BFFs?? Maybe...

Stephanie Duboit

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Steph led on her jacket by the lake. She could hear the thunder but didn't care. She wanted to see Shaylah. The two of them had split up before the winter holidays because of what had happened to Jay and she didn't think it was very likely that they would be friends again. She sat up and looked at her reflection in the water before pushing a stray strand of hair into place. She had to pull herself together. Why was she so pissed at Shaylah. They'd been friends for ages and Shay was going through a hard time and Steph wasn't being the understanding best friend she was meant to be. She exhaled as she leant back on her hands and looked up at the sky.
Sam was walking along by the lake, she needed to let off some left over steam after she had, had yet another fight with someone she used to consider a friend when she was still living at home, she had found that walking seemed to be the best way to do that these days, she was vaguely aware that her knuckles were bleeding lightly and she could feel a bruise forming around one of her ribs, she sighed, oh well, I've had worse, and he asked for it she smiled, the fresh air and lack of people was putting her in a slightly better mood.

She heard a rumble of thunder in a nearby valley, she knew that it would be over her soon but she didn't care she loved weather that forced most people inside, it meant that she could get away from them.

She noticed a girl looking up to the sky, she's probably waiting for the rain to arrive she thought, as she was feeling slightly better and thought that she just might be able to hold a conversation without punching anyone in the face...again today, she made her way over to the girl, just as she started to walk she heard the girl sigh "Yeah, that about sums up my day as well" Sam half smiled, "mind if i join you?".
Steph turned her head when she heard another girl speak. She thought everyone would be inside because of the threatening rain. She even wanted to be inside. She didn't want to ruin her hair because of a bit of rain. Steph suddenly realised that for the first time in a year, she wanted to talk to a complete stranger instead of beating them up. It was an odd feeling and one that she wasn't sure she'd be able to get used to but she shrugged and smiled. "Go ahead. It's not like the trees are about to talk to me or anything." She laughed slightly at her own rubbish joke and looked down at her feet. She then looked back up at the other girl who she recognised. "You must be a second year. I'm sure I've seen you in some of my classes but I can't remember which. I spend most of my time passing notes to my friends." She thought she'd leave out the fact that she had just split up with most of her few friends. "I'm..." She thought for a second. What name would this girl know her by?? "...Scarlet." Steph had no idea why she was still going by that name as her and Shay were no longer friends but it was worth a try. All she needed was a different surname.
Sam was ready for the girl to tell her to go away, or for yet another fight to start, but was relieved when she talked in a friendly voice, she smiled at the girls joke, "It's a good thing that trees can't talk, with all that happens around them nothing would stay a secret", she took of her jacket thankful that she had put on a long sleeved top underneath although it was humid because of the brewing storm Sam felt chilled from her adrenaline rush ending after the earlier fight. She put the jacket down beside the girl and sat cross legged.

"Yeah I am a second year, I've seen you around, not sure where though", She noticed that the girl hesitated before giving her name, but decided that she didn't know the girl well enough to comment, just in case. "I'm Sam"

"So, why are you out here alone?" she looked to the sky as another rumble of thunder came, it was getting closer, she felt a drop of rain on her forehead, she didn't think it would be long before more followed.
"I just needed tim totin really. Lots has happen in quite a short space of time and it's jumbling my head." She shrugged and looked over the water of the lake. She wasn't really one for swimming. She could swim, she just preferred not to. The water always seemed to be dirty and dirt plus hair equals greasy hair which she hated. "What about you?? Unless you've got some secret friend getting ready to ambush or something. If you do, I warn you, I fight." She smirked as she thought about the fun she'd have if some other person jumped out of a bush and started attacking her. They'd be in for one hell of a shock.
"So what house you in??" Steph knew that this girl wasn't a Ravenclaw. She hadn't seen her in the common room. Then again, Steph didn't spend much time in the common room. It was her place to do homework and homework was something she didn't do very much of. "Wait let me guess. I'm going to say that you're not a Slytherin because you don't seem to love yourself that much. Ravenclaws ticked off because I can't picture you even picking up a book. It's between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor but I don't know you well enough to pick between those two." She smiled and hoped her educated guess was correct.
Sam nodded as Scarlet explained, and followed her gaze out onto the water, she realised how long it had been since she last had chance to swim, and how much she missed it, to stop herself from getting up and diving in the water, giving the water one last longing look she turned her attention to the girl, determined not to give swimming another thought -that was old Sams habit to get away from her mum, she had grown up since then.

