himself. "Well I did," it was not like he could bring the bird back for her to deal with herself. And even if he could somehow talk to birds, he wouldn't want to bring it back just because she would start throwing rocks at it again.
Savannah huffed in response. "I don't," even if she was sure he was actually correct, but she wouldn't admit that, wouldn't say anything about it. Wouldn't admit to anything. She wouldn't have had an accident here, she had been careful and would've been careful. He just was dumb. "Don't expect me to thank you for it," she retorted, he might've helped and she was now able to approach the swing to sit down but she wasn't going to thank him, wasn't going to say anything of the sort. She just didn't think she should need to thank someone for doing something she hadn't asked for in the first place.
Jupiter just narrowed his eyes a little, tilting his head to the side. "Everyone had accidents. It's not a bad thing." No one could be perfect all of the time, not even if they really wanted to. Accidents were just natural. And this girl was silly for trying to pretend that they never happened to her. Maybe it was no surprise that she wasn't going to thank him, so he supposed it was a good thing he wasn't expecting to get any thanks. "Don't remember asking for thanks," he did have to add with a small scoff, not really liking this girl's attitude very much. "Besides, didn't do it to help you. Did it to help the bird."
Savannah rolled her eyes at him, making a slightly big show of it. She knew he was right but she wasn't about to admit that to him, she didn't really know why she was doing this with him because she did know that anyone could have accidents. But just...she just wasn't going to say anything. She was glad the boy didn't want thanks for bird incident. "The bird doesn't need your thanks either. it's just a bird" she replied with a little shrug. She wasn't going to let this boy pretend that he'd something noble by helping a stupid bird.
Of course, Jupiter wasn't expecting a bird to thank him, but he felt as though the creature had appreciated being saved from rocks. It made the boy feel a little better about things. "Birds still have feelings," he did have to point out rather quickly, even if he was sure that was just going to make the girl think he was an idiot or something. But everything had feelings, even birds and insects. "And I'm sure it was grateful that I stopped you chucking rocks at it." Probably not for being shooed away from its perch, but that was the only way to get the girl to stop using the poor bird as target practice.
Savannah rolled her eyes at him, "Birds don't have feelings," she was adament about this, it was too wild to imagine birds having any sorts of emotions, they were birds they neither cared about things or remembered long enough about things to care, if they even lived that long. "I think the bird was more concerned about what it's next meal was than if it was saved from my tiny little rocks," with the swing now free from the bird, Savannah approached about to sit down and do what she had intended to when she'd come to this park.

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