Better Standards

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi quickly threw her wet hair up in a bun. The blonde had been on a run this morning, and quickly had a shower, and was headed out to go meet Michael. Since he was going to marry her sister, it was better for Caysi to know what kind of guy Elise was going to marry. The blonde walked out of her house and apparated to a park that Michael told her to meet him in. Caysi texted her sister, and her brother making sure that Chase could watch April.
Michael quickly got changed into leathers as he would take the quad to see Caysi. He knew how much this would mean to Elise as he was getting to know her sister better. As he pulled into the park he saw Caysi. He quickly parked the quad and tried to stop being stealthy and look normal but that just wasnt him. "Hey Caysi. How are you today?" he asked her as he sat next to her.
Caysi smiled as Michael took a seat next to her, it was quite interesting getting to know someone who was going to marry your sister. " Hey Michael, I'm good today, how are you?" She asked happily. " I think that the engagement party... went.. quite interesting." The blonde gave a soft laugh.
"Im good aswell." he told her. Looking over to his fiances sister he realised how much alike they were. "Well i think we were all lucky you and Elise where there. Otherwise i think me and Riley wouldve had a fight me thinks." He told her as this was true. "So hows life been treating you? You got your eye on anyone yet?" He asked the last bit as a joke.
Caysi laughed, not because it was funny.. mostly because it would've happened. " I agree with you on that one." The blonde nodded. " Life.. well.. it's an interesting course." The blonde girl laughed. " But I'm alright, life's a bit hard, but I can beat it in the end." Caysi smiled showing her pearly white teeth. " Well.. I think you know the answer to that question." She shrugged her shoulders. " It's been hard, I've been married two times and both have been failures." Caysi sighed and shrugged her shoulders yet again. " I know that I'm in love with this guy.. but I don't think that he sees it." Caysi looked at Michael and gave him a half smile.
"Look i know what will cheer you up." he said "Stay here ill be right back ok." he told her hoping she would listen. He quickly ran to the quad grabed the spare jacke boots and helmet. Then rode round to Caysi. "Here you go. Wanna backi to some shops." he said to her giving her the saftey equipment.
Caysi laughed and smiled as she took the equipment. The blonde felt a bit odd wearing it, but looked for Michael none the less. " Alright Michael, I'm ready to do this." She said zipping up her jacket.
"Right off we go." he said as he gunned the engine. As they flew along the roads michael felt Caysi's grip get tighter. As he pulled into a street full of shops he knew his luggage boxs would come in handy. "Here we go." He anounced as he parked in the only space left. "Lets see what we can get you." he said to caysi.
Caysi liked the feeling off the wind in her hair, and attacking her face.. it was a bit odd but felt normal. " I just want to figure out why guys are so confusing, could you help me out there?" She asked laughing at Michael.
"I will do my best to help you as much as posible." he told her "What do you wanna know?" he asked looking in the army surplus window.
Caysi shrugged her shoulders, there were lots of things that she wanted to know. " How about telling me about what guys think of love?" She asked, looking over at Michael; he would be able to tell her because he loved her sister.
"Well for each and every one of us it's diffrent. With me i think of love only happening once in a lifetime and when you find you should take it by the horns and get on with it." he explained to her "You must remember that every one is diffrent and unique." he remnded her "You seen anything you like you tell me and ill get it my treat." he told her
Caysi nodded, Michael did have a good point. " What do you think Riley thinks is love?" Caysi asked seriously. " I could actually take a glass of gin right now." The blonde joked. " It's been a stressful two years." Caysi gave a little smile.
"i can tell that he misses adele alot so its hard to say at the moment." he told her. "There is a pub round the courner lets go for it." He said to her. As they got to the pub he orderd a gin for Caysi and a j20 for him as he was driving.
Caysi sighed as she took the drink and nodded. Michael was right, she could tell Rileys feelings for Adele. " You are amazing." Caysi said as she took a sip of her drink. " Your lucky you get an easy girl like my sister." The blonde laughed.
"Easy going yeah and very easy to please." He told her "Shes a bit like you. She knows what she wants and how to get it from me." He said finishing his drink. He knew that he had to be home soon but who cares he thought to himself.
Caysi nodded, " That's Elise for you." The blonde said before taking a gulp of her drink. " But I can tell that she really does love you, it's really easy to see." Caysi smiled.
" I know what you mean." he said to her. "I was extremly surprised when she agreed to marry me."
Caysi laughed, " When Elise knows something, it shows like you can totally tell." Caysi nodded. " So she really does love you." Caysi smiled.
"She really loves me?" he asked astounded by that fact "Wow just so you know i love her and that as long as we are together no one will hurt her and get away with it." He told her.
Caysi laughed, " I know for a fact that she does." Even if Elise hadn't told Caysi, the blonde would've known. " Your a good guy Michael, I know that you'll never let anything happen to her." Caysi added.
"If any thing happens and she tells you and not me you will tell right?" He asked her

Out of charecter

help running out of ideas

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