"Nope, no ambush this time" Sam laughed slightly, "I just needed to walk, I needed to calm down, and I used to love being by the water", Her smile spread across her face when the girl told her that she fights "I think it's best that I warn you, I fight too, and I like it" she said noticing and recognising the smirk on her face, she knew that she must of been thinking about a fun fight.

Sam nodded along with the girl trying to work out what house she is in, giggling when she made the comments about syltherins loving themselves and commenting quickly "your right about that" when she said about her not picking up a book, "Well your right, I'm a Hufflepuff" she smiled, "So I know that your not a 'puff, and I can't see you as a Sytherin..." she paused thinking about what little she knew of the girl "You like to fight, so that makes you brave enough to be a Gryffindor, and you seem smart enough to be a Ravenclaw?, Am I close?"

"It's odd that you say I don't look like a Slytherin. I spent the whole of last year as a Slytherin-wannabe." Steph laughed slightly. She couldn't believe what she used to be when she was friends with the group. Shaylah and Sydney had turned her into a complete b!tch and she didn't know why she had fallen for there tricks and games. It was unbelievable how stupid she had been. Especially for a Ravenclaw. For someone who was meant to be more intelligent than other people, she could be really dumb sometimes. "And yeah, I'm in Ravenclaw. I don't see how though. I'm so incredibly unintelligent. I spent my first year following round a Slytherin who was the complete opposite to me and I fell in with her group of friends. I don't know why I was stupid enough to fall for what they were doing but I've split up with her now." Steph suddenly realised how open she had just been. She usually kept everything to herself and only told her closest friends and yet here she was opening up to a girl she had only just met.
Sam was surprised that she had been with Sytherins all last year, she didn't seem stuck up enough to get along with them "Well your intelligent enough to realise what a mistake that was now, so your smart enough to put it right, that's why your a Ravenclaw, your not going to try and get back in with them are you?" she asked, for some reason she cared about the almost stranger and found her really easy to talk to.

She noticed that the girl seemed to realise something after telling her everything, she hoped that she didn't regret telling her, it was nice to have someone that seemed to trust her.

"See I wish I was smart enough to realise that I would be better off without the people I thought were my friends, Instead I end up fighting them for no reason" she paused to look at her knuckles they looked bruised and had cuts on them, "Not that I mind the fighting" she added, even though she didn't want to be fighting her earlier sparring partner it was still fun, I'm just messed up Sam thought to herself with a smile
Yeah, I suppose." Steph shrugged. "You have a point there. I don't know whether I'm going to go back with her or not though. It depends on the way she acts. She's only acting the way she is because her dad's just been thrown in azkaban. She was close to him so she's upset. She was in a bad mood and the two of us got in a fight." Steph started messing with the leaves under her fingers. "I was practically sisters with her so I don't know how I'd react if she came to me asking to be friends again. Only time will tell."
Steph noticed the marks on Sam's knuckles. "Looks like you need to have that checked over. That's the only bad thing about fights in my opinion. I love them and all but they don't do much for my looks. If I get a cut or a bruise it ruins my body. I've been trying to learn healing spells so I can cover up the scratches. That way I can still get in fights." Steph smiled. "I'm not to good at the moment so don't trust me to heal them. Try putting your hand in the water though. At least then it'll be clean and wont get infected." Steph had been in so many fights with her sister that she was practically a genius when it came to injuries.
Sam looked back over the water, mentally hitting herself for it, it seemed to pulling her more than ever, but she was determined to ignore it, at least for now. she looked back at the girl "I suppose that would throw anyone out a bit" she said in reply to her explaining what had happened to her ex-friend "you say that she was like a sister to you, doesn't it seems strange that she would take it out on you like that? or is that just the way that she deals?" she asked thinking of her so called friends she knew a few of them that used to take things out on her like that.

Sam smiled, "I'm defiantly going to have to learn to heal myself as well" she laughed, "would save so many arguments between me and my mum, 'cuz that way she would never have to know about any fights I just happen to get into" she shifted her weight so that she could lie down without hurting her rib and still see the other girl.

"I'll get my brother to clean it up for me later" she said nodding at her knuckles "He always patches me up",

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"Yeah. She has a really short temper and when that temper blows, she blows. If you just happen to be in the room when it happens, run. That's all I can say. I get in a lot of fights and all but I know when someone can beat me and she was a really good fighter." Steph shrugged. "I just happened to be with her the first time she blew after her dad went to azkaban and it didn't turn out well. I ended up with a broken rib and a bruised face where she punched me and lobbed a stick at me." Steph hadn't told anyone about what had really happened between her and Shaylah and she could feel her stomach tighten as she told the truth for the first time. She had been telling everyone else complete lies like falling down the stairs.
"I always get yelled at by my mum. She doesn't like the way I run my life. She thinks I need to calm down and take life slower. Like it isn't slow enough already." She leaned back onto her elbows and crossed her ankles. "I hate it when parents try to be all controlling and tell you how to run your life. My life, I'll do what I like." She shook her head and looked back at Sam.
"Yeah. I have one sister. I don't really get along with her very well though. It's kinda a long story and hard to explain. She's a Gryffindor third year though." She smiled. "Does your brother come here??"
Sam nodded and listened as scarlet described her friend, she sounded like someone she knew.

"oh my god, same!, but then again my mum hates my guts and makes that perfectly clear, and yet she still thinks that she has the right to try and run my life?, I don't think so mum", she said with a laugh it felt really good to be able to talk about this with someone that actually got it.

Sam smiled she could understand not getting along with family, although Sam tries to get along with James, "Yes, He's in Ravenclaw, and were twins" she thought of her strange brother, "I do try to get along with him, he's just like the complete opposite of me" she explained, hesitating for a moment she added in a quieter voice "....I used to have a sister"
"Family can be such a hold back." Steph was starting to enjoy her time with Sam. If she believed in God then she would think of this as a sign to move on from Shaylah and be friends with Sam instead. Seeing as she didn't she thought of this as a lucky coincidence. "I swear, if it wasn't for my family, I would have got so much further in my life. My parents stop me doing what I want and my sister is like their little spy. She writes letters to them every week saying how many people I've got in a fight with and what teachers I've fooled into thinking that I'm a little angel blah blah blah. She can be such a suck up." She rolled her eyes at the thought of her sister. She used to be friends with Leslie but then the fights started to kick in and now they hated each others guts.
"Doesn't that mean he's in the same year as us. That would also mean he's in all my classes." Steph laughed. "What's his name??" Then she heard the next bit. "What happened to her??" Steph didn't know what it was like to properly lose someone she was close to. She'd never had to be in that situation.
Sam made a humming noise in agreement to her family statement, "I think that I would be in the same place, but that's mainly because I've never really listened to my family anyway", Sam couldn't believe how much she had in common with her. "My bother was doing the same a while ago, we had.....words" a smirk spread across her face remembering the 'words' that she had had, and how long he complained about the bruises for.

"Yes, he's in our year" she said with only a slight bitterness, she loved her brother, its just the fact that being the same age she has never really been able to be away from him and to do her own thing, "It wouldn't surprise if you haven't noticed him, he tries to avoid being noticed, especially by girls... he's such a wuss!" she laughed, thinking about how many times she has had to save his butt.

Sam's smile faded almost instantly when the subject of her sister came up, "Jayne - my sister, had leukaemia she fought it for a long time and the doctors tried so many different things but she just couldn't fight any more" she said on automatic, Sam half smiled, she had always admired how brave Jayne had been, she didn't mind talking about her sister because she was proud of her for fighting as long as she did, she just hated the way people always treated her after they find out.
"I had 'words' with my sister as well. Thing is though, she then told my parents about those words so once again, I ended up grounded." Steph groaned and let her head flop back so she was looking at the sky. "My sister has to be queen of pain-in-the-ass-ville. If it wasn't for her then I would be able to get away with so much here and my parents would never find out."Steph laughed and realised how much that sounded like her sister. Leslie's the same. I don't know what she used to do before I got to the school but from what I've seen, she seems to have next to no friends and she spends all her time hiding out in the library. It's seriously hard to have 'words' with her when that librarian woman keeps her bat eyes on you 24/7." Steph had never been to keen on librarians but the one in the school library just gave her the creeps.
"That must of been hard. Were you close to her??" Steph didn't know much about leukaemia but what she did know made her dislike it straight away. "How old was she??"Steph realised that she seemed to be about to start her question asking babble so the held her lips together to stop her from speaking.
Sam laughed, "if your sister is the queen of pain-in-the-ass-ville then James is definitely her king", the image of her brother a few years ago came into her mind, he had been a king in one of the school plays and had refused to remove hiis paper crown claiming that if he did he wouldn't be able to play the part because he would no longer be in character.

She was picking random blades of grass out of the ground. "yes we were really close, some of the times it was as if me and Jayne were the twins we were so alike the only difference was our age, she was almost seven when she died, I think that's why mum finds it hard to be around me now - because I remind her too much of Jayne " she said the last part more to herself.

"Have you and your sister always been like this or did you used to get along?"
"Your brother sounds annoying. I'd never be able to live with someone like him. That's why I spend all my time at home in my room, away from my sister." She shrugged. "It suites me fine. I can watch tv and play on the games console for the whole time I'm there and I never need to leave my room. I have an en suite bathroom and a mini fridge so I'm sorted." She smiled as she thought about how she could be so relaxed in her room.
"It must be hard losing someone you're so close to. I'm afraid I'm not very good with comforting people." She shrugged. "I never really have to cope with hard times like that so I'm not used to knowing what to do in that situation."
Steph shook her head. "I used to like her but we kinda started fighting and now we hate each others guts. The two of us have ended up in hospital so much because of each other. That's how I'm good with breaks and bruises. I could probably be a healer when I'm older because I know loads about injuries."
Sam shrugged "he can be annoying, but he's still my brother" she smiled imagining how great it would be to never have to leave her room. "oh my god, your soo lucky, i have the smallest room in the house and my t.v is ancient so can't play games on it"

Her smile faded slightly, "It was very hard, but it has been a while now, I 'spose it's gets easier, you don't have to say anything, its nice to have someone outside of my family to talk to".

She laughed at the memory of how many times both her and her brother had ended up in hospital, "A friend who's a healer would be good for me" she giggled, she hoped that she was right when she called Steph her friend. "Me and my brother used to end up in hospital almost every month for some reason, usually some silly dare that we'd attempted" a slightly evil smile spread across her face remembering how many times James had been silly enough to agree to one of her dares.
"I've never lost anyone close to me. Mainly because I'm not good at being close to people." She shrugged. She had never been good at trusting people so getting close to people was hard.
"I've never been like that with my sister. We don't dare each other to jump of a cliff, we push each other off and laugh as we watch the other fall." Steph laughed at the thought of it. "I really don't get on well with my family. My mum and my sister seem to scheme against me and my dad I never see. He lives in London because he works for the government." She shrugged. "I don't really care. I don't want to see him."
Sam was thinking about the last time she was at the lake, when she ended up getting in a fight because of her silly little brother, when the rain started to fall quite heavily, she laughed rolling over onto her back so that the rain hit more of her, she had always loved the rain.

"your lucky to have never lost anyone", she thought about what to say to the girl, "I'm glad when I get to see my dad, he's the only member of my family that gets me, but when mums around he just sides with her because it causes less arguments"

she pushed her damp hair back out her face and de-tangled it from her earrings. "I love the rain" she smiled and looked at Steph.
When the rain started to come down, Steph put her jacket over her hair. She didn't mind much about her clothes getting wet. She just wanted to keep her hair dry. She hated what it did when it was wet and had decided to avoid water as much as possible.
Steph shrugged. "Nobody in my family seems to get me. They think Leslie is the perfect little daughter because she's always concentrating on her school work and then there's me flunking most of my grades because I can't be bothered to even try and make them happy." She had never understood what it was about Leslie that they found so amazing. She was spoilt and acted like a freak.
"I don't mind the rain but I hate my hair getting wet. It goes frizzy and makes me look like I have some sort of weird afro." She made sure all her hair was tucked under the hood of her jacket then leant back on her hands.
"I've never really been bothered with my hair, when I used to swim a lot there was no point" She watched the rain drops hit the water and all the rings caused by them fight with one and other making the normally calm water look choppy but for some reason this made her want to be swimming in it more, "I would love to be swimming now" she laughed realising that she was thinking aloud "sorry, I end up thinking aloud sometimes".

Another clap of thunder boomed, it was pretty much overhead now. "It would amaze my parents if I got grades anywhere near my brother, your not a typical Ravenclaw are you?" she laughed, the rain had made her feel so much happier, she realised that she hadn't been thinking about the fight she'd just had and had fell out of her bad mood so much faster than she could remember.
"I care about what I look like but not enough to bother about my clothes getting wet." Steph smiled. "It's just my hair that stops it all. One drop of rain and immediately I have the most horrible hair possible." She laughed. "I think aloud when I'm with friends but with everyone else my mouth stays shut. It's kinda out of habit. It's cool that you swim though. I'm terrible. I just don't float. I don't know why." She laughed as she remembered trying to swim when she was younger and sinking every time.
She looked up at the sky when she heard thunder over head. She liked thunder. It always managed to look amazing at the same time as terrifying people. "No. I don't know why I got put in Ravenclaw. I never study, I only read if there's nothing else to do, I fail all my subjects..." She shrugged. "I don't really care to be honest. I was happy as long as I didn't end up stuck in Gryffindor with my sister."
Sam smiled knowing that it was probably best that she didn't argue with the girl but she was sure that she would look just fine even with wet hair.

she giggled, "my brothers the same, can't swim to save his life, but he's been afraid of water since the clever thing tried to breath the the bottom of a lake when we were little" Sam laughed, James had never been able to float, but he tells everyone he can swim butt he just doesn't like it. "Me and Jayne used to go swimming, when she felt strong enough, we'd just float around for hours, usually both end up with either a sun burn or a chill but we never cared, it was worth it just to spend the time together" she hoped that Steph didn't mind her sharing her memories, it was nice to remember her sister happy like that.

She smiled "I think the sorting hat realised that if you two ended up together there would be some major drama ending in quite a lot of blood for the staff to deal with"

Steph laughed when Sam told her story. "Did he think he was a fish or something??" She continued to laugh. "I can kinda swim, I just prefer not to. If I had no other option I would. If there was another option then I'd probably go for the other option depending on what it was. If it was walking through fire or something like that then I'd obviously swim." She smiled when she was told about Jayne. "She must have been great fun to be around. I wish I knew her." More than that, Steph wished she knew someone who was so much like her that people said they were sisters. She used to say Shaylah was her sister but they weren't like each other that much.
"We kind of already have." Steph laughed. "There wasn't loads of blood but there was still blood spilt and bones broken." She shrugged. "Leslie deserved it. She thinks she's all high and mighty when she can't fight to save her life, literally."

